Major League Hacking Opens 10 Seats in Upcoming Fellowship Prep Class for TechTogether Community

Camille Bell
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2021

In an effort to further our mission of improving the gender diversity and inclusivity of the hackathon community, TechTogether is excited to announce our partnership with Major League Hacking (MLH) to increase access to their MLH Prep program in Fall 2021. As part of this effort, MLH is seeking TechTogether community members and alumnae to apply to their upcoming session of MLH Prep, starting November 8th, 2021, and will be holding 10 seats in the program exclusively for TechTogether members!

Photo from Major League Hacking

What is MLH Prep?

MLH Prep is an intensive 3-week experience, during which you’ll build out your portfolio of personal projects, experiment with new technologies, and collaborate in small groups during a short, impactful hackathon sprint. The Prep Program is essentially a bite-sized version of the longer, more intensive MLH Fellowship, designed to quickly build technical skill and experience for candidates who wish to pursue either the Fellowship, or another technical internship or internship alternative, in the future.

And the best news of all: Fellows who successfully complete the Prep Program track become priority candidates for future MLH Fellowship classes. In MLH’s most recent round of Fellowship admissions, applicants who had graduated from the Prep Program were 14 times more likely to be admitted to the Fellowship than those who applied without previous Prep experience. Completing the MLH Fellowship has led to increased professional opportunities, including job offers in the field, for many graduates.

Who should apply?

Anyone pursuing education or training in programming is welcome to apply! If you’ve attended a hackathon, enjoy building projects, or are interested in building your practical coding skills, MLH Prep is for you. At minimum, all applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Over the age of 18; or over the age of 13 with a parent’s permission to participate in this program
  • Reside in a country not embargoed by the United States
  • Able to commit 30 hours per week to this program
  • Know how to code in at least one language
  • Proficient English speaker
  • Have access to a video call quality Internet connection

TechTogether community members who choose to apply should mention “TechTogether” when asked how you heard about the program, so that applications can be prioritized. We cannot wait to build an incredible class of technologists with MLH and MLH Prep!

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