10 Tiny Linux Tricks That Will Boost Your Productivity

CLI is more productive than GUI

Yang Zhou


Fantasy girl
Image from Wallhaven

If you are a software developer, the longer you use Linux, the more productive you will be.

Why is it? 🤔

An obvious reason is that the CLI (command-line interface) is so powerful. For some operations, if you use GUI (graphic user interface), you have to do several mouse clicks, open a few windows or even download and install software on your computer. What a waste of your valuable programming time!

This article will introduce 10 tricks of Linux CLI to boost your productivity. All of them are super simple and tiny, but they can show you what is “do more by less”. 😎

1. The Easiest Way To Clear all Data of a File

If you would like to clear a file instead of deleting it, a good idea is using empty data to overwrite its data. To do this, all you need is the > operator:

> fileName

Cause the > operator is a key for I/O redirection. The above command will redirect standard output to the file. Since the standard output is nothing in this case, the file will be overwritten by empty data.

2. No Need To Input Historical Commands Again

