Founders Speak to their Former Selves

We asked founders and leaders from the Techspace network to tell us the advice they would have given themselves when they first started growing their business.

2 min readJun 11, 2019


Cem Savas — Plentific

Plentific are using tech to bring transparency to property management. Since its founding in 2012, the business has raised over £7m.

“There is a lot I would tell myself and there is a lot I would do differently, but that is all part of the journey. I would say to keep believing in yourself, keep pushing forward.

Listen to what your customers say, what other people say, take it onboard and just believe in what you’re doing.”

“If there is a moment where it doesn’t make sense anymore then trust your intuition and act on it quickly. There’s nothing more painful than to keep working on something that doesn’t work.”

We’ve moved! You can read the full article for free here.

Check out our Real Voices of Scale-up podcast for more interviews with the founders who are growing their tech businesses in the Techspace network.

Available on: Spotify & iTunes




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