Using Windows For A Week

On a MacBook Pro.

Paul Alvarez


MacBook Pro running Windows 10 VM in Parallels

I have wanted to do a review on a Windows laptop after a comment from a reader suggested the idea on my iPad Pro review. Most of my reviews are on Apple products since that is the ecosystem I am currently stuck in. But before purchasing a Windows laptop, I remembered that I had Windows 10 already installed on my MacBook Pro, which made me wonder:

Did I need an actual Windows laptop to test out Windows 10 and compare it to macOS?

I ultimately decided no. So over the past week, I decided to use Windows 10 running on a MacBook with macOS Catalina installed. Before I go over my experience in using Windows 10, you might be wondering why I had it installed on my Mac in the first place?

Parallels Desktop running in macOS Catalina

Since working with my Dad in his IT business, offering IT services to companies around the area, I have always had Parallels installed on my Mac notebooks with a VM of some version of Windows installed. For many years it was Windows 7, which I enjoyed but honestly just felt like Windows XP with little modern design elements. I preferred using a MacBook as my main computer, but the job required me to have Windows installed since we were continually…



Paul Alvarez

Full-time job in IT, all the time husband, and Dad to two son and two cats. I also like to write.