Ghana Budget 2017: What Does It Mean For Startups And Tech?

Samuel A.D
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2017

It’s that time of year again — when the new Finance Minister Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta, lays out his plans for Ghana’s economy and we find out what’s in store. It’s important information to know, but small business owners, entrepreneurs are busy people and we know that you don’t have a spare hour to sit through all the boring things. So we at have highlighted the key things you need to know if you’re a startup or small business owner.

The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP)

The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP) is a flagship initiative which will be the primary vehicle for providing an integrated, support for earlystage (start-ups and small) businesses, focusing on the provision of business development services, business incubators, and funding for youth-owned businesses.

The NEIP will enable qualified new businesses to emerge and give them the space to grow, position them to attract financing, and provide business development support services. The programme will assist these businesses to secure markets during the critical formative years, and tap into a wide supply chain and network during their growth years.

National Identification Programme

National Identification Authority (NIA), established in 2007 to oversee the registration of all residents in Ghana. However, a decade later, the NIA has made limited progress. In consonance with Government’s commitment to reenergise the NIA to fulfil its statutory mandate, the new leadership of the NIA will be supported and resourced to be more effective

The NPP Government has commenced stakeholder consultations to revive and roll-out the National Identification Scheme in 2017. All registered persons will be provided with a Unique Identification Number, and an ID Card. Subsequently, a national ID Card shall be required for the provision and efficient delivery of public and private services, including financial services, mobile banking, m-commerce, social safety nets, health insurance, and revenue collection among others


In order to improve efficiency of service delivery by government institutions with regard to acquisition of licenses and payment for services, Government established the e-services portal ( in 2012. This platform has helped in the delivery of government services (licenses and permits, etc.). Government will expand coverage to all parts of the country and improve efficiency of service delivery through private sector participation in the e-services portal. This is expected to help reduce corruption, promote compliance and improve the tracking of government resources.

National Property Addressing System

The aim of the National Property Addressing System is to have digital addresses for parcels of land and properties of the entire country. Every land or property will be assigned a unique identifier. This is aimed at facilitating improved ownership data and unique identification of properties. A proper addressing of properties will ensure efficient delivery of services for economic development.

This article was originally published on and was reposted here with the permission of the author.

