What is Failure…

Qasim Ali
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2020

The best people I have met in my life — failed the best. It is important we stay close to reality and make ourself ok with repeated failures.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

None reads my blogs. None attends my meetups. Ok none is not zero here. It is 10 to 20 people every month. But not where I place the quality of my events.

Social media promotes “success”. Mentors talk of “success”. Parents and bosses talk of “success”. But — no one talks about the number of Failures it takes to reach the success.

Success is one mishit on Failure.

Someday when you don’t fail — you succeed. It is worthless to chase success when it is so rare.

What is Worthy if it is not Chasing Success?

It is chasing Failures with zeal, passion but continuity. Building motion to accept it. Growing guts to smile to your humiliations. Standing straight. Taking hits. But collapsing head on.

In today’s world filled with envy, glamour and shine — the only thing we can do good to keep us moving good is having the will to fall.

But… Is Failing Easy?

Nopes. It requires focus, silence, a belief to keep us steadfast in pursuing our goals. It is not easy. That is why most among us rarely fail.

We do not fail in our teenage, our adulthood or far ahead in our life. But when the time is over — we fail bad on our death bed.

Teenagers always have ego. In this part of life, they do not bend to accept their losses.

Adults are always correct, but they are not willing to take the jumps.

Elders are always convinced their life lessons were right, but they do not let their children take another route.

— all their life, people do not take measures to fail often, learn often or correct themselves often. This leads to their entire social structure collapsing.

Impact on our Nation

Consider most among us have started our personal struggles. Some have started teaching kids online, some have opened a shop at home, some are doing taxi in the evening.

If we all start doing something of our own, we will start circulating our incomes / bank money / savings. We will be rolling some kick ass campaigns, giving out jobs, learning from our failures; but promoting a Fun way of living in our own neighbourhood.

It will give our kids a direction, our elders a topic to discuss with their kids. Such that our girls will be protected. Our priorities will change at once.

Entrepreneurial spirit, engulfs a life style of its own. You start playing risky but start turning small money into big money. It gives colors to our life. With good colors — we make a dull society into a wonderful country.


Failure is a destination. It is not supposed to worry us in these times. When we have not taken the first step — we can not look at what is on the other side of the Finish Line.

Become a great athlete, that takes the start and does not look back. That falls mid way, gets a foot injury or a broken knee; but still bows his head down to keep running forward.

Failures are evident in all kinds of journeys. These are colorful avenues in our life. Without failures, we can not excel, can not learn and can not grow. Failures, paint of our lives with the best stories we share when we hit the success’s podium.

I fail, everyday. Let’s team up to keep each other motivated. Click here to join my community.

