Windows 10 2004: What’s New?

Nithil Krishnaraj
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2020
Picture Credit: Quickfever

Windows recently launched their latest update, the 2004 (AKA May 2020 Update). This is a fairly large update, as it includes a lot of new, great features. Here are five of the best features in the May 2020 update of Windows 10.

Picture Credit: PureinfoTech

Cortana App

Cortana is no longer part of Windows 10 thanks to this new update. Instead, it’s a standalone application that will receive updates via the Microsoft store. Since it’s a standalone app, you can also drag, resize, and perform the same functions as a regular desktop application. The new update also introduces a chat-like user interface for the virtual assistant, which is great if you don’t want to give access to your microphone. The new app also supports the light and dark Windows themes. Microsoft also claims to have updated Cortana with “new speech and language models” and “significantly improved performance.” Unfortunately, Microsoft is dropping smart home support, as Cortana will now be focusing on productivity. Many skills like support for music services and connecting to smart home devices have been removed. Cortana can still help you send emails, review your calendar, and can even still tell jokes, but many critical voice-assistant features have been removed, making Cortana less capable.

Picture Credit: Pureinfotech

Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2)

For those who are unfamiliar with Windows Subsystem for Linux, it is a feature on Windows 10 that allows you to run Linux apps alongside your Windows 10 desktop without the need for a virtual machine. With Version 2004, Microsoft has introduced Windows Subsystem for Linux 2, which is an improved version of Subsystem 1 that now uses a real Linux kernel, changing the way Linux binaries interact with Windows. This means that you’re going to be getting faster file system performance and will allow you to run more application like Docker. You’ll also be able to connect network apps using localhost.

Picture Credit: Pureinfotech

Password-less Login

Microsoft has been trying to transition Windows 10 into a password-less OS for a couple of months now, and in the May 2020 update, they’ve taken it a step further. You now have to option to authenticate into Microsoft accounts using Windows Hello face recognition, fingerprint, and/or a PIN. A Windows Hello PIN is more secure, due to unknown variables and because it’s stored locally. Also, if you use Safe Mode, you no longer have to use a password to log in, as you now have the option to use a PIN. The Restart Apps feature has also been moved to the Sign-In options section.

Picture Credit: Windows Central

Seamless Bluetooth Pairing

Bluetooth pairing has been on Windows for a long time, but this feature allows you to pair other devices faster. When Windows recognizes a new device, it will show a notification asking to pair. This is a very useful feature if you are pairing headphones or a wireless mouse because you can easily click connect.

Picture Credit: Pureinfotech

Virtual Desktops

This is a very useful feature for people who use Virtual Desktops very often (like me). You can now rename each desktop to a custom name. To rename the virtual desktop, click on the header of the desktop as shown in the above image. You can also rename it by right-clicking on the thumbnail of a desktop.

In conclusion, the May 2020 update brings a lot of great features to the table. Many are useful and some are just convenient to have. If you haven’t received the update yet, don’t worry. It probably means that Microsoft is still working on compatibility with drivers and hardware for your machine. There has been a list of issues on 2004, so that’s probably why you haven’t received the update yet. If you don’t want to wait, you can always download the ISO from Microsoft, but this is risky, as this may have problems.



Nithil Krishnaraj

Co-founder and Writer of TechTalkers. Learning about technology and photography are my passions!