Kode with Klossy and TechTogether Alumni, From Scholar to Hacker

Fiona Whittington
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2021

Want to get more involved with TechTogether and Kode with Klossy? Applications are now open for TechTogether’s Chapter Program (Apply by April 30th) and Kode with Klossy’s summer camp (Join the Wait List).

All three TechTogether and Kode with Klossy Alumni.

Gabriella Miesner

Kode with Klossy got my foot in the door of gender marginalized community in tech. Not only did the program teach me technical skills, but it welcomed me into a community of like-minded individuals who seem to send a never-ending stream of opportunities for people just like me. Kode with Klossy gave me the confidence I needed to pursue my dreams.

TechTogether gave me the community I needed to chase my dreams. From TechTogether, I was able to cultivate the skills I had initially gained from Kode with Klossy and build something even more technically advanced. After participating in my first TechTogether hackathon, I became an organizer, where I learned to utilize social media in a more effective way for advertising, as well as bettered my networking skills.

Althea’s involvement with TechTogether and Kode with Klossy.

Althea Angela (Althea) Bata

I’ve gained such an extensive, inspiring network from meeting incredible women and companies at hackathons! As an organizer for TechTogether New York, I was able to combine my interest in business and technology through marketing, and my Kode with Klossy experience even inspired me to host a JavaScript workshop.

There is a place for anyone regardless of skill level or prior technical experience in Kode with Klossy and TechTogether. Either from participating as a Scholar, hacker, or organizer, anyone can learn new skills to break into an area of interest they haven’t been able to explore in-depth before. Both communities inspired me to pursue my interdisciplinary interests and feel like I have a place in tech.

Victoria Ono’s involvement with TechTogether and Kode with Klossy.

Victoria Ono

I joined Kode with Klossy as a scholar (camper) in the summer after my sophomore year of high school, and while I had some CS experience through my introductory class, I wanted to dive deeper into the field with other women who were just as interested as I was. I left camp that year with so many incredible friends and continued to meet more people in the following summer, which solidified my decision to pursue a CS-related field in college.

I began attending hackathons (including TechTogether) and worked with KWK alumni to build upon our skills from camp. Being involved in these communities has been a constant reminder that I am not alone in my journey even if it seems like so in academic classes.

Interested in attending a hackathon and getting access to more articles like this one? Subscribe to TechTogether’s bi-weekly newsletter. 💡



Fiona Whittington

A marketer with a passion for startups, technology, and education.