Starting from Scratch

I got rid of all my technology to figure out what I really need.

Paul Alvarez


Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Some have described 2020 as a mess and I tend to agree, mostly, since it has also been a year of a lot change for me. My wife and I have been thinking a lot about our future and everything slowing down a bit has provided us an opportunity to have many conversations on what we want that future to be.

Being home more, working from home, and spending more time together has allowed for us to have conversations that would normally be sprinkled in here and there, in between our hectic lives of work, school, and raising two cats.

Since those conversations during the summer we have since bought a home, a first for both of us, and are expecting our first baby next spring. Having a baby provides a whole mess of worry but buying our first home and the whole process was interesting, stressful, and exciting, and it also made us rethink everything we own.

Yes, the couch, refrigerator, and a dining room table are things that my wife and I discuss a lot. But internally my most exciting part is how I will setup my new home office. The desk, technology, and overall setup.

This was a chance to force myself to start from scratch so with a new office space to call my own, I also decided to sell all my technology to…



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.