Paperless Health Industry | Techsign DOC

Deniz Özgür
6 min readMar 26, 2020


Your management and IT departments are driving closer to tomorrow’s wholly digital world, making important technology investments with the intention to streamline your business. Unfortunately, they often neglect a vital remaining step.

A clinic or clinical office might be kingdom of the art — till a affected person walks within the door and is exceeded a clipboard full of paper forms to fill out, which then ought to be manually keyed in, costing treasured time, and probable resulting in serious errors.

A pharmaceutical organization may be carrying out scientific trials on a groundbreaking new drug, but their crucial documentation and signature methods are regularly stuck inside the past. They should look ahead to bureaucracy to be e-mailed, faxed or overnighted, and then anticipate documents to be signed and returned, frequently back and forth between multiple locations, adding massive time to the approval processing. There is a hefty charge tag to this inefficiency: The Association for Information and Image Management estimates that signed paper documents fee a mean of $6.50 in step with page to deal with and process.

However, there is a better, quicker, and value-efficient technique to streamlining critical healthcare and lifestyles science strategies in a paperless way.

Why Paper Must Be Removed

Time is money, as the old saying goes, and never has this concept been more applicable than in today’s fast-paced world where many business processes are conducted instantly and globally. Of course, any technology is only as fast as its slowest point, and paper forms, contracts, and documents are the quicksand that bogs down your entire way of providing care and doing business.

However, time is not the only issue with those stacks of paperwork. The following are some of the issues involved with the collection and processing of paper.


In a medical office, there’s a waiting room full of patients filling out clipboards full of forms, which then must be manually keyed in before the doctor can actually see the patient, with the backlog growing throughout the day. During clinical trials, consent and result forms must be mailed or faxed, then resent if any information is missing. Days of waiting can easily turn into weeks or months trying to track down everyone and get their signatures.


It’s estimated that every piece of paper costs an average of $6.50 to process. Then there is the cost of mailing, especially for overnight services, and rates are constantly increasing. Many man hours are needed to handle the printing, distribution, collection, processing, and storage of all those papers, and extra staff may be required to handle the backlog.


In a crowded waiting room with phones ringing and babies crying, someone has to manually key in all of the patient’s crucial clinical history. Mistakes are certain to happen, and an unmarried errant keystroke may additionally have serious consequences by using failing to offer correct family history, drug allergies, take a look at results, etc. Successful scientific trials hang in the stability of the check consequences and compliance with regulations. Transcription mistakes can void results from complete segments of participants or deliver trials to a halt.

Security risks

It doesn’t take an expert hacker to locate sensitive cloth left on a duplicate machine, or stacks of record folders sitting on a table or in unsecured storage areas.

Compliance risks

Failure to conform with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations may be extraordinarily costly. With mountains of office work being generated each year, complete patient privacy and 100% compliance turns into less and less likely. When you prepare your scientific trial for that very last review, can you be certain all the FDA guidelines have been addressed someplace in the ones piles of papers? Have all of them been properly filled out and signed? Is something missing?

Storage and availability

Where are all the ones paper paperwork and files going to be stored, and how reachable will they be while needed? How is it even feasible to paintings efficiently, error-free, and be compliant with report cabinets complete of office work in extraordinary rooms, buildings, or even geographic locations? One document within the wrong folder can spell disaster.

Unhappy patients, unhappy staff

Going to the doctor or having processes is worrying enough, with out the patient being troubled filling out and signing redundant stacks of forms. And while the primary cognizance of a scientific facility’s staff ought to be on patient care, they could spend hours an afternoon keying in paperwork, gathering and verifying all of the important office work, and ensuring outcomes and requests getting to the proper hands.

The whole paper path from start to complete is slow, costly, inefficient, full of errors, liable to safety breaches and compliance failures, and just definitely irritating for all involved. How much better could the patient/medical doctor revel in and enterprise surroundings be if it is able to be paper-free?

What Techsign DOC Agreement Cloud Can Offer?

Imagine a scientific workplace that starts offevolved the day with all in their patients’ correct scientific histories, signed consent forms, and insurance information already updated and of their systems, and all of the copays already paid for and processed? What if patients had the capacity to fill out and sign all of the required office work on their home pc or handheld device earlier than arriving for his or her appointments? What if physicians and team of workers can also input all findings and check consequences, and authorize recommended treatments, prescriptions, and procedures? How would patients and personnel benefit?

Imagine medical trials in which signed consent paperwork have a turnaround time of just days or hours, and take a look at consequences can at once be processed and analyzed? What will be the time and economic financial savings of such paperless procedures? Imagine, the paperless office helping the environment and your bottom line at the same time, thanks to the innovation of digital signatures.

Fast and efficient

Staff could without delay test in both present and new patients with correct records. Immediately after the consultation or procedure, patient follow up actions can commence, insurance claims may be filed, and billing initiated.

During scientific trials, what once took weeks or months watching for signatures and outcomes may want to now handiest take days or maybe just hours

Compliant and safe

Multiple tiers of verification and encryption guard Personal Health Information (PHI) for whole privateness and HIPAA compliance for scientific places of work and their patients. KOL event data, sampling, and clinical trial facts is tested at the factor of entry, so whilst trials are complete, there won’t be any surprises with misplaced documents, empty fields, or missing signatures. Documents are 100% in appropriate order.

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Techsign DOC enables scale and automate the settlement processes so you can do extra with less, accelerate revenue, and supply the present day experiences patients and your employees come to expect. The process is easy and easy: select a report, pick out recipients, use the drag and drop icons to highlight where facts access and signatures are required, and then ship. Recipients fill out and sign the required statistics and send it back — and it’s all safe, secure, and legally binding.

Techsign DOC allows cease-to-quit automation of report workflows as statistics fields can be collected, captured, and verified at the point of signature, eliminating the need to “pop out” paper documents that need to be re-keyed after completion. Complete automation saves significant time and money, ensures that no forms are incomplete, gets rid of re-keying errors, while making sure compliance.

In phrases of security, Techsign DOC is ISO 27001 licensed as an facts protection control system, which is the highest level of global records safety assurance to be had today. Techsign DOC gives more than one levels of protection, which include clear, non repudiation audit trails, encryption, tamper-sealed certificates, and chain of custody, so that you can be confident your files are secure and signatures are true and legally binding.

Endless thanks to the healthcare professionals working without interruption during the corona period. In this process, we made our agreement platform available to you completely free of charge. Sign Paperless With For Free.



Deniz Özgür

Econ student @Boun, Growth Hacker @Techsign and tech evangelist