5 Tips on Practicing Self-Care at Hackathons

Nicole Goncalves
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2021

1.) Create Your Zen

Since hackathons are virtual this year, making sure your workspace is ideal for the weekend can make a big difference. Set up your desk with some snacks, maybe a candle you like, and get ready to dive into projects from the comfort of your home. Because you’ll be in your own space, find ways to treat yourself throughout the weekend.

Take time to meditate, stretch, do an at-home workout (I love MadFit and The Studio by Jaime Kinkead on YouTube), or something to get your heart rate up since most of the time spent over the weekend is sedentary.

One of my favorite things to do is toss on a face mask while working on a project, getting that skincare routine in whilst stimulating the brain #multitasking. I also feel productive when I’m listening to my favorite podcast or classical music (unpopular opinion?), but if you have a playlist that really gets your going, turn it up! *Cue Normani’s Motivation*

2.) Step it up and Commit

Remember that you can make this hackathon experience whatever YOU want it to be! This is your chance to hone in on your current technical skills and buckle up to learn so many new ones! Try and make a goal of yours to be as present as possible. Once you have registered, start thinking about whether or not you’ll want to join a team.

Make a list prior to the hackathon of personal goals you want to achieve. No goal is too small or too big. It can be something like networking with one other person with the same major as you, or something larger like talking to a recruiter from one of the sponsors that are partaking in the event! Take the time to really absorb what you’re learning.

Hackathon weekends can be intense, so make sure you check in with yourself or teammates throughout the weekend and give yourself a little pep talk to keep pushing!

3.) Remember Your Why

Remind yourself as to why you signed up for the hackathon in the first place. Is it to learn a new skill? Sharpen ones you already have? Meet like-minded people and network? It could even be to simply dip your toes into hackathons!

Whatever your “why” may be, remember that if you start to feel burnt out. Think about the fulfillment that will come when finishing a project and seeing all your hard work come to fruition. Be engaged and ready to hit the ground running for a few days and you’ll be so proud by the end of the weekend!

4.) Time Can Also Be Your Friend

Although it may feel like time is of the essence when being at a hackathon, remember that there are a few days where you can work on your project and it is totally okay to pace yourself.

I was reading up on how to get over hacker fatigue and I read a hacker mention that, “the best hacks are built over a long run, but comprised of short sprints”.

Take breaks and do something else to get your mojo back. Eat something, stretch a little, hang out with a pet, talk to a friend, and allow yourself some time to unwind before getting back to working on your project.

5.) You’re Never Alone

Lastly, remember that whatever is running through your mind whether it’s fatigue, burnout, stress, etc. you’re not the only one feeling it! Chat with your teammates about it. If you are working on a project alone, don’t be afraid to talk to one of the organizers (they’re the friendliest people ever and I promise they don’t bite).

Do you feel like you’re going a little nuts because you’ve been up for 20 hours straight? Your teammates and other hackathon attendees can relate more than you know, so work together and decide what you guys should do next. Knowing you’re not alone in something is sometimes the best self-care.

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