Growing a Worldwide Network: Techstars Impact Report 2016

Techstars Stories
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

As we settle into 2017, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all of the exciting stories across the Techstars network from last year. We are celebrating some big milestones as a company and as a community as we continue to grow our worldwide entrepreneur network!

This year marked our 10th anniversary, over 100 company exits, 1,000 companies in our portfolio, and 10,000 jobs created by those companies. Wow! We are not only excited by this impact, but it also fuels our passion to continue on our mission. We are proud of our growth over the past decade and look forward to what the future holds for next 10 years.

A few highlights from 2016 by the numbers:

  • Techstars companies have raised over $3 billion in total
  • The market cap for Techstars alumni is $7.8 billion
  • Seven new accelerator programs launched, including our first program in APAC, bringing us to 25 programs worldwide
  • Techstars Ventures made nearly 50 seed investments
  • Startup Week grew by six new countries (thanks to our Community Leaders!)
  • Eight amazing nonprofits received a grant from the Techstars Foundation

You’ll find these stories, data and more in this year’s Impact Report!

Thank you for everything you do to help build the Techstars worldwide entrepreneur network — let’s continue to stand together and make a difference in 2017!

This was originally published on the Techstars’ blog.

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