My Love-Hate Relationship with Apple’s Activity Rings

Closing all rings are preferred but challenging to maintain.

Paul Alvarez


Apple Watch Series 5 on wrist showing the Activty Ring watch face, all rings are not complete.
Photo by author.

This year I have decided will be the “Year of Health.” This was the yearly theme I decided on and described in more detail in this post. So far, it has been a rough but good couple of months. Have I made a ton of progress in weight loss, exercise, better meal options, etc.? Yes and no.

However, what has been working is my constant reminder of being better about my health, which helps me stay on track in choosing better options for food or using some free time for a long walk or run. The point of a theme is to surround yourself with the idea of what you want to change or progress so you can always make decisions to lead you down the path you want to go.

Part of my plan to keep health as my theme is utilizing certain tools to keep me on track. Calory is an app that I use intermittently when I want to track the number of calories I have had in a day or sometimes to look up what the nutritional contents of something are quick and easy.

Some of my tools this year: kettle bell, iPad with Fitness+, Apple Watch Series 5 all on a navy blue Yoga mat.
Some of my tools this year.

The primary tool I was planning on using and still rely on daily is my Apple…



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.