Unveiling Our Exceptional Sponsors Part III

Gabriel Schillinger
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2023

Techtalia is two and a half weeks away! It is time to start imagining floating down the Grand Canal, drinking some illy coffee, listening to a gondolier belt out songs, and getting yourself in the mindset for Techtalia 2023…..and check out our fantastic final list of sponsors.

They are responsible for helping make Techtalia 2023 a reality! Thank you all :)

Ajuna Network

Ajuna Network is a decentralized gaming platform that delivers real value to gamers, without compromising on gameplay. It empowers you to truly own your in-game assets, protect and control their functionality, and have a voice in the future of the games you love. It is also the fastest way for developers and game studios to create high-quality, decentralized games. It seamlessly integrates industry-leading game engines — Unity and Unreal — with the world of blockchain-based assets. We are excited to have Ajuna sponsor the panel: Web3 Gaming: Where Do We Go From Here?


ArtSquare.io is a blockchain-based platform on a mission to making investing in Fine Art easy and accessible. It makes Fine Art, Digital Art and Collectibles (Artwork) cooperatively owned, affordable and digitally-manageable. ArtSquare.io has the aim to shape the future of Art Market, starting from now. They are co-sponsoring the panel “Digital Assets: Education Over Speculation.”

Young Platfrom

Young Platform is a brand-new cryptocurrency exchange designed for the next generation of investors. It is safe, quick and easy to use. We are happy to have Stefan Gheban from Young Platform joining this year and co-sponsoring with ArtSquare the panel “Digital Assets: Education Over Speculation.”

The Wedding Club

THE WEDDING CLUB® is an exclusive club for unforgettable made in Italy events and weddings. They are the point of reference of excellence for the lifestyle of the wedding sector, and this year they have helped Techtalia with our event design and decorations.

Jing Daily

Launched in 2009, Jing Daily is the leading authority for daily news and analysis on luxury consumer culture in the China market. Based in Manhattan, New York, Jing Daily’s team is formed on a global scale coming from eclectic backgrounds. Jing Daily’s professional insights have led to partnerships with Gucci, Tiffany & Co. and other prominent luxury players. Jing Dialy works closely with press titles such as the New York Times, BBC, Business of Fashion, Harper’s Bazaar and Forbes.

Hiro Capital

Founded in 2019, Hiro Capital is a venture capital firm based in London, United Kingdom. The firm seeks to invest in video games, esports, streaming, digital sports, front-end game content creators, back-end game technology, and service innovators sectors. The firm invests across the United Kingdom, European, and North American region. Hiro is sponsoring the panel: Spatial Computing, Metaverses and Mixed Reality: Building the 3D Multiplayer Internet.

Col Vetoraz

Col Vetoraz is an exceptional winery in the hills of Valdobbiadene and Conegliano. Since 2017 vintage, Col Vetoraz has decided to remove the word “Prosecco” from all of its labels and in all its communications media, using just the denomination “Valdobbiadene D.O.C.G” — meaning that their wines’ are true and unique to their territorial identity. They are providing their wines for our Altra Club dinner.

Ca’ Foscari

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is a public university in Venice, Italy. Since its foundation in 1868, it has been housed in the Venetian Gothic palace of Ca’ Foscari, from which it takes its name. The palace stands on the Grand Canal, between the Rialto and San Marco, in the sestiere of Dorsoduro. Ca Foscari Univeristy and Foundation are sponsoring the venue for the talks and dinner this year!

Thank you to each and every one of our very special sponsors.

Starting next week, we will post more about our lineup on our Instagram https://www.instagram.com/techtalia/?hl=en


Techtalia Team

