Get to Know Cindy Mata, TechTogether New York’s Newest Chapter Director

Fiona Whittington
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2022

Cindy Mata (She/Hers) is a rising senior at NYU and the Co-Executive Director at HackNYU. Want to join Cindy’s team and organize TechTogether New York’s hackathon in October? Apply to volunteer here.

Hello! Please introduce yourself and your role in TechTogether.

Hi everyone! My name is Cindy (she/hers) and I am the current Chapter Director for TechTogether New York (TTNY).

Why did you join the TechTogether organizing team? How can other students get involved with your chapter?

I joined the organizing team because I love working with people from different backgrounds and experiences and putting all of our talents together to complete one major project. If you are eligible please apply to be a general member or director. I would love to see your application and get to know you further to see how you can best help out with TechTogether New York! If you’re more of a hacker, please attend our in-person event happening in the fall!

What are you most excited about for your chapter’s hackathon? How do you hope this year’s hackathon will be different from last year?

I’m extremely excited to help organize the first in-person hackathon for TechTogether New York in years! I can’t wait to see everyone hacking in person and experiencing the magic that made me love hackathons so much. I hope this year we can have a lot more mentors or various backgrounds come to our event and help out all of our talented hackers.

What aspect of in-person hackathons are you most excited about?

I am so excited to see hackers hack through the night! One of my favorite parts is to see our hackers work day and night on their projects and end up with amazing results. Midnight snack anyone?

What is your favorite aspect of hackathons? What aspect of in-person hackathons are you most excited about?

My actual favorite part is getting to meet so many people and hearing their reasons for why they love hackathons. As an organizer, it fills my heart to hear how much they enjoy coming to the event we spent months planning. For in-person I can’t wait to see everyone happily hacking away. Also, did I mention: free food!

Can you tell me about your first hackathon experience? Do you have any advice for someone who’s interested in attending a hackathon but may be intimidated?

One of my first hackathons was TechTogether Boston as a high school senior. I had no idea what coding was, and I was younger than most of the college-level attendees. TechTogether had PreHacks, a program designed specifically for High School students to feel welcome and know that their skills were perfect to hack during the weekend. We even met another high school student who joined our team that weekend. If you feel like you might be too young or inexperienced, it’s okay! Imposter Syndrome can sometimes get the best of us.

Cindy Mata (left) at her very first TechTogether hackathon in Boston!

Give the hackathon a chance, meet some friends, and come to our team formation events. You’ll definitely find someone who understands and wants to help make the best out of your first hackathon. While we didn’t win, we made lots of memories and it was a great experience to have. It’s one of the reasons TechTogether still holds a special place in my heart.

Any secret talents or hobbies?

I love pottery! I take classes every fall and spring and have a few cool pieces. I also have a degree in fashion design from high school and have designed some cool pieces. I may or may not be trying out metal smithing this fall 😳.

What do you wish I had asked and what would be your answer to that question? Any final thoughts?

What is your dream team? My dream team is made up of people who dream big! Regardless of their experience or background, they want to give it their all. I’m so excited. I keep saying it but I am, I promise!

Want to join Cindy’s team and organize TechTogether New York’s hackathon in October? Apply to volunteer here.



Fiona Whittington

A marketer with a passion for startups, technology, and education.