Email Automation in Python: Sending These 3 Types of Emails Effortlessly

Automate some boring stuff with Python

Yang Zhou


Python is not only a programming language for data science, it’s also a powerful tool which can automate lots of boring tasks and make you 10x productive.

Imagine that you have a crush on a pretty girl and want to say good morning to her by email every day. Unfortunately, you are not an early bird and literally get up at noon every day.

Is there any chance that you can sleep enough and send the important emails at the same time?

Yes, no problem at all. Python can help you. 🙂

All you need to do is writing a Python script to send emails automatically and schedule this script on a server for executing it every morning. Then, enjoy your sleep as always. 😴

This article, which is a helpful reference for you to chase your girl, will introduce how to send 3 common types of emails with Python:

  • Emails that contain plain texts
  • Better formatted emails that use HTML content
  • Emails with attached files

After reading, you will literally have higher possibilities to get a response from her.

1. Send Plain-Text Emails…

