Essential components for Basic AWS architecture

deepanshu yadav
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2019

If we talk about cloud computing then AWS is the biggest stakeholder which provide various managed services which are also highly scalable and highly available which helps firms to build robust online experiences where you can get your choice of hardware or software on clicks of buttons. Here we have some keywords which you must have heard of and will be curious to know about.

EC2 Instances: amazon elastic compute cloud is a flexible, scalable and reliable resource where you can get various types of instances, operating systems, and software packages, on the click of a button without any additional time you can switch from 2 GB machine to 4 GB

Elastic Load Balancer: For making system, highly scalable and highly available AWS provide the elastic load balancer where you can increase instances any your demand load balancer will distribute workload across multiple instances or virtual resources, AWS elastic load balancer also provides you host and path based routing.

VPC: VPC is a virtual network dedicated to your AWS account. VPC is a logical virtual isolation setup for your account in the AWS Cloud. You can launch your AWS resources such as EC2,

Subnet: Subnet is a range of IP address in your VPC where you can define your CIDR and launch your resources, in public subnet, you can place your resources which needs to connect to the internet and resources that don't need to connect to the internet directly can be placed in a private subnet, where communication within VPC will be provided

Availability Zone: AWS resources are hosted in multiple locations across the world where AWS region is completely different geographical location, then availability zones are basically isolated locations. like as of now in Mumbai region has 3 availability zones.

Internet Gateways: Internet Gateway is highly available, highly scalable component the major responsibility of AWS internet gateway is to route internet traffic from VPC, As per AWS document Internet gateways are horizontally scaled so you don't need to think about any kind of bandwidth issue.

Public IP and Private IP: Private address is IP address which is not reachable from the internet which can be used for communicating within VPC, whenever you launch an EC2 instance An private IP will always be attached with it, where Public Ip can be used to communicate between internet and EC2 Instance usually instances in public subnet needs to have public IP for communicating with internet.

Route Tables: Route table is a set of rules or routes which defines where network should be directed, in route table you need to attach subnets which needs to follow these certain rules over these you decide that particular subnet is private or public. a public subnet is attached to the routing table which has internet gateway in routes. Below we have an example of the Route table.

A Basic Route table for associating VPC with an internet gateway
AWS console view of the Route table
Associated Subnets of Route Table

NAT Gateway: Network Address Translation provides connectivity of internet and other AWS services to instances in private subnet. where NAT is always created in Public Subnet so data flows from instances in private subnet to NAT which has internet connectivity.

Basic VPC Diagram

RDS: Relational Database Service is scalable, cost-efficient and resizable relational database system which also provides high availability, security, and compatibility, RDS also provide master-slave replication where you can create multiple replicas. also gives you encryption at rest facility Here advance AWS aurora (which has Postgres and MySQL Compatible) also gives you alarm based scalable replica.

Elastic IP: Elastic Ip is the static ipv4 address where Cloud Computing is dynamic in nature so public IP of your ec2 instances keeps changes over certain actions so for preventing such scenario we use elastic IP which gets associated to your account further can be associated to an instance.

AMI: AMI is a simple amazon machine image so AWS gives you the facility to create an image of your machine and to launch new instances from AMI.

S3: S3 is simple storage service is highly scalable, high available, secured service which gives the user to store objects in a cost-efficient manner, S3 also provides you facility where you can host your website as well.

Route 53: Route 53 is highly available and highly scalable domain name service where you can buy and register your domain and you can also route traffic from domain to AWS resources, Here you can also perform health checks over domains and various type of routing policies like routing over failover, geolocation and weighted are also provided.

As this was an introduction for AWS Basic Components, in the coming time, we will come up with more detailed information about these services and some other AWS Services which will help you in building highly scalable, available and more secure environment. so For getting updates for interesting articles related to tech and programming to join TechShots.

