The Ultimate Python Tutorial (Keep Updating)

Mastering Python takes time, patience, and a commitment to excellence.

Yang Zhou


The Ultimate Python Tutorial (Keep Updating)

Elegant, convenient, beginner-friendly, …

There are many words that can describe Python. But I would say:

Python is easy to learn but hard to master.

This is why I write in-depth Python tutorials on Medium based on my years of front-line experience.

This post is a navigator of all my Python articles. It will keep updating and evolving just like Python itself.

If you have any interesting topics or questions about Python, feel free to leave your comments and connect with me:

Linkedin | X | Medium

Table of Contents

· 🏆 Best of the Best
· 🔄 Better Control Flow Statements in Python
· 🧰 Dive into Built-in Methods
· 🧩 Functional Programming
· 🧬 Object-Oriented Programming
· 🎩 How To Write Elegant Python Code
· 🕒 Benchmarking
· 🧠 Core Concepts
· 🚀 Make Python Faster
· 🐞 Debugging
· 📚 Advanced Topics
· 🌐 Web Development
· 🧐 Testing
· 🔍 Data Structures & Algorithms
Sort algorithms
Built-in data structures
General algorithms
· 🔡 String Handling
· 🤖 Automation
· ✨ Fancy Punctuations
· 💻 Python on

