Prolonged Guilt is Counter Productive

Qasim Ali
Published in
5 min readSep 26, 2020

It is ok to regret for a short period of time, feel bad and act sorry. A day or a week even. But prolonged guilt gives birth to depression, negativity and a defeated mind.

I am a religious person — to myself. Not validated by a cleric or a priest. I am myself’s best judge. And without seeking validation — I am sailing better than when I sought validation.

Recently an incident happened, somewhat personal, and it gave me a guilt. Down this road few hours, the guilt started amplifying and made living hell worst. I told myself, it is ok to be sorry — but not at the cost of my commitments, projects, and promises.

I came back to my phone, made the important calls, opened the todo list, wrote pending things and now I am writing this article.

Friends, the guilt is bad — when it starts harming your day to day living. Regret is good, you find humility in regret, but overdoing it — snatches the fun from your life. Living bright needs you overcome all the bad happenings right now, take control of your life’s wagon and steer it out of chaos.

Today I will be mentioning the importance of your life — when you are living on the regretful side of your life. Kinda HOPE !

Focus on the Normals around you

If you read my older articles, I give due emphasis to sleeping. This is the most important ingredient I link with my productivity streak. Without sleeping good, I collapse the entire day ahead. In fact, right after this article, I am hitting my bed ( it is 1019 PM in Pakistan).

Feel good that you had a sound sleep yesterday. The excessive guilt, regret and hopelessness did not snatch your night from you. You still slept and woke up in the morning just fine. Life had itself coming towards you like all other days and same amount of opportunities were presented to you.

When in low times we start forgetting the good aspects our life. Life is rich, fun and colourful. We paint it with dull colours and blame the circumstances.

— NOOO !

Circumstances are self created. Environments are self created. The bad in your surroundings are your own limitations you wear due to inner fear.

None is beyond our control. The murderers fall a prey to their losses, because they fail to get out of the regret. Rapists become a victim because they are told they are the worst creatures. Porn Stars fail to join the society back, because they label the taboo onto their chests, this society has put on them.

We stop fighting the labels given to us, and we start becoming a victim of our regrets and guilts.

If you murdered someone, or you a rapist, or a porn star — it is ok if it was your past. You still are a wonderful human being, who can still sit among the best people in the world and still create your own world. You may become a priest or a cleric.

Because, the labels given to you are not what you put on yourself — they are wrong. The right labels are the labels you give yourself when you stand in front of mirror and look at yourself beyond the regret, guilt and failures.

There, in the mirror, you see a beautiful person who is a might in himself.

People you worry about, also worry about you

For me it is my mother. She is worried every second if I am ok, eating ok, sleeping ok, relationship with wife ok, and job ok. You must have these irritating people around you who care about you.

At their face, you might not be good people. And your siblings might give you bad names for misbehaving or maybe drinking too much.

But you know inside, you care about your hate filled siblings and your mother. Inside you, you know you have them at a call away and when in trouble they will be the ear listening you.

These people, who love you, are here. They did not change, neither leave you alone to die, nor hated you inside. They worry about you, like you worry about them.

It gives hope. Relationships give us good feedbacks. If we are fighting good with them, we are going good.

It is a long road, let life unfold itself to you

Let loose. Try to liberate your self from your past. According to Steve Jobs,

Artists do not live in the past.

Be a futuristic person who looks forward, head down and does not stop. 2 days walking this way, might not give you much feedback.

Anthony Robbins say,

We overestimate what we can do in 1 year. And we underestimate what we can do in a decade.

Become a decade person. Let life roll itself to you. You will be money filled to your tummy top, good cars, private jets, a nice home and a good family. If you become the Steve Jobs’ artist, or you become the Tony — who started his career from janitor and has become a mega millionaire — you will also find yourself sitting on the crossroads as of these people.

These people were not angels. They did not follow the discipline. None did not tell a lie, lived a corrupt-less day and lived sober.

The secret is not living a life of disciplined — it is to live a life where you overcome your guilt, repent some, and get back on your foot.

If you keep moving forward, even when you are on the low sides of your life, YOU WILL MAKE IT.


I started this article at 1007 PM Pakistan time. Now it is 1036 PM. I wrote my heart felt feelings in nearly 30 minutes.

Things were not so good for me 30 minutes back. But knowing, I managed to write, show up on my commitment of writing an article daily, and face the judges. I feel great.

If you write your feelings on paper, you show up everyday, you let people throw garbage at you, and you smile — life unfolds itself in amazing ways.

You learn more than the PHDs and Harvard grads. You learn to stand back on your feet, smile and keep moving forward.

If you were walking — and some guilt made you stop walking forward — I say, murder this feeling of continuous regret, re-commit and start walking again.

The steps you have walked are still there and they are going to represent you 10 years down this road. Not guilt, not regret, not failures and not emotions.

Clap come on !

