What are hackathons like for beginners? 5 Articles to Prepare You For Your First Hackathon

Fiona Whittington
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2020
Photo from TechTogher Boston 2020

1. Hackathon’s Aren’t Just for Certain People: My First Hackathon, HobbyHacks hosted by TechTogether

2. Igniting A Passion of Coding and an Addiction to Hackathons from Kode with Klossy and HobbyHacks

3. Starting my Own Business After Attending My First (Hurricane) Hackathon, HobbyHacks by TechTogether

4. TechTogether Boston 2019 to Hackcon 2019: Grace’s Story

5. Hacking For Humanity. My first hackathon experience



Fiona Whittington

A marketer with a passion for startups, technology, and education.