3 things you can do today — to get rich tomorrow

Qasim Ali
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2020

There is a bubble around us that keeps us ok with these comforting ideas. That it is ok to to live a life of misery and normalcy.

Money by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Let us not fool / convince / lie to ourselves that life is ok this way.

  • We are not ok with miserable, normal and 9 to 5 boring work routine.
  • We need a change.
  • We need to put fake illusions — if that is what it takes — to keep us on our toes.
  • We need to redraw our life plan ourselves and get rich.

Rich is obviously first thing — in money. It is also mental / emotional health. But the best is — depth in our smiles.

1 — Buy a thing and sell it

Before we alienate money and give it bad names, let’s stick to reality. We need money to pay our bills. We need it to gain financial freedom. And we definitely need it to become richer.

So, what is stopping you from investing yourself into money circulation?

Nothing !

Buy something awkward, weird, bad, crazy, and go out — sell it.

Act honest, tell people the advantages this thing has. Convince them through kindness and honesty, and get rid of it.

There is no other way of making money, but by selling the stuff you do not need.

Sell things, buy them as you find its demand, and get back to selling them. Keep iterating it, until you become profitable and win your freedom.

2 — Do 1 thing everyday that brings you out of your comfort zone

Pomodoro App — download it. It is 25 minutes of focus sprint followed by 5 minutes of rest break. You can use 3 to 4 sessions everyday to keep you in your productive zone.

Make this app; your friend, companion and a go-to door to get growing.

I am a lazy person. I do not want to work on any project, that makes me rich, sober or happy. I am walking meat when I am in my comfort zone.

Inside my comfort zone — I do not create things that make me proud.

It is dead simple.

You got to get to your work, to make things work for you. You got to bring yourself out of your comfort zone, and you got to get yourself into some kind of action. You got to build momentum. Else you do not see the results.

Challenging yourself for an hour or two everyday, makes you rich in gratefulness, commitment and happiness.

3 — Oblige yourself to keep yourself committed

It is difficult for me to keep growing a month or 2, down this beautiful road of success. Commitments had been tough my entire life. I was not living a committed life. And I was not able to grow rich in any area of my Life.

But, this year, I am organising monthly meetups. Next month it is our 10th chapter. I am going negative in revenue.

You can say, how does my losses of money make me a specialist in Growing-Rich-Field.

Well, it does! if you look deeper : —

9 meetups in 9 months with a blog post nearly everyday, is my definition of being rich.

I managed to sail by making use of public commitments and real interactions.


You do not get rich, if you are lousy, slow or boring most of your days. You got to show up on your committed promises. Else you lose trust and therefore you lose your customers.

Public interactions, real life obligations and small 1 hour face to face interviews is how I keep my self sticking to my hobbies. If it had not been for the people I have made promises with, I would have drowned into the junk of criticism and harassment.

People, are your best bet, to keep you growing. You make your promises with them, you sit with them, you create your habits as a team. And slowly the team work will make you climb the ladders of success.


Many gurus, counsellors and religious figures promote happiness-without-money. I agree, happiness and money are two different domains.

But, I am unable to find a way to maintain the state of happiness without good financial freedom.

We need to stay afloat in this society, else we drown. We do not sail, if we fail to pay the gas bills, the electricity bills, the car maintenance bills or the taxes. We need to make money to survive in the City.

Money, is a by product of a life good lived. And happiness, is a byproduct of money good earned.

Build habits, grow rich and get happy.

I write a blog everyday. Click here to subscribe to my newsletters.

