Getting input in python

Aswin Barath


Getting input from the user is what makes a program more interactive with the user.

Hence, in python we have an input function: input(), to receive input from the user.

Take a look at an example.


Enter any data:Happy new year!
Happy new year!

input function under the hood

  • When the input() function is encountered by python, the program will pause until the user enters data.
  • Later, any input entered by the user will be converted into a string. Let’s see another example to understand this point.


Enter any text: Have a great year ahead.
text: Have a great year ahead. , type: <class 'str'>
Enter any number: 2021
number: 2021 , type: <class 'str'>
  • So, in these cases, make sure you convert the input to your preferred data type using its corresponding constructors. Let’s see that example too.


Enter any number: 2021
number: 2021 , type: <class 'int'>

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Aswin Barath

Freelancer | Community Leader | Blogger | Software Engineer