9 Best Web Apps every business must have for 2018

Patrick McCoy
Published in
8 min readFeb 28, 2018
The 9 Best Web Apps for 2018

Being a business is getting harder as things change in the world. I have put together a small list of tools that I use on a daily basis to be successful in my business.

In this article, we will look at 9 best web apps for 2018. Using these tools will not only enhance your overall business but they will make everything much easier.

Did I mention some of these tools are free?

The Best web app list for 2018

It’s important to note that these are apps I have had experience using. I have sent developers messages about these applications and had experiences with all of them.

With that said, I did include my affiliate links in the article as a way of showing that I do back that application. Thank you for taking a look.

Google Analytics

If you haven’t added this to your site, then please don’t waste any more time. Stop what you are doing right now and please go add Google Analytics.

Knowing where who and why your customers are reaching your site is very important. Some might argue it is one of the most important things you can do with a website.

If you don’t know who is coming to your site and what they are doing then how can you change it? Knowing information about your traffic can help you grow a better and smarter business.

Most web designers can add this bit of code to a website in a matter of minutes. The information supplied by Google Analytics is invaluable. It’s impossible to have a site and not be using this from the start.

As such, it is one of the most common but best web apps on the list. Highly recommended for new websites regardless of nature.


If you’ve never heard of this amazing company, let me tell you right now, check them out. MissingLettr is a blend of social media with a drip campaign.

If all this sounds Greek, then let me try to break it down for you. The company takes your blog posts (both new and old) and turns them into mini social media campaigns that span 12 months.

So you don’t have to do anything other than writing the content and MissingLettr will publicize the content to your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and such. You can even customize the image in the message.

If aren’t dealing with content marketing as one of your marketing channels then you are likely missing out on customers. MissingLettr works in the background weeks and months to promote your already published content.

In a world filled with noise, it really is one of the best web apps on this list. As a word of warning, it does cost money but the monthly cost is very much worth the price.

They also have plans for the future of including audio and video. When that happens, nothing will touch this app.


Plutio - One app to manage your entire business
Plutio is amazing and

Word of warning, this is another paid app, but I had to add it to the list. Plutio’s website boasts one app to manage your entire business, and it does not lie.

Being a designer or any sort of field that requires client feedback is a nightmare. Email is way too hard to manage, files get lost, people get mad, too much back and forth.

Plutio solves all of this by giving clients and creators the ability to use one website for the whole process. It’s a lot like the famous software Basecamp but with tons more features.

When someone needs a website, they can watch me step by step all through my process. They can give feedback, upload files and even request changes without a bunch of emails or back and forth.

I am sure that Plutio does not fit every business but for me; it works so well that I can’t see living without it. I would recommend you give it a try and see if it organizes your business like it did for me.


If you like me, then you might enjoy writing but you likely aren’t the best writer. ProWritingAid helps you change that. Unlike a typical word, it covers so many other features such as grammar, style, consistency and even more.

It’s hard for me not to recommend ProWritingAid as the best web app because it really is amazing. It can be used on both desktop and on the web for total writing coverage.

If you have to do anything from writing emails to blog posts, you are likely going to need an editor. It’s important that your writing communicates your message clear.

This web app helps you do that by checking your writing for so many things that it’s hard not to have not to write the perfect article or email. I would recommend you look at ProWritingAid as it is one of the cheapest options out there on the market.

It also helps that the app works in the most popular browsers and programs.



This one, you may be thinking is a given but you would be shocked at how many people are using Squarespace and Wix as their website of choice. Look I get it, those websites are easy but that’s not always a good thing.

WordPress offers the best versatility for any website at the cheapest cost. The biggest problem with sites like Squarespace and Wix is they don’t scale well. You can scale them but the cost involved gets a little pricey compared to something like WordPress.

WordPress has a higher learning curve but is free. It’s also one of the most used CMS’s in the world which I consider a great thing. That means, Googling basic problems can often give you solutions.

Each website is different but I consider WordPress one of the best web apps for any beginner website.


This one is brand new but the more I use it, the more I enjoy it. Evernote has become my swipe file, my to-do list and a digital file cabinet.

When you first look at Evernote, it’s hard to think of a place for it in your life. At least for me as a web designer, I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out why I would need it.

After using it for a few weeks, I can now see why people love Evernote. The program is digital notebooks for your life.

It has taken over my life in all areas including

  • goals
  • to-do
  • idea generation
  • organization

You name it, this app can do it. There is a free version you can test out until you find out if you want to pay money or not.



Again, some people might consider this to be one of the most basic things to consider a web hosting service. But Bluehost walks a fine line between cheap and also reliable for your money.

While I would never recommend them for giant established sites, they are perfect for beginner sites just getting off the ground that need to save money and want decent customer service.

Unlike some other popular host you might find like GoDaddy, Blue Host is decent. They are not the best host and that is more reserved for another article but they are good. This is the reason I recommended them for my how much does a website cost article.

They also offer people enough plans to grow your business the way you want to rather than you being stuck into a very bad plan with no room for growth. That is the reason BlueHost is listed a best web app.


Being a web designer may seem like a moot task in 2018 with all the new shiny pagebuilders around. Fact is it’s never been more complex than it is today.

Clients are realizing with the era of Squarespace and Gutenberg around the corner that web designing is changing. To some that may be for the worst.

For people like me, I brace for the change and lean into the curve. Elementor has made this so simple that it speeds up the process.

Elementor has made it so easy for me to do the simple things that it takes some of the workload off the customer. A long time ago, updating a website used to be more complex, now a few clicks and we are ready to go.

Elementor also offers a free and paid version nice for those customers just trying to do basic changes to their website without a lot of fluff. It has become my page builder of choice over others just due to the ease of use.

Elementor has become one of the best web apps for me since it helps me run my business.


Marketing Automation - Sell More Stuff MailChimp

For a business that is just taking off. I can’t think of a better web app than MailChimp. It offers an easy system to build a mailing list.

In recent months they have also added in additional features which normally cost money from other platforms. Things such as automation which is a big deal for most small businesses.

We can’t handle all the tasks so we have to use tools to automate. The fact that MailChimp has this one built in helps a lot for those people who are just starting out in the world of email marketing.

You should try MailChimp today.

The best web apps for the future

I hope this list has helped you discover some very interesting new apps. I love saving time and I haven’t found a small business owner that doesn’t.

Trying a new app to me is a way of streamlining your business for the better. The best web apps are one you can stick with and use in your business.

Send me an email and let me know if any of these web apps help your business. I would love to hear how you are using them.

Affiliate links are contained in the information above. An important note, I use all the programs and back all of them. If you would consider supporting me, please click on one of the links and try them out.

Advantages of Online Marketing vs traditional marketing

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Patrick McCoy

Making the world a better place has never been a choice. I do it one design at a time. Find me at www.wpbuilderhelper.com