Source: Created by Aswin Barath

Complete Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Aswin Barath
Published in
6 min readAug 27, 2022


The Cybersecurity Bootcamp that will take you from ZERO to HIRED as a Cyber Security Engineer

Are you someone who is interested in learning cyber security from scratch? Are you a web developer who feels lost and don’t know what to do next? Well, you are in the right place.

Note: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article.

Learn everything you need to know from the most comprehensive and up-to-date Cyber Security Bootcamp that you can find.

🚨 Spoiler Alert: This is a course preview 🚨

First of all, let me answer a common question: Should I learn ethical hacking?

Is it really worth it?

  • If these stats don’t convince you, I don’t know what will:
  • There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds
  • 64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks
  • Since COVID-19, the US FBI reported a 300% increase in reported cybercrimes
  • ~$10.5 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cybersecurity by 2025
  • Unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide grew 350% to ~3.5 million from 2013 to 2021. Way more jobs are becoming available than there are people with the skills to fill them.

Now that you are convinced, let’s explore more about the course.

What will you learn?

Source: Created by Aswin Barath

👇 Complete Course Breakdown 👇

1. Cyber Security Fundamentals

  • A good foundation is needed for success.
  • So you’ll start with the basics of what cyber security is, the history of cyber security, and what it really means to be a Cyber Security Engineer.
  • You’ll also learn the lingo and terminology used in the real world such as Red Teams, Blue Teams, Black Hat Hackers, and Digital Assets.

2. Understanding Hackers — The Biggest Threat

  • In your new career, you’ll be fighting against hackers.
  • So it’s necessary to understand how they think and the processes and techniques they use to attack.
  • You’ll dive into the mind of hackers so that you can think like them and anticipate their moves.

3. Security Bugs & Vulnerabilities

  • In a perfect world, your systems have no security bugs. But we don’t live in a perfect world.
  • There are always bugs and vulnerabilities. If there weren’t, then cyber security wouldn’t be such an in-demand field.
  • It’s important that you understand what a security vulnerability is and the many types of vulnerabilities that can occur.
  • You’ll also learn about my personal favourite subject, Buffer Overflows.

4. Social Engineering

  • Every system in the world has a common, virtually unavoidable vulnerability: people. In other words, social engineering = is hacking people. That’s right.
  • Hackers work to manipulate people by engineering situations where they let their guard down and provide the hackers with information that allows them to breach an otherwise strong system.
  • Ever get one of those scam emails where the emailer pretends to be someone you know? That’s a basic attempt by a hacker at social engineering.
  • Social engineering can be done to gain access to a system without any software bug or vulnerability present. For example, by delivering a payload through phishing links and making the person execute it without knowing that it’s malicious.

5. End-Point Protection

  • In this section, you’ll take a long, hard look at how to protect one of your most vulnerable pieces of technology: endpoint devices, like your laptop and cell phone.
  • Everything from the basics like installing an anti-virus and using a password manager, to more involved techniques that will protect you from advanced hackers. This section will help shore up your defences.

6. Network Security

  • In this section, you’ll learn about using methods such as firewalls, and tools such as Nmap, Nessus, and Routersploit to discover any vulnerabilities in your network and its devices, including how to patch and secure your network.

7. Advanced Cyber Security Strategies

  • This section is where the rubber meets the road.
  • You’ll learn how to implement advanced cybersecurity strategies and techniques.

8. Cyber Tracking

  • How are we tracked online? For anyone entering the cybersecurity field, one of the most important things you need to master is how tracking works on the internet.
  • This section includes things like how websites and apps track people, and how other people can track you.

9. Anonymity & Privacy

  • This section will teach you how to make yourself anonymous and increase privacy on the internet to decrease vulnerability to hackers, including methods such as a VPN or proxy, and browsing through Tor instead of regular browsers such as Google Chrome.
  • You’ll also learn alternative, more secretive tools that can automate the process of anonymizing and privatizing your presence online.

10. Bonus Section — Ethical Hacking

  • One of the most in-demand specializations within Cyber Security is an Ethical Hacker (also known as a Penetration Tester).
  • This bonus section is part of our Ethical Hacking Bootcamp which teaches you the advanced techniques needed to work in this in-demand field.

About the Instructor 👨‍🏫

  • Aleksa, another Zero To Mastery Academy instructor, is a Penetration Tester with 5+ years of experience in Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security.
  • Aleksa’s goal is to teach you the foundations of Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security.
  • Graduates of ZTM Academy are now working at top tech companies and they are also working as top freelancers getting paid while working remotely around the world.

Bonus from ZTM:

Source: ZTM Career Path
  • By enrolling today, you’ll also get to join our exclusive live online community classroom to learn alongside thousands of students, alumni, mentors, TAs and Instructors.
Source: Course Outline from ZTM

Zero To Mastery (ZTM) Platform Benefits

30-Day Money-back Guarantee

  • You have nothing to lose.
  • Because you can start learning right now and if this course isn’t everything you expected, ZTM will refund you 100% within 30 days.
  • No hassles and no questions asked.

ZTM Membership Plan Benefits

ZTM Offer

So, what are you waiting for?

🎙 Disclosure:

  • Some of the links above may be affiliate links, from which I may earn a small commission.

Who Am I?

I’m Aswin Barath, a Software Engineering Nerd who loves building Web Applications, now sharing my knowledge through Blogging and Community events during the busy time of my freelancing work life.

Here’s the link to all of my craziness categorized by platforms under one place:

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Keep Learning

Now, I guess this is where I say GoodBye👋.
But, hey it’s time for you to start learning with your newfound Knowledge(Power)👨‍💻👩‍💻 .
Good Job that you made it this far 👏👏
Thank you so much for reading my Blog🙂.

Originally published at on August 27, 2022.

