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Frustrating iPad Hot Takes
Interesting but mostly wrong.
Now that Apple has finally announced new iPad Pro hardware, that many have been waiting for. I thought it would be good to gather some hot takes from well known Apple Pundits and Technology journalists on what these new hardware offerings mean for the iPad.
I am focusing on podcasts for this post and may do a follow up with some hot takes from articles written or YouTube videos about the iPad’s future. All of these views may change after WWDC coming up in June. But I highly doubt it, because as you will see in some of these takes, I don’t think Apple has any chance of making some people happy.
This isn’t an attack, but more of a review of how some of the most prominent people that talk about Apple view the iPad and its place. I plan to quote each persons views on the iPad Pro and its future and add my own commentary on why I think it is either true or misguided.
I do want to quickly mention that I not only listened to all of these podcasts, but also transcribed the audio using Restream to try and extract the exact wording of each person. My goal was to be as honest as possible in quoting each person and if I made a mistake I will make sure to correct it promptly. I also did my best to keep the context of the conversation to avoid creating a straw man argument that I could…