Hackathon’s Aren’t Just for Certain People: My First Hackathon, HobbyHacks hosted by TechTogether

Ronisha Genwright
Published in
6 min readAug 10, 2020

A dream come true.

Last month, I attended HobbyHacks hosted by TechTogether. This was my first virtual hackathon, which also happened to be my first hackathon ever. Throughout the event, I felt anxious, nervous, excited, and curious. This event was definitely an experience of a lifetime.

My Experience

My experience at the hackathon was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I had so much fun attending events, connecting with other users, and constructing a project I could continue to work on. Computer Science is something I have recently been exploring, and to be surrounded by so many hackers, who shared this same interest, was completely unbelievable. It felt like being transported into a new world full of opportunity and adventure. I learned so much about different industries and career fields that I otherwise would not have learned, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do that.

Meeting New People

At the hackathon, I met so many new people! First, I got to meet many of the event coordinators like the Founder of TechTogether. Secondly, I got to meet new people by attending the different sessions that were available, participating in virtual activities and forming a team. Meeting new people at these types of events is especially important because you never know how someone may be able to help you, especially if you are new to hackathons. This was especially true for me. With the support I received, I was able to easily navigate to different events, and even form a team!

Image from Vantage Circle

What I Did During the Event


The first thing I did when I entered the hackathon was check-in. This was important because it allowed me to have access to all the materials and information required for the hackathon. It also helped me to claim any swag from the event. Who doesn’t like free things, right? This is why it was really important to make sure I did this first.

After I registered, I explored the platform we were using, Discord, to get familiar with it. After I was familiar with Discord, I joined my first workshop and then my first team building event. Thankfully, I was able to find and join a team after attending my first team building event.


Throughout the event, I collaborated with my teammates on our project. I also attended various workshops, including sessions with business owners and individuals with careers in technology. There were even sessions that were directed towards creativity and fun like Taylor Swift Trivia, an introduction to improvisational theatre, and collaborative hacking activities, just to name a few. My favorite activity was tuning in to the movie nights that were hosted in the evening after all the sessions for the day. Relaxing with a bag of kettle corn while watching Harry Potter became the highlight of my weekend.


At the end of the hackathon, there was an awards ceremony that honored individuals and teams for all the work they had accomplished during the event. The categories varied for each award, which contributed to the wide range of projects that hackers could have created. There were many event sponsors, so there were many prizes that everyone had the possibility of winning.

Image from Poppy & Bliss

Image from Poppy & Bliss

What I Learned

I didn’t expect to learn about the importance of communication and having a constructive mindset. My group consisted of individuals from different countries, so I had to learn to respect their time and learn to work with them. This was a challenge because, initially, we were not sure when and how we could communicate at a time when everyone would be available. However, we managed to adapt and adjust to this, so that we could create our project to the best of our abilities. This helped me to learn to not only be patient but understanding towards other people and myself. There were many things that I couldn’t control, but I learned to focus on what I could control, and this made my hackathon experience so much more enjoyable.

My Advice

The advice I have for you if you are thinking about attending your first hackathon is just stop thinking and go for it. When I decided to take a chance and reach beyond my comfort zone, I was amazed at what I had discovered. At my first hackathon, I had discovered a whole new part of myself that I never knew existed. She was inquisitive, creative, outgoing, and most of all, driven. Many hackathons welcome beginners (which was what I was), so there is no need to feel like you have to arrive with years of experience. Whether you have years of experience or none at all, a hackathon will be a fun learning experience for you.

Image from QuotesGram


After attending my first hackathon, I learned that much of what I thought I knew about hackathons was not true all.

  1. Hackathons Are Only for “Certain People”

I thought hackathons only catered to a specific gender, race, and experience level. I found out that this was COMPLETELY UNTRUE. The hackathon I attended welcomed individuals of all backgrounds and races. As a matter of fact, my team alone was composed of more than three different races including my own.

2. Hackathons Are Too Fast-Paced

I thought hackathons would be so fast-paced and complex that I would not be able to keep up with all the events and be able to create a project I would be proud of. This was COMPLETELY UNTRUE. As the extremely organized person that I am, I was excited to have access to an entire schedule of the events that would take place during the hackathon right down to the day and time.

3. Hackathons Are Very Stressful

I thought hackathons were going to be stressful because you must complete a project by a deadline, as well as try to find teammates if you would like to work with a team. This was COMPLETELY UNTRUE. Even though time is something that may be an important factor in a hackathon, it is not the most important factor. Whether you finish your project in time or not, you should feel proud of what you have accomplished and the memories you have made. I also found that it was very easy to find teammates once I reached out to other users and joined team formation events. Within my first few hours of being in the hackathon, I was a part of a team.

Conclusion & TechTogether’s Impact

This experience is one I will never forget. Being surrounded by people who love technology and computer science as much as I do, showed me how much support there is in this community. This may have been my first hackathon, but it definitely will not be my last. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this amazing event and learn so much new information!

Thank you to TechTogether, the sponsors, and community partners that made this event a success!

A special thank you to my team members for inspiring and motivating me during this event. Thank you for all the laughs we shared, and the effort you all helped to put into our project!

Be brave and sign up for your first hackathon! You never know what you are capable of until you experience something new!

To learn more about TechTogether and attend their next hackathon, visit their website.

Image from Wallpaper Access

