Life in a Prison Cell

Qasim Ali
Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2020

I made a new friend today, Amir. He spent a week in a prison cell. Recalled what it was like in there. We concluded; louder uprightness leads to trouble.

Prison by Milad B. Fakurian on Unsplash

I have spent nearly 2 months in a confinement. It was a prison cell. Ok not a cell for criminals, but a cell for insane people. I have been labelled insane since then. And my fight after the prison, is not much different. It is a continuous struggle to convince the world; I am Ok, the warden was wrong.

Well, it doesn’t make much of a difference. Whether the world is convinced, convicted, brings a sorry face or attacks back. It won’t change one fact; life inside prison is hard.

What it was like sitting without freedom, chained inside a prison cell and getting labelled “insane”

Criminal by niu niu on Unsplash

The prison for criminals is hard. Not easy. Not sober. Not freedom. And not good. I agree. But the criminal gets a name for a crime. He gets a lawyer. He gets a family to fight for him. He gets the world to label him rightfully for what he has done. He is not labelled weird things. He doesn’t fight for winning a sane name. He has an advantage here.

A person in asylum house doesn’t get a lawyer, a family or a prison warden. The warden, or say a doctor, is not a friend. He is trained to convince your family, your son is not normal. And son, other than God, doesn’t have a fellow, who knows the family’s son is not insane.

I think, it is not just; a prisoner gets the benefits, sympathy and credibility. But another fellow in a similar cell doesn’t get any popularity.

You can feel it, the pain, I have. It is huge, gigantic and painful. Every moment of my life, I feel worst for the people imprisoned, enchained and snatched from their families by the war mongering machines. Every second my hate towards psychiatry grows. And every second I work harder to beat these walls down.

My life after the asylum house

Imprisonment by engin akyurt on Unsplash

It is fine. Honestly it is good, peaceful and fun. I am writing this article sitting in a world class restaurant. Zinger burger is about to be served. Some one is preparing a chicken boneless handi. Guests are coming to my house in an hour. Fan is placed opposite and its smooth hum is keeping it all cosy and easy. No mosquitoes or sweating. Life is easy.

I have a community of nearly 590 people now. Good following on twitter. Sober family friends. Good contacts. Some are senior in ranks, some are high in humility and some are good in wealth. Myself, not falling short of wealth as well.

Did I lose a tiny bit after getting weird names and 2 years of hate speech?

No. I am sailing smooth. New windows. New opportunities. New avenues. New routes. And new valleys. All new doors to all the new possibilities are here laid in front of me. I just got to pick one, paint a little, make a small movie clip, give a light tone presentation, or gather developers to make a simple product.

Contributing to the society has become easier. Guiding children to living a healthy life style has become a hobby. Talking to foreigners and giving them feedback on their well knitted products have become my evening talk. I now own a studio. I have a good team. Some send messages to people around before our events. Some call people. Some make flyers. And some market our messages.

I am coming for the goons

Someday soon, some people will ask me it is all illegal. It is all wrong. It is all insane. And it is all forbidden. Someday, someone will grow a spine to challenge me. And someday, we will beat these walls down.

I would say to my brother, Amir, I met today; Don’t worry, we are coming for these goons.


Game of Chess by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I am not against dishonesty. Neither against violence. I think all the tools in love, in war, in bed or in job, are ok. Defence is ok. When you get pricked, shovelled or tricked. You get the cards in your hands. You take the initiative in your hands. And there on, after you are humiliated, you get a psychological victory over your opponent. You decide the next few turns in your fight.

The cards are in our hands now. We are deciding the turns now. Some day we are writing good. Some day we are speaking good. We are not yet poking the wardens, logicals and ethicals. We are not yet taking the turns.

Relax. We are coming for the goons. Soon we will smash these windows. Demolish these walls. And soon, we will make it all peaceful. Just like, it used to be in the times of Prophet PBUH, we are going to make our prisoners our teachers, our mentors and our generals. Just like, Wehshi became our hunter, Khalid became our warrior and Ikrama became our general, we are going to put some humans inside our uniforms.

This article is a tribute to Amir, who was imprisoned by a Psychiatrist in a psychiatry ward after he got into a fight with the psychiatrist’s friend.

