How coding can protect you from society’s shackles

Qasim Ali
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2020

As we look deeper, we find, we are free people. In spite of our colleagues reminding us about the limits, rules and responsibilities — we still are free. Coding is a gateway to this freedom. It amplifies the feelings of control over your life.

Coding by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Start coding right now.

Apple Park is a big spaceship. It is circular. It was announced in 2006 by Steve Jobs himself. It can shift 10 ft without collapsing in events of earthquakes.

Google started offering sleeping pods to let us sleep in our workspaces. As far back as I remember these pods are there. So are free bikes and spacious cafes to cozy up employees.

Facebook alone has an yearly earnings nearly 4 times as of the yearly budget of Pakistan.

Technology is Freedom.

It asks education, curiosity and a belief in one self. People who get into it — look upto riches of the world. It truly is a marvellous thing to get a first hand look at what freedom feels like.

What is the right way to get your hands dirty in tech?

Get into tech industry by Learning to Code.

1st Stage : — A touch of Freedom

I feel coding is an art. It lets your think outside the common shackles of our society. It lets you practice your university sciences. Some days you are drawing a flow chart. Other days you are scrolling designs on Pinterest. And the best days — you are surfing youtube van offices.

Camper by DLC on Unsplash

You are out of the routine crib, gossips and people oriented discussions. Things that used to give you a temporary buzz, some dopamine kick and a spike of happiness followed with dullness — do not come near you.

Communities change. People you try to sit with, change. Your everyday goto apps change. Email inboxes change. Browser history is changed. Weight on your back packs is now reduced. Life gets lighter to carry all of it on your back.

Learning Coding is a gateway. Adventures follow it.

2nd Stage : — Loneliness

Next stage is — you do not find many people who think like you do. Most around start finding it difficult to talk to you. You kind of become a freak or say a nerd. Because, the flowchart in your mind can not possibly fall in anybody’s else’s mind — you start walking this path alone.

This is a kind of difficult + a scary phase. At times, your worst fears come knocking at your door. Relatives start side lining you. Colleagues start getting alienated from you. Things that were easier once, now become a social fear. It is now difficult to sit in the same gatherings and laugh.

If you are like me, I would say — keep moving heads down and forward. Because all great things follows this silence you are breathing today.

Let people talk on your back. Let some laugh at you. Let them call you scary names. And let go of your fears of other’s validations.

Now stop thinking. And get back into going into your state of Flow — where you are creating a world while letting the time breeze past you.

3rd Stage : — Freedom

Coding is Freedom. Paypal brought Elon Musk out of jeopardy. It brought Steve Jobs out of garage. It gave Bill Gates humility. It has changed people.

Not only people. Nation’s economic standing. Ok — world’s geography is reshaped.

As you are 3 to 4 years into your journey of writing Code — you already have liberated yourself from society’s shackles.

Some of our people, have a hidden fear that keeps them from declaring it. But honestly ::: I have not seen anyone who codes straight 3 years and is stuck in a financial crisis.

You get opportunities in the shape of design jobs, blog writing jobs, research jobs, twitter interactions and meetup talks.

Before; it used to be excessive darkness surrounding us.

Today; it is New people who are around us. I call it my Freedom.

This was nearly impossible 3 years back when I was hooked to long HBO night sessions, late mornings and non stop working to make people happy.

If you want to reach the Freedom, start coding today and in 3 years you will have lived some of the best experiences of your life.


Pick up a udemy course. Find a quite spot near your home. Spare an hour or two everyday. Use lead pencil to take notes. Draw your own plans, a road map or a destination.

We are living in an era — where one thing is transforming the shape of this world. Be part of this one thing.

Today, 1 second wasted not creating on internet, is a life-time wasted 100 years back.

Make use of it. It will relieve you of your financial burdens. And give you a sense of Freedom that never was possible in our world’s history.

