Profsain Hussain
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2018

There are so many libraries, framework and a lot of web technology tools out there. As a front end web developer, there are some skills you need to specialize on in order to land a very good job and be excellent in your job.

Below are brief highlight of skills your need to learn after understanding HTML and CSS. These are tools that make front-end web development easier and sweet.

1. Bootstrap www.getbootstrap.com

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for developing website based on HTML, CSS and Javascript. It is the most widely use framework for developing responsive, mobile first web project.

Bootstrap make it easier to layout web pages, it simplify CSS and the bulk of functionality you look for as a developer are already built for you and all you only requires is to add classes to HTML elements and a bit of Structure.

There are several tools that make development with Bootstrap easier; one of it is Visual studio which has IntelliSense for Bootstrap, auto completion of classes and code snippets which allow you to create complex web structure with just few clicks.

2. jQuery www.jquery.com

jQuery is a popular javascript library that provides an extensive framework of objects and functions that let you query and work with HTML pages with so much ease.

jQuery is also very powerful as it provide jQuery.ajax method for HTTP request and also present an easy way to use browser API and third-party API.

With jQuery you are empowered to do more and code less as a front-end Javascript web developer writing code that can run across any web browser.

3. Angularjs https://angularjs.org/

Angular is a Javascript framework — a higher-level abstraction of Javascript function designed to make writing Javascript simpler and easier. Angular has many abstractions to lower level Javascript method, but it does not have the sheer number of function that jQuery does, and is frequently use side by side with jQuery i.e. jQuery within Angular.

Angular is an open-source framework maintained by Google and it is based on Model View Controller (MVC). Here you have Models where you put your data, a View that display the data or accept data and a Controller that control the data flow.

4. Ember www.emberjs.com

Ember is a framework for creating ambitious web application. It uses a development pattern known as Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) for developing.

Ember makes use of the following concept:

a) Routs — refers to pages in your web app and how to get to them

b) Template — is used to organize the HTML layout of your web app. They use a syntax known as Handlerbars which are a double set of curly braces that enclose properties to be displayed {{fullName}}.

c) Model — typically is used to hold data for your web application. They can hold the details of all the information used in the pages of your app.

d) Component — are used to control how the UI will behave in your web app. They make use of the template files to define the behavior of the UI element on the page.

e) Service — this is used for persisting data for user’s session in your web app

Ember is a collection of various pieces that really help and make things easy when developing Single Page Application (SPA).

5. React

React is a Javascript library that can be used to create user interface for web apps. React is said to be:

a) Declarative — it makes creation of interactive user interface (UI) painless which gives you the power to design simple views for each state in your application and React will efficiently update and render the appropriate component when data changes.

b) Component Based Build encapsulated that manage their own state, and then compose them to make complex UIs.

Knowing these skills will make you prepare for the future ahead as a front-end developer. Always remember as you learn these skills keep building stuffs that shows what you can do with this skills and the sky will be your starting point and not your limit.

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