I have been fighting with colleagues, friends, relatives and who not — to sell my meetup tickets. Everytime I call them, they pick up, fight with me, buy / show an intent to buy me ticket and Every time I win.
Character is happiness. It is taking control of your life and leading it out of chaos through discipline, self control and continuous personal evaluation.
One can not grow happy, with out building a good character underneath. Clever people do go higher, but at some point of their life they peak. Their formulas fail. They lose the grace, charisma and style. And they become boring.
Honest people, who talk about what they feel inside their hearts, always win. They always get rich. They always feel good in their all kinds of failures.
What is money ?
Money is the trust your people put in you. If you want to evaluate your self-worth, create an event on facebook, put 5 USD ticket on it, and share in your circle.
Your tickets sold is your actual self worth. Or you can say, that is the amount of trust, your people will be putting in you.
My self worth is currently 25 USD. Because I sold 5 tickets for my tomorrow’s event.
With money, you can do self evaluation.
If you want to grow — wiser it is to grow while raising self-worth
We need money to an extent we can keep it in a state of flow. It will allow us to help our cause, mission or goal. To increase the sources of income, you need a solid business ? Wrong ! You need a solid character.
At times, you will get in fights with people near you and other times, you will be labelled crazy, stupid or mad.
In these hours of uncertainty and risk to your struggle, you will need to hold your ground stronger, longer and bolder.
Growing character gives you this courage to stand stronger. You manage to take the hits and still keep the smile on your face.
The amount of confidence you return to hits, grows your sources of money. It increases its meaning. And its investments make you a happy investor.
Money is a by product of a transparent lifestyle
Consider yourself a saint, a priest or an imam. As you are sitting alone, when none is watching you, you are the best version of yourself.
As you turn your isolations into fun, you get happier. Your growth gives you confidence. You walk, talk, listen and think good. You now can keep the smile broader when facing your people. You can now lead them. Or you can now start running towards your dreams without facing bigger obstacles.
Watch movies, read books, take caffeine in your blood and write journals. But do not do the slightest thing, you are afraid to carry with you in public.
Live sober, transparent and saint — in your loneliness. And live the worst image of yourself — in your people. It will make you richer in wealth, contentment and happiness.