Metaverse in Education and Learning (Part 86)

Techskill Brew
Blockchain 101 by Techskill Brew
2 min readMay 11, 2023

Welcome to the 86th part of the 100-part series on Blockchain.

The concept of the metaverse, a virtual reality-based universe where people can interact with each other and digital content, has the potential to revolutionize education in several ways. Here are some applications of the metaverse in education:

(i) Virtual 3D classrooms: With the emergence of online classes, students have begun to experience a gap between physical classrooms and virtual ones. The metaverse has the ability to bridge this gap by creating 3D virtual classrooms for the students, where they can virtually interact and meet with their classmates and instructors. These immersive experiences can democratize education by enabling students from any geographical location to be a part of the metaverse-powered learning setup.

(ii) Enhanced learning: The smart classes added to school education curriculum enhance students’ learning with video projection on various topics. The metaverse aims to make this learning experience a notch smarter by allowing students to fully immerse in such videos, helping them experience the content more closely. For instance, any specific historical era can be recreated in a metaverse, where students can enter and learn about it in an immersive way. Students can explore the solar system, different layers of the earth or the constellations in the virtual world and can do dissections to learn the anatomy of insects and animals. Also, a novel or a story can be recreated in the metaverse, where students can enter and watch the scenes as they unfold, helping them relate to the characters and understand the story better.

(iii) Improve accessibility for people with disabilities: The metaverse also holds promise to improve educational and social access for people with disabilities. In the metaverse, they can make friends, learn, and socialize without having to worry about their physical limitations. Even it can help young adults with special needs, autism, and social interaction issues in improving their interpersonal and job skills, such as visiting a mall or grocery, shelving products at a store, interacting with other customers, or using an ATM machine. Thus, through metaverse, they can practice the required skills and interact with others in a safe environment without feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

If you liked this article and want to know more about Blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse, and their applications, click the below link.

Happy learning!

