What is the Metaverse and the key technologies that power it? (Part 57)

Techskill Brew
Blockchain 101 by Techskill Brew
6 min readSep 28, 2022

Welcome to the 57th part of the 100-part series on Blockchain.

Meta is a prefix that means ‘beyond,’ and ‘verse’ comes from ‘universe,’ making the word Metaverse.

The term “metaverse” originated from the science-fiction novel ‘Snow Crash’ by Neal Stephenson, where humans interact with each other and with computer-generated characters in the 3D virtual world. While the idea of a metaverse was once fiction, it now looks like it could be a reality in the future.

Now, the metaverse is a major buzzword that’s garnering significant attention. Many are even considering it to be the next big thing that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with each other and with digital content. Considering its vast potential in benefitting the digital world, many big tech giants are already taking a leap and entering the world of Metaverse. Like, on 28 October 2021, Facebook changed its name to Meta, reflecting its more significant commitment to forming a virtual environment — the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is the idea that there will be one single 3D universe that combines multiple different virtual spaces. You can think of it as a future iteration of the internet. The metaverse would connect multiple virtual platforms, similar to the internet containing different websites accessible through a single browser. The metaverse would allow users to engage in this shared virtual space, talk, hang out, play games, watch movies, visit virtual museums, shop, and even work together. So you can say it is supposed to be the new, more interactive internet.

Metaverse Avatars

People interact in this virtual world via an avatar. In other words, an avatar is an online representation of a user in the metaverse. On websites or social media networks, you are represented by your username or thumbnail picture. But in the metaverse, you will be represented by your avatar. Your avatar can be customized to look like you or any other character you choose to represent yourself. Metaverse avatars are entirely customizable. You can shape it according to how you exactly are, customize its hairstyle, apparel, accessories, and much more. Metaverse avatars aren’t stuck in any one experience in the universe metaverse. A Metaverse avatar can cross through numerous experiences in the entire Metaverse. So whatever avatar you create, along with its appearance, will easily be carried over to different virtual worlds you will visit. The avatar thus becomes your identity in the Metaverse.

Technologies that power metaverse

To make the metaverse experience more immersive, cutting-edge technologies like Blockchain, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), MR, XR, artificial intelligence (AI), and the Internet of things (IoT) are required to power the 3D world.

Immersive technologies: They create experiences by merging the physical world with digital or simulated reality. They comprise VR, AR, MR, and XR technologies.

(i) Virtual reality (VR): VR refers to an entirely computer-generated virtual environment either to replicate a real environment or an imaginary world. Users can explore it using VR headsets. In VR worlds, you can also use body sensors in addition to the VR headset to control your avatar with your entire body, taking VR to the next level of immersion. Some of the popular VR devices available in the market are Oculus Quest 2, HTC Vive, HTC Vive, Meta Quest, Samsung gear VR, etc.

Virtual reality will let customers enter the metaverse, bridging the perceived gaps between digital and physical realities. It is a virtual reality world wherein you may visit virtual schools, virtual workplaces, play games, watch concerts, browse store shelves, and plenty more without traveling physically and leaving your physical home.

(ii) Augmented reality (AR): As the name suggests, Augmented Reality is a technology that augments reality. Unlike VR, where we explore virtual spaces, AR exposes us to an ecosystem that integrates digital components with the existing environment. Through the cameras of phones/ tablets or AR smart glasses, the AR apps can put an overlay of the digital content into our actual environment. For example, in the mobile game Pokemon GO, when players open the camera on their phones, they can see Pokemons in the real-world environment. IKEA has developed a smartphone app called “Ikea Place,” which allows the customers to use AR through their smartphone camera to place the furniture items into their own homes, so they can visualize how the products will look exactly in their setting. Snapchat also provides users with many exciting and trendy filters with AR technology by imposing these filters on users’ faces. The filters are digitally overlaid on the users’ faces after detecting them with the help of artificial intelligence. The filters can turn users into numerous characters like a cat, cartoon, etc.

AR has a use case in the metaverse as well. It is AR that helps to bring Metaverse closer to the original environment. It enhances the overall digital experience for users by offering the perfect combination of physical and virtual components.

(iii) Mixed reality: MR is referred to as hybrid reality; it is the merging of the virtual and physical worlds to produce a new environment in which the physical environment interacts in real-time with the projected digital data. For instance, a character in an MR game would recognize the physical surroundings and hide behind under a table or behind a sofa.

(iv) Extended reality (XR): XR systems allow active interaction with virtual elements through controllers. Using the controllers, users can touch, hold, manipulate and operate virtual objects. Interaction in XR environments does not require users to be stationary. Users can activate their entire bodies. Physical movement is transferred into XR environments through positional and rotational tracking.

With the use of AR/VR, MR and XR technologies, metaverse users will be able to enjoy more immersive experiences, blurring the lines between reality and the virtual world. This will make concerts, performances, and professional or educational experiences seem more authentic.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT sensors also play a crucial role in mapping data from real life and transforming it into virtual reality. As a result, the gap between the real world and the virtual world would be greatly diminished. For example, with the gaming interface, IoT sensors capture your elevated heart and breathing rates, which might trigger your avatar to start sweating or reduce its strength in the virtual environment and making it more susceptible to fatigue. Thus, trying your avatar to replicate you in real.

IoT sensors are also capable of enabling realistic responses to interactions done in the Metaverse. With haptic gloves, every time users interact with a virtual object, IoT sensors transform these interactions into data, and with haptic gloves, users will be able to feel these virtual objects. IoT sensors can be paired with devices like VR headsets, haptic gloves, speakers, voice recognition, etc.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): From Alexa and Siri to smart air conditioners, use Artificial Intelligence to operate effectively and perform better over time. So, it is pretty evident that the metaverse would also use Artificial Intelligence to improve its performance. After all, the core intent behind Metaverse is to deliver an immersive experience to its users.

Users would expect the same actions they do in real life to be available in the Metaverse. They would also like to have digital avatars that replicate them largely in the metaverse. This is possible through artificial intelligence tools, which analyze 2D and 3D images from the real world, study physical movements, and then train a model using those studies to create more realistic and accurate avatars.

Natural language recognition tools can also make the experience more intuitive and enable users to interact with the 3D world and other users. Users can use their voice to navigate the Metaverse. For example, you may be able to change the weather, the landscape, or any other tangible feature simply by requesting it.

AI-driven bots and other automated assistants can act as “helpers,” guiding users to navigate virtual premises for a better customer experience.

Blockchain: Blockchain technology is crucial to provide digital proof of ownership for assets and NFTs in the Metaverse. Security is paramount in the metaverse. Blockchain can secure your virtual avatar and other personal information.

IPFS: Hosting 3D environments requires sizeable computing and storage resources. IPFS provides a decentralized storage solution for this.

The importance of Blockchain technology, NFTs, and IPFS in the metaverse will be discussed in detail in the next Part.

If you liked this article and want to know more about Blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse, and their applications, click the below link.

Happy learning!

