Grow one step everyday

Qasim Ali
Published in
6 min readOct 17, 2020

Do not do hardwork. Do not do work for anybody else. Do not do it for your parents or spouse. Do it for yourself. All things that look bad / feel bad or you know are bad — quit them. Sit down once everyday and do what you love, in a fun easy way. Keep it simple, and grow into a good person.

Growth by Jake Hills on Unsplash

Islamophobia triggered over another mishap in Paris. One profile was labelling a muslim, a terrorist. Then another labelling the whole Islam a violent religion. Another person degrading an entire muslim community.

People are not able to love another human being. One person, feeling self righteous, degrades / labels an entire society and goes back to sleep — worry-less. Unknowing to himself, he has given fire to violence which did not exist at all a day back.

It feels chaotic to live among these people.

Yesterday, I saw our Prime Minister, Imran Khan, give speech to students of NUST university. He promoted peace, love and success. He quoted Quran, Muhammad to prove; Vision is important to succeed in your life. He held himself on ground — no arrogance and pride, speaking Quran, and gave life to young souls. Pakistan became 18th country to manufacture stents for heart diseases. Quran did not make him violence — angry — utter bad words. It was his own choice to stay sober while spreading Quran.

I was writing my wife’s assignment on social media and Arab Spring. It was chaos. Libya destroyed, Egypt collapsed. Syria, Iraq are already down. Oman, Yemen are under attack. Kashmir is in lock. And to be honest, my servant can’t afford a car — a home — a life of his own. My passport won’t let me get out. An entire society of people are living below poverty, not only Muslims, but Hindus, Christians and Jews as well.

There are bigger problems friends, all of our world together, facing today. Get out of hate speech all-day-long.

We have given bad names to whoever we wish, not bothered, these are living / breathing humans underneath. Alive, who eat, talk, take care of their families and are worth a sight.

Someone did a murder in Paris, and we blamed a religion. Some days back a woman was raped in Pakistan, and we blamed an entire village.

We, people of education, are just that, a piece of meat — easily taking air out of Poor. None among us has a heart, a feel for humanity, and nearly no desire to help the poor.

Everyone is rushing to fix his own car.

Solution is to Take Responsibility (not Arms)

Instead of blaming a verse from Quran for the terrorism, ask them, the Taliban what went wrong. Instead of labelling Israel, a terror state, ask them what went wrong. Instead of criticising Myanmar, ask them what happened.

Take responsibility for the wrongs happening around you. Try to fix the world you live in. Try to feel the pain, someone undergoing the violence propagated by your words, faces.

Norway has good prison cells. Sweden may be too. UK also can have the cells where prisoners are made to learn a skill and are grown back to become a part of the society. Something Muhammad did.

It does not happen in Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan or India. Prisoners here are punished — with them their families are punished and along with them — their kids are made to carry a taboo their entire life.

It is chaotic, sad and heart wrenching. Life is not ok around you. If you have a good dress to wear, a good car to drive, a good job to feed your spouse — people outside the boundaries of your home are not living same.

If you do not take the responsibility for the murders, rapes and injustices — you are responsible for these crimes. When you could have avoided taking part in violence promoting tweet steam, and you did not stop — you can no more play “good guy bad guy” game. You are now one of them.

Take responsibility for your people’s wrongdoings. Slowly, you will have fixed the problem.

But there is so less opportunity (Asian Mindset)

Yes it is less. It has always been the same — less. With technology, this fact has now amplified. Now everyone is sure, opportunity is less. Good luck we have this technology.

It is not easy to make an opportunity. It is hard. Life is hard outside monthly pay cheque at a regular job.

Grow a skill — that helps you make opportunities. Give yourself a discipline to grow a hobby. Give yourself patience to grow into a better craftsman. Give yourself a purpose / a vision / a mission to start believing in yourself.

Vision :- I will fix the world.

Vision :- I will eliminate terrorism from the world.

Vision :- I will make people of Africa , Asia and the world real rich.

Vision :- I will become a reflection of my role model.

Most — do not have a role model. Most do not have a vision. Most do not have a goal. Most retire from the day job one day, and blame politics — a religion or a race for the wrongs.

Get away from being everybody. Get away from noise. Go into silence. Explore your world yourself. Find people who think like you. Sit with them, talk, discuss, plan and grow in people who see the world with your eyes.

Be done with the drama of — world is bad, and I am lucky. It helped no one.

Do not stop now (after committing to growing)

You found your people. You found your own kind. You found your skill. You found what gives you wings.

Now, do not stop growing, for one day even. The start is tough, and you got to be very aggressive about your approach. Commit yourself to a hard 30 Days Challenge. Do one thing everyday. Download pomodoro app, hold headphones tight to your ear, turn rain background On, and go lost in learning your skill.

I did not have any idea how Programs are written until 2016. I graduated in 2011 and because of the low mentality / far lower than I can imagine / I told myself— it is impossible. I kind of hate my university teachers. Most, I do not remember their names. They made me a telecom engineer who hated to write a program for computers.

2016, I bought my Udemy Course. I bought Microsoft Licensed version (People laughed at me for buying an easily available cracked office suite) and I bought Macbook Pro 2015 (I took loan and my mother paid it). It changed my priorities, my hobbies and gave me wings.

Since then, I am growing everyday, controlling my days my way. I have not made a product, because I hate bad products that makes people’s life lifeless. I resorted to writing articles and conducting monthly tech meetups (12 events so far since January 2020).

Point? If a dull student like me can learn a skill that he hated. Why can’t you learn one?

Buy your course, sit in front of your computer one hour daily, and turn your life around.

Honestly, there is no destination. There is no competition you are supposed to beat. If you read succesful people, they had fun growing among people who were like them. Good songs came out of fun bands. Good products came out of a fun tech teams. Good religion came out of fun fighters. Good things happen when you love your journey and forget the destination.

What is stopping you from making your life / journey fun?

Nothing Stops You — Conclusion

Instead of labelling people, ask yourself, is it a mob psyche you are carrying — is it logical — is it even worth your time?

You will have your answer there. “No it is time wasted, a gossip, or a lousy talk”.

Most things we see, opinion-ate, believe are society-implied. Nearly all of them, when you are from a 3rd world country.

If arrogant make fun of Quran — it does not mean, it is their fault. It is your fault. Quran expected you to be an example for the world. Did you become one? No.

If a muslim murders / shoots a club in Paris. It does not mean it is the muslim’s fault. It means you did not carry your luggage on your back, did not rubbed your vision on your head, and did not trust your guts to get out and fix the world yourself.

If you are unable to think, “you can fix the problems in this world”. You have no right to blame a criminal, a society or a book for the wrongs around you. It means, “You are the problem that can’t think outside the mob-box”.

I hate Islamophobia, violence and crime. I love all humans. If you have similar thoughts, please join our team at We are working hard to eliminate injustice from the world.

