How to declutter your life

Qasim Ali
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020

Yesterday it was a fun discussion with a close friend. We discussed how we fall a victim to cultural, societal and religious pressures and end up cluttering our lives.

Diary by Zoran Borojevic on Unsplash

For example, writing articles is my most favourite hobby these days. Every morning, like now, I make tea, take croissants, dip inside and slurp. While the world outside is demanding attention, presence, love and hospitality, I am sitting here writing a blog.

De-cluttering means you put your religion, family and profession aside. You carefully weigh which one needs your time and which one is worth your effort. You, cherry pick one task and make it look cool, fun and easy. And you get back to doing what you love.

I won’t write lengthier today

Your products, write ups, speeches and presentations got to be easier and fun to work upon. If they are not fun, they are only going to burden you with useless jargon. Your hard work, without fun, will not bear you any fruit. You will not taste success. Living this way, you will end up feeling exhausted and dismayed.

De-cluttering means, you need to learn to let go. You got to convince yourself, more effort is not required. More rank and more success is not required. Less is enough, where you will never be giving up on quality, standard and values, that lie deep inside your heart.

Patch it all up

You are not late, if you have not yet thought on these lines. You can take a leave until no end, today. Pen down your plan to achieve what you want. Not your wife or dad, but what you want. Define limits, boundaries and problems beyond which you are not going to clutter yourself.

Inside your circle, keep it all quiet, serene and peaceful. Pick a pencil, draw one idea on paper, measure distance and count steps. Rub, redraw and re-think. Take not minutes, not hours. Take days. You do not have a hurry, a worry or a responsibility. You have patience, to create a meaningful product, that has an impact on your entire community.

Act selfish, self centred and self focused. You are stopping the noise outside, not because you are selfish, bad or evil. Because, you really care about this society.

Let them point fingers at you, feel bad about you and throw bullish warnings at you. Don’t worry they are not going to leave you. Your patience, will bring them closer to you.

People will understand you, sooner or later, but the time lost, living a cluttered life, is not coming back to you.

Join us to have a fun filled life.

