My Favourite Spots To Work In The Office

Sonali Saikia
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2020

The best workspaces in my office

Hi! This is Sonali and I’m the Marketing Communications Specialist at TechVariable for more than a year now.

Well, that’s me in a random ‘Too-close’ portrait, clicked at the EOD:)

Due to the unforeseen outbreak of COVID-19, TechVariable transitioned into a 100% remote workforce for 7 whole months and it was great seeing our team adapting to the ‘New Normal’.

Leadership from the co-founding team became the key driver which made it possible for all of us to connect seamlessly and derive maximal results straight from our remote desk setups. As a team that prides itself on our in-office, face-to-face culture, I was astonished as to how everyone could make a rapid shift to the home offices and video call generation.

To our greatest surprise, these 7 months of Work From Home paradigm turned out to be more productive, and even during these times of despair, our company was able to retain its client base and in fact signed up a handful of new clients as well. While every other company was cutting down its workforce and resorting to pay-cuts and freezing appraisals and bonuses we were lucky enough not having to go through these. Keeping on track with the hiring plan for 2020, we hired 15 new employees. This required a new office!

During these months, expansion and designing the new head-office was completed. Every wall and corner are being beautifully decorated to which we employees were in awe at the first sight. These workspaces are designed to help each one of us work more conveniently and efficiently.

You can consider this blog as a humble ode to the special corners of the office which boosts our productivity. I can only wistfully share a few pictures of my favorite corners of this entirety to give you a small tour of those special spots to resort to driving extraordinary work experience.

The KT Couch

This Knowledge Transfer couch is one of my most utilized corners of the entire office for one-on-ones between my managers and other team members. It is also a wise pick for affinity group events and preferred by my team members while looking for a change of scenery from their normal desk.

I generally record my videos here with the available technology studio background. The design team has even enlightened this cool spot by availing professional lighting for the finest quality of videos.

Breezy Corner

This location is my ‘Thinking Zone’ as I generally utilize this corner for writing new blogs and completing my day’s tasks over a cup of warm coffee. Also, our developers from the team refer to this corner as their ‘Power-Coding Zone’. This zone helps us air our stress along with a bonus of an ecstatic view of the nearby hills. Moreover, since our cafeteria is in proximity to this corner which helps us grab our favorite snacks when we starve while working late.

The Weekend’s Hangout Corner

This corner is generally utilized by the team for all the chit-chats and non-sensitive conversations. But, as a marketer, I find this corner very relaxing for video creation and also for attending the video-calls. Our clients generally face the dilemma of whether I am attending their calls in a nearby cafeteria or at home. Having said that, our office shocks them as it afflicts the idea of mundane office surroundings.

As a matter of fact, this is actually a bar! I shall share the photos from the weekend some other time.

Wobble & Work Swings

These two swings are my absolute favourite escape from the dreary days of tedious work hours during new email and social media campaigns. I and my co-workers generally like to share and brainstorm new out-of-box ideas for Marketing campaigns.

To be honest, these off-the-cuff conversations turn out to be the most productive sessions most of the time.

My Dedicated and Precious Workspace

While I keep hopping on to various nooks and corners of my office but there’s none like my own spot, ‘MY Work-Station’! The vibrant colors keep me determined and focused to complete my daily to-do list during office hours.

As you can see, I have added more greens to my corner. And, since my desk rests next to the wide window panes, it’s always refreshing to work here in this sweet, zephyrous setting.

Thank you all for reading my story. I would love to hear your stories as well!

Connect with me on LinkedIn:)

More power to us:)



Sonali Saikia

Marketing Consultant / A soulful listener & thinker / Growing with Buzzit Marketing Studio 🐝✨