Partner Spotlight — Ignition Law to offer bespoke legal services to Techspace members

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017

In the last few weeks we have announced a number of new Techspace partnerships — and we’re pleased to announce our latest with Ignition Law.

If you’ve got trademark concerns, require employment contracts or need to create terms and conditions for your tech scale-up, then look no further.

Ignition Law joins the Techspace family

Legal advice for our members

Our new partner, Ignition Law provides commercial and pragmatic legal advice for start-ups, scale-ups and entrepreneurs.

Ignition Law work remotely and flexibly to provide high quality legal advice in line with their client’s budget and schedule.

Every lawyer at Ignition Law has a wealth of experience in commercial decision making, and has the skills and expertise to suit our tech scale-up community. They also have access to an extensive network of professional contacts, to connect clients to unique areas of expertise.

In a similar way to us, Ignition law pride themselves on being a community-led organisation and we welcome them to be a part of our diverse ecosystem.

Specific support in our ecosystem

We understand that members need practical advice and support with the specific intricacies of running their business, which is why we offer more than just coworking and office space.

Ignition Law will be providing ‘Know How’ sessions on a diverse range of topics, from the basics of employment law, to legal trouble shooting for individual businesses. There will also be regular ‘Drop in’ clinics for any members wishing to discuss plans privately with one of our experts.

Partnering with Ignition Law will mean that we can invest in shared legal business interests, whilst offering bespoke services to our members. We spoke to Ignition Law founder Alex McPherson to find out more.

Why did you decide to partner with Techspace?
It was an easy decision because we feel huge alignment to Techspace’s cultural and ethical values, and have a shared passion for entrepreneurship, scale-up business and technology.

Coupled to that, we share the vision that communities are hugely important in terms of shared synergies and mutual support.

I always personally feel that Techspace has a fantastic buzz and sense of energy; it’s informal but yet highly professional at the same time. It’s so great to be a part of its journey and watch the Techspace community go from strength-to-strength.

What are the goals of partnership?
The goals of our partnership are three-fold. We want to constantly learn from great clients as we watch their businesses develop. We also pride ourselves on being ethical and generous community members. The start-up and scale-up world is actually a very well connected and small one and it’s so important to give back and give before one gets.

Finally, we want to invest in our team, specifically in personal development. We have a small, but growing, library of start-up, scale up and business books and tools to ensure we’re constantly learning and developing, so that we remain commercially sharp and up-to-date.

What should our members expect from Ignition Law?
A highly responsive, commercial and senior-led law firm, with a real focus on understanding the businesses we work with and the technology surrounding them.

We genuinely love what we do and are really excited about our clients — we take a real sense of pride in adding real value to an entrepreneur’s venture or in resolving a challenging business situation.

The most exciting part of the job is the consistency of being a trusted advisor from day one and through periods of rapid growth and the many challenges that brings.

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A platform for scale-ups. We partner with technology teams on a mission to shape a better future. #SpaceToGrow #FlexibleWorkspace #ScaleUp