E.ON — together towards the new energy world

Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

At E.ON, we’re more than just an energy company. We’re here to help our customers and their business succeed in the evolving world of technology and mobility. A big part of that world is a focus on acting sustainably and responsibly. Which means we are changing the way we consume energy, do
business and work together, so that we can help create a better, more sustainable planet. This was our main message and the reason why we decided to launch E.ON Drive solutions during Techsylvania event,
one of the biggest technology and innovation events in Eastern Europe. At the booth, the attendees had the opportunity to discover two of our E.ON Drive Satelit charging stations for electric cars. These solutions were created not only to cover business customers’ needs, but also to bring the safety and easiness in EV owners’ daily life.

Additionally, during the event the participants had the chance to find out more about one of our best-selling products — E.ON Life. The end-to end heating solution provides a higher energy efficiency — you can save up to 25% of your energy consumption, but in the same time, the customers receive their
peace of mind as all services are included in a monthly subscription, as easy as it sounds!
Here are more insights on our innovative solutions presented at Techsylvania:

E.ON Drive — we electrify people’s journey for an emission free future

E-mobility is no longer a distant dream, it’s a reality. With the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) set to double year on year, we can’t afford to sit around. We need to be building the infrastructure of tomorrow, today.

As one of Europe’s largest energy companies, we are taking a leading role in the transition to the new era of mobility. With E.ON Drive, we help residential customers, companies, cities and communities with clean and affordable e-mobility solutions. From e-mobility experts’ support, professional installation, maintenance, to a modern billing system for the businesses, we support our customers every step of the way.

With the number of Romanian EV drivers rising exponentially, we are encouraging businesses to get along with us on this electric trip. Our tailor-made charging solutions E.ON Drive Satelit Connect One and Two will help businesses to get a greener image, new customers, and satisfied employees. A full-stack solution (SWAP, billing and monitoring system, 24/7 support, customization etc.) can be provided and adapted based on the company’s needs.

With a growing network of over 6000 charging stations in Europe, we’re looking at making charging quicker and more efficient, and we’re working hard to empower individuals and businesses so that they can fully enjoy the benefits of this exciting new era.

E.ON Life — your chance to save 25% of the energy consumption and get other benefits

E.ON solutions are co-created with the customers, keeping also the focus on innovation and the latest technologies. One of these solutions is E.ON Life , a worry — free and financially affordable solution to get a new heating boiler. Besides a higher energy efficiency, our customers receive the most important thing — their peace of mind. What does this mean? We offer an end-to-end solution: from product, installation, extended warranty, to maintenance services, all included in a monthly subscription. Moreover, each customer has the freedom to choose the solution according to his needs, based on:

Flexible payment method: monthly subscription or cash upfront

Contract period: 3, 5, or 7 years

3 type of packages to choose from, depending on the range of included services: Esential, Avantaj, Complet.

Also, to make the decision-making process even easier, we developed E.ON Life Configurator — within a few clicks the customers can get the best offer to cover their needs.

In today’s world, using energy responsibly is a key part of our industry. And thanks to advanced technology, design and innovation, we are taking the opportunity to improve the life of our customers by bringing affordable and sustainable solutions as E.ON Life and E.ON Drive. So, stay tuned to discover new solutions soon!

Blog post is powered by E.ON.




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