Building A Smart Home

Amazon’s robust ecosystem outweighs any concerns of having them in my home.

Paul Alvarez


Every time I thought about buying a house, I always envisioned transforming it into a smart-gadget filled home. Now that it is 2021, many smart devices are now available and much cheaper than they were even 5–10 years ago.

While existing in Apple’s ecosystem quite comfortably with an iPhone, iPad, MacBook, Apple Watch, and AirPods, it would make sense to assume that I would have Homekit compatible devices throughout my house, but this is not the case.

There are many Homekit compatible devices to choose from, and more are coming out each day, yet I decided to go with Amazon and Ring compatible devices because of Alexa and Amazon’s Echo devices.

Not only do my wife and I really like Amazon’s echo devices but Amazon has done a really good job in working with other gadget makers in making their products compatible with Alexa.

iPhone 12 screenshots of Amazon Alexa App on the right and Ring App on left.
Amazon Alexa App on the right and Ring App on left.

With the Alexa app as a hub, and the Ring app to interact with certain devices, I feel like keeping within the Amazon ecosystem has been organized and straightforward.



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.