The most difficult task is to give value

Qasim Ali
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2020

I am doing catharsis. I have hurt more people in life than those whom I have given value. In fact, I do not know 1 person whose life was impacted because of me.

Photo by Randy Jacob on Unsplash

It is a difficult task. To sit in front of somebody, listen to his problems, dive into his thoughts, learn / unlearn and embrace new realities. To tone down our ego. It is tough to hear and feel somebody else.

Giving value does not mean giving an ear. It does not mean doing a job for him. It does not mean smiling, cheering and clapping for him. Value is not truly given until you save him.

Most of our brothers, sisters are drowning today. Some can’t fight addiction, some can’t fight humiliation and some can’t fight bombarded information. Some give up on life, some on studies and some on parents.

Honestly, it feels like collapsing and nobody is in sight who cares.

If we want to give value, we need to identify our enemies and we need to squash them, right now.

  1. Problem. Porn / Lust / Filth & Addiction
  2. Solution. Woods / Serene / Patience and Passion

1 — Let’s discuss the problems I am facing living in my home

Photo by Pinho . on Unsplash

Porn, to be honest, is poking on my face everyday. It is inside Netflix, WhastApp, browser and social media timelines. I strongly feel attracted towards watching them. I strongly feel falling a prey to the loud bashing vandalism.

It gives rise to Lust, Filth and Addiction. It leads to social isolation. Impacts life quality. Turns you into an aimless object that eats, sleeps and breathes. Porn addiction makes you a slave to your boss, family and society. You do not feel comfortable taking decisions; what to eat, what to wear and what to drive. You feel lifeless. Inside your heart, you feel doomed, victimised and enchained.

This is most of Pakistan right now. Most of our college life and universities right now. Drugs are flowing in. Girls are finding difficult to fight. Children are dancing ‘high’ on dance floors. And elders are busy in their offices, working.

Something is collapsing every second around us, and we are not looking.

Why we need to focus on giving an impactful Value

Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

Woods give you colors. White clouds, rising sun, birds chirp, breezing wind and splashing water, gives you patience, peace and life. Nature is humble, available and readily willing to heal you. Not the hospitals, not the confinements and not the rehab centers. Answer lies in woods.

We need to promote selfishness in our kids through a good loud display of passion. We need to bombard them with fire, that shakes inside out of them. We need to show them rattling chains, angry faces, war cries and willing warriors. We need to paint heroes on their bedroom’s wall. We need to put chalking on pillars under the bridges, walmarts and sideways. We need to make them hear the music of change, love and fire.

They are sleeping, and to wake them up, we will have to bring our drums closer to their ears.


I thought people were sensible, logical and saner. But more I look at them, more I feel they are weird. Everybody running to fix his own car.

Happiness lies in your bed’s mattress, with your heart burning with passion. In your sofa, with your mind dazzling with ideas. In your kitchen, with your hands directing the lightning sparks. When you walk in the shitty corner of your town with a smile on your face and a glow in your hand, you really find happiness.

Ok Guys ! Shut this porn, addiction, late night sleeping patterns and get back to living. This is no use, “dying without really living the fun”. You deserve it better than your dad, friends and neighbors. Better than your girlfriend. Better than your wife. Act selfish, ignite fire in your heart and take the jump.

Because, if you won’t, you will never taste the true living.

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