Networking — Connecting — Growing in my Community

Qasim Ali
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2020

I organise events. It is a good label and I carry it on my chest with pride. Tremendous learning, super fun and full of energy. What I have learnt from past 10 months of event-organising-streak and why you should be a part of my events? Let’s explore !

Facebook is a good forum. Twitter is also good. Instagram and so many popular forums are out there. But the basic problem with all these forums is — they make you feel inferior.

In a crowd of millions, we are losing our value. While each one of us is truly beautiful — these social media places convinced us — we are still not good enough.

To fix the bigger problem of not feeling valuable in-spite of being tremendous beings — we sit once a month — and connect.

As we gather, we realise— all of us carry a story, a trigger, a motivation, a thing — worth sharing and worth listening.

When we skip the monetary valuation labels and peep into the actual souls, we find out there is nothing wrong, neither bad, nor poor or not good enough.

Let us Unite !

Honestly, in this noise, there is no other way to feel special, but by uniting together. We might manage to avoid the chaos created by trillions of dollars of industry and make ourself feel good.

Failure to find likes on twitter makes me feel down. It leads me to stupid thoughts. And my proud moments are crushed, over meaningless pursuit of validation.

It is happening with every other artist today. Unlike 80s, today’s artist is now competing with the entire world. Unlike old ages, he is not encouraged even after he creates the best painting in his village.

Grabbed ! We are special is one thing. But failing to unite — is our own fault.

Throught Techshek I unite people of good values, ethics, discipline, vision, passion and honesty — and I plan to put products built by these people in front of our society. With good products we be growing a good society ;).

Who is here talking on our next Event !

We have three speakers from.

  1. Benedicte from Norway : Building POW, a women’s menstrual web app focused on protecting privacy of its users.
  2. Matt from Argentina : Building Code Journey, a place to learn and teach code.
  3. Arfah from UK : Running Muslamic Makers, a community of muslim founders in UK, UAE and Pakistan.

What lessons are there to look for ?

I recently invited a close colleague — who had been a part of my journey in the starting days. But she rejected, “it is not what I am looking for”.

So — I will be straight to the point here..

I try to keep my events open for novice, starters or beginners. My investment is mainly on people who have an anger / some annoyance or a little bit crib against the society we live. And I help them channel their anger into a product.

It is not only developers — but also painters — revolutionists — lawyers and people from other walks of life. I keep it as broad as possible yet interesting for people from professional backgrounds.

This event is for all people, who want to fight the societal’s problems. And if some one does not want to fight the society’s problems, I consider him — a problem.

How can we become a team and use this forum to be of help ?

The only thing, our attendees look for, is value. They want to find a direction, a goal, a lesson or a kick — that incites productive behaviour inside them.

We keep our event as such. Something meaningful, a real story, some sprinkles of failures, and a sober conclusion to spark joy in hearts. If we fail to pour happiness into our audience’s hearts, we consider it our failure. We go back — prepare again — and show up with an even better event.

If you want to take away a lasting meaning and keep your life revolving around fun filled activities, you should team up with us. Sit. Talk problems. Market products. Create solutions. And fight your way out of poverty.

It is easier to bend and discourage one person on twitter. But it is hard to discourage, derail or disintegrate an entire community on twitter.

Join us at and let us fix our world together.

