Sunglasses? Check. Pool? Check. Phone? Flipd Off.

Techstars Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2018

Techstars SummerTech: hot tech & cool gear to survive this steamy summer, all from the Techstars network

Summer is a time for sun and friends and fun. But hanging out around Stacey’s pool is a lot less awesome when everyone’s on their phone instead of swimming, laughing — you know, being with each other, instead of scrolling through endless feeds of pouncing kittens.

Good thing you’ve got Flipd, an app that encourages you to get off your phone and, as the Flipd website says, “find the joy in missing out.”

Alanna Harvey, Chief Marketing Officer for Flipd, agrees: “Summer is a great time to go off the grid.”

Flipd recently graduated from Techstars Class 124 as part of the first Techstars Toronto mentorship-driven accelerator, and Alanna has great things to say about the experience:

“Techstars helped us transform the way we saw our own company — one mentor told us to “think bigger”.

This was pivotal because it made us look at the much bigger picture than where we were in that moment, and it’s helped refine our pitch and vision in a way we hadn’t thought of before.”

We can tell they’re taking that mentor’s advice, because Alanna also reported that Flipd just passed 400,000 users, and they’re about to hit 1 billion minutes spent using Flipd. That’s over 1900 years that Flipd users have spent intentionally off their phones, and living life instead.

Oh, and when summer’s over, Flipd is also great at helping you concentrate on your schoolwork.



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