
9 Fabulous Python Tricks That Make Your Code More Elegant

Pythonic is a synonym for elegant

Yang Zhou
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2022


A sakura road which is as elegant as Python
Image from Wallhaven

“Beautiful is better than ugly.”

This is not only the first sentence of “The Zen of Python”, but also the creed for all Python developers.

But how to distinguish between beautiful and ugly code?

More importantly, how to write beautiful Python code?

Talk is cheap. This article will demonstrate 9 fabulous Python tricks with beginner-friendly examples to help you write more Pythonic programs in your daily work.

1. Avoid Nested Python Loops Using product() Function

When a program becomes complicated, you inevitably have to write nested loops. However, nested loops will make programs harder to read and maintain.

Fortunately, you can always avoid nested loops in Python through the built-in product() function.

For example, we have a program as follows which contains 3-level nested for loops:

