False fossils created by life-mimicking mechanisms are abundant on Mars.

Alien Fossils on Mars are Life-mimicking with Non-biological Origins — NASA

Early Martian meteorite offers evidence of primitive life

Don Pablo
Published in
52 min readMay 16, 2022


The discovery of a meteorite demonstrates the ancient presence of life on Mars.

NASA scientists from the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, and Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, have discovered evidence that the fundamental building blocks of life existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago.

NASA-funded researchers discovered the first organic molecules thought to be of Martian origin, as well as various mineral features associated with biological activity and what might be small remains of primitive bacteria-like animals, in an ancient Martian meteorite. All of this was discovered in an old Martian rock. The investigation will be provided to the scientific community for additional examination and will be published in the journal Science on August 16th. This collection of indirect evidence of a former existence will be included in the report.

Recent research argues that scientists visiting Mars should be cautious due to the planet’s abundance of fossils created by mechanisms that imitate life.

Because of its proximity to Earth, Mars should be the starting place for the search for alien life. The Perseverance rover is currently hunting for fossils in the dusty Martian environment; nevertheless, two experts have cautioned against the possibility of detecting false fossils. The hunt is still going on. The rover is currently hunting for fossils on Mars to bring back to Earth.

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There is a potential for life on Mars.

The proximity of Mars to Earth and the astonishing parallels between the two planets spark the interest of astrobiologists investigating the potential of life on Mars. Mars has never shown any historical or contemporary signs of life. The results indicate that liquid water existed on the surface of Mars during the early Noachian epoch, which might have been advantageous to microorganisms. Nonetheless, the existence of life is not necessarily contingent on its availability.

Since the 17th century, scientists have exploited telescopic views and sent out probes to search for indications of life. Recent scientific research has focused mostly on the hunt for water, chemical biosignatures in soil and rocks on the surface of the planet, and biomarker gases in the atmosphere. Prior research was sometimes exceptional and phenomenological.

Due to the parallels between early Mars and early Earth, it is essential for studying the origins of life. Due to its low temperature, absence of plate tectonics, and lack of continental drift, Mars has remained almost unchanged since the end of the Hesperian period. Even while life does not presently exist on Mars and is unlikely to in the future, it may provide the most accurate record of the conditions necessary for life’s origin. This event may have occurred 4,48 billion years in the past.

After determining that surface liquid water once existed, Curiosity, Perseverance, and Opportunity began searching for signs of ancient life, such as a biosphere composed of autotrophic, chemotrophic, or chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms and ancient water, including potentially habitable fluvial-lacustrine environments. This endeavour was initiated soon after the discovery of liquid surface water (plains related to ancient rivers or lakes). NASA and ESA highlight evidence of habitability on Mars, taphonomy (the study of fossils), and the presence of organic molecules (ESA).

Boron on Mars and organic compounds in sedimentary layers are both essential since they are precursors of prebiotic chemistry. These discoveries, when paired with evidence that liquid water previously flowed on ancient Mars, support the hypothesis that people once inhabited Gale Crater. The Martian surface is bombarded by ionizing radiation, and the planet’s soil includes microbe-toxic perchlorate-containing chemicals. If life exists or existed on Mars, it most likely dwells under the surface, away from the planet’s harsh processes.

NASA detected seasonal fluctuations in the amount of methane on Mars in June of 2018. Methane may be created by both microbial and natural processes on Earth. [15] The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter began monitoring atmospheric methane in April 2018, and in 2022, the ExoMars rover Rosalind Franklin will drill and analyse subsurface samples. The 2020 Mars rover Perseverance will collect hundreds of drill samples for potential transmission to Earth laboratories in the late 2020s or early 2030s. This may occur in the late 2020s or the early 2030s. Research published in Science on February 8, 2021, predicted the most likely finding of life on Venus (through phosphine) and Mars. (Using methane)

Carbonate crystals developed as a consequence of the cracks being saturated with carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere

Dr David McKay of JSC, Dr Everett Gibson of Lockheed-Martin, and Kathie Thomas-Keprta of Lockheed-Martin co-directed the two-year project, which included the primary participation of a Stanford team led by Professor of Chemistry Dr Richard Zare, as well as six additional NASA and university research partners. The examination included six additional institutions and NASA research partners.

“There is not a single outcome that encourages us to believe that this is evidence of earlier life on Mars. We found it instead by combining multiple unique components “This was mentioned by McKay. “ Among them is the discovery by Stanford researchers of what seems to be a one-of-a-kind pattern of organic molecules. Organic molecules, which are made up of carbon compounds, are the basic building blocks of life. Furthermore, we uncovered a variety of unusual mineral phases that are thought to be the remnants of extinct, minuscule animals that formerly inhabited the planet. All of this seems to be supported by features that may be tiny fossils. All of these artefacts are within a few hundred-thousandths of an inch of one another, making the most compelling piece of evidence.”

Zare said that providing proof that life existed on Earth 3.6 billion years ago, much alone Mars is very challenging. “The recognized standard of proof, which we feel we have met,” the researchers write, “consists of having a sample that has been properly dated and includes native microfossils as well as mineralogical features suggestive of life and evidence of sophisticated organic chemistry.”

“We believe we have unearthed quite solid evidence of former life on Mars,” Gibson added, “and we have been running these studies with cutting-edge technology for the last two years.” “We do not claim that it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. We are making this material accessible to the scientific community as part of the scientific process, so that other researchers may verify, enhance, or dispute it, and even deny it if they are able. Then, during the next two years, we anticipate receiving a positive or no answer.”

“What we have identified as the most feasible explanation is so terrible that it will not be accepted or discarded until other organizations either confirm or deny our findings,” McKay continued.

The volcanic rock found within the 4.2-pound meteorite, which is approximately the size of a potato, has been dated to about 4.5 billion years ago when Mars formed. It is thought that the granite developed under Mars’ surface and was significantly fragmented by meteorites that battered the planets during the early phases of the inner solar system’s creation. The underlying rock is thought to have leaked water between 3.6 and 4 billion years ago, at a time when the Earth was warmer and wetter. As a result, a subterranean water system may have formed during this period.

Carbonate crystals developed as a conseque nce of the cracks being saturated with carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere. The findings suggest that living creatures may have contributed to the carbonate’s formation and that some of the microscopic organisms may have fossilized in a way similar to how fossils occur in limestone on Earth. Then, around 16 million years ago, Mars was hit by a big comet or asteroid, which released a piece of rock from under the planet’s surface. The granite shard sailed across space for many years, maybe millions. It collided with Earth’s atmosphere 13,000 years ago and fell as a meteorite in Antarctica.

The researchers discovered several features within the microscopic carbonate globules that may be interpreted as signs of a former life. Stanford researchers discovered a high concentration of organic compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the carbonate zone. On a microscopic scale, researchers at the Johnson Space Center discovered mineral components that are generally associated with small creatures and maybe ancient deposits (JSC).

The biggest probable fossils are less than 1/100 the diameter of a human hair, with the bulk being between 1/1000 and 1/10,000 the diameter of a human hair. If these fossils were arranged end-to-end, it would take around a thousand to reach the dot at the end of this line. Some seem like eggs, while others look like tubes. The structures’ size and form are astonishingly similar to fossils of the tiniest bacterium ever identified on Earth.

ALH84001 meteorite found in Antarctica in 1984

The ALH84001 meteorite was found in Antarctica in 1984 during an annual mission financed by the National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Meteorite Program. It was kept for research reasons at the Johnson Space Center’s Meteorite Processing Laboratory (JSC) until 1993 when its probable Martian origin was revealed. It is one of just 12 meteorites discovered to date that match Mars’s unique chemical makeup, as verified by the 1976 Viking mission that landed on Mars. The ALH84001 meteorite is more than three times older than the next-oldest Martian meteorite.

Several of the team’s findings were made possible by recent technological advances in high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and laser mass spectrometry. Even though just a few years had gone, many of the features they stress were utterly disregarded at the time. Prior studies on this meteorite and others of Martian origin found no evidence of prior life, but these studies were generally conducted at lower magnification levels and did not benefit from the technologies used in this study. The recent discovery of nanobacteria, which are extremely minute bacteria found on Earth, prompted the scientists to do this investigation on a far smaller scale than before.

JSC’s McKay, Gibson, and Thomas-Keprta are among the nine authors of a Science publication. Ayatollah Vali, a former JSC post-doctoral fellow who is now a staff scientist at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec; and Christopher Romanek, a former JSC post-doctoral fellow who is now a staff scientist at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory.

Experts in microbiology, minerals, analytical methodologies, geochemistry, and organic chemistry were all on the research team and contributed to the analysis. The websites listed below give further information on the Science outcomes.

PAHs are a common class of chemical molecules, and Stanford University researchers used the most sensitive device of its type to identify their presence. When bacteria die, the chemically complex substances in their bodies frequently degrade into PAHs. PAHs are a kind of hydrocarbon (PAHs). PAHs are often found on Earth in ancient sedimentary rocks, coals, and petroleum, and they may also be widespread air pollutants. The researchers determined that PAHs were substantially concentrated in the region surrounding the carbonate globules, in addition to detecting them in clearly detectable levels in ALH84001.

This discovery seems to corroborate the theory that they were fossilized. [As an example:] Furthermore, the unusual composition of the PAHs inside the meteorite fits what specialists expect to observe as a consequence of the fossilization of extremely old microbes. PAHs may occur in hundreds of various forms on Earth, but in meteorites, they are dominated by just six unique compounds. This is in stark contrast to the scenario on Earth. The lack of light-weight PAHs such as naphthalene, as well as the simplicity of this combination, contribute to the fact that the PAH composition of this meteorite differs greatly from that of other planet’s meteorites.

Iron sulfides and magnetite

Iron sulfides and magnetite, two unusual compounds found by the study team, may be produced by anaerobic bacteria and other small creatures on Earth. The compounds were found at meteorite places that were directly connected with structures that resembled fossils and carbonate globules. In the absence of life, the production of these compounds nearby would have required extraordinarily severe conditions, which the meteorite was highly unlikely to have encountered. Furthermore, microscopic particles of magnetite found in the carbonate were strikingly similar to magnetic fossils left behind by Earth-based microbes. Carbonate was also discovered to include several minerals that are often associated with biological activity on Earth.

It is very unlikely that carbonate or fossils were created by living creatures within the meteorite while it was in Antarctica due to a variety of variables. Using a parent-daughter isotope approach, the carbonate’s age was calculated to be 3.6 billion years old, and organic molecules were detected for the first time deep inside the ancient carbonate. Furthermore, the scientists investigated typical samples of other Antarctic meteorites and found no fossil-like structures, organic molecules, or perhaps biologically generated chemicals and minerals equivalent to those described in the ALH84001 meteorite.

The presence of PAHs organic molecules in the meteorite appeared to suggest that the possible evidence of alien life was extraterrestrial. PAHs were not found in the meteorite’s upper crust, but the quantity of PAHs in the meteorite’s interior increased substantially, reaching levels never observed in Antarctica. If the organic molecules are the result of meteorite contamination on Earth, it is likely that higher quantities of PAHs were detected on the meteorite’s surface and dropped as one travelled deeper within the meteorite.

‘We’ve been fooled in the past: Experts

Scientists demonstrated in their most recent study, which was just published in the Journal of the Geological Society, that there is a significant risk that humans may be misled by phoney fossils, which are prevalent on Mars due to life-simulating processes. This finding was just published in the Journal of the Geological Society. According to Science Alert, Sean McMahon, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh and the study’s principal author, the study’s findings:

“At some stage, a Mars rover will almost certainly find something that looks a lot like a fossil, so being able to confidently distinguish these from structures and substances made by chemical reactions is vital. For every type of fossil out there, there is at least one non-biological process that creates very similar things, so there is a real need to improve our understanding of how these form.” — University of Edinburgh

McMahon and Julie Cosmidis, a geobiologist from Oxford, UK, attempted to explain why non-biological mineral deposits may form as a result of several abiotic processes. An effort was made to explain the creation of non-living mineral formations. This might be misinterpreted as a serious academic topic. McMahon and Cosmidis both sought to explain what was going on. Julie Cosmidis was McMahon’s collaborator during this endeavour.

The two scientists anticipated in their research

The two scientists anticipated in their research that the processes would include rock weathering, sedimentary layer deposition, and a process they dubbed “chemical garden.” This idea is included in their research. It is feasible to produce a structure that seems to be organic using this technology, which includes the combination of a huge number of distinct molecules. Using the technique explained in this article, you may achieve this outcome. “Talking about the same issue,” Cosmidis is quoted as saying in a Science Alert piece.

“We have been fooled by life-mimicking processes in the past. On many occasions, objects that looked like fossil microbes were described in ancient rocks on Earth and even in meteorites from Mars, but after deeper examination they turned out to have non-biological origins.” — Cosmidis

In addition, the specialists stressed the need of undertaking exhaustive testing to comprehend the physics and chemistry of Mars. This research will provide an understanding of the processes responsible for the development of fake fossils on Mars, as well as information about the environmental conditions that contribute to the formation of fake fossils on Mars. In addition to disclosing how these fake fossils were constructed, the results of these tests will also indicate why they were created.

Water Makes Mars Habitable

Because the habitability of a location is governed by a broad range of environmental factors, the availability of liquid water is a required but inadequate requirement for human existence. Thus, the presence of liquid water is a necessary but inadequate requirement. Liquid water may exist on Mars’ surface for a few minutes or hours at the planet’s lowest potential elevations. Even in the highest northern latitudes, this is true. Even though there is no liquid water at the surface, tiny quantities of water may develop among dust particles in sun-heated snow. This is a very unlikely possibility. Furthermore, historical equatorial ice sheets that are currently buried under the planet’s surface may eventually sublimate or melt, allowing them to be accessed from the planet’s surface.

Liquid water is required for life in its typical form to exist, although it is not an essential prerequisite for life itself. This is because habitability is the outcome of the interaction of several environmental factors. This is because habitability is determined by a variety of climatic and environmental conditions. This explains why certain places are inhabitable and others are not. Liquid water may exist momentarily at the planet’s lowest elevations, but only for brief intervals (a few minutes to hours, at most).

Even if liquid water cannot be seen on the surface of sun-warmed snow, it can form in minute amounts within the dust particles. Even if no liquid water is visible at the surface, this would be the case. This would be the case regardless of the presence or absence of liquid water near the surface. In addition, ancient equatorial ice sheets currently buried under the ground may gradually evaporate or melt, resulting in the formation of caves that may be accessible from the surface of the land.

The great bulk of water on Mars is very certainly ice

The great bulk of water on Mars is very certainly ice. Even in locations thought to be warmer, this kind of water may persist under Mars’ polar ice caps and beneath its surface. At any one moment, the air contains a trace amount of water vapour in the form of vapour. There are no liquid water bodies on Mars’ surface because the air pressure averages 600 pascals (0.087 psi) — around 0.6 per cent of Earth’s mean sea level pressure — and the temperature is considered too low, causing quick freezing ((210 K (63 °C)).

These two factors explain why there are no bodies of liquid water on Mars's surface. There are no liquid water bodies on Mars’ surface as a result of the combined influence of these two elements. Despite this, the atmosphere was thicker, the temperature was higher, and massive volumes of liquid water, including vast oceans, flowed across the earth about 3.8 billion years ago. These events occurred concurrently. This state persisted for over 3.8 billion years.

Water on Mars covered 36 to 75 % of the planet

It is believed that the first water on Mars would have covered 36 to 75 per cent of the planet. NASA announced on November 22, 2016, that the Utopia Planitia area of Mars has a significant quantity of subsurface ice. It has been shown that the amount of water found is similar to Lake Superior. The examination of Martian sandstones using data from orbital spectrometry reveals that the salinity of the fluids that formerly existed on the surface of Mars would have been too high for the majority of life forms on Earth. Tosca et al. revealed that the water activity on Mars was between 0.78 and 0.86, which is lethal to the majority of life on Earth. However, haloarchaea may survive in hypersaline solutions up to saturation.

In June of 2000, gullies resembling floods were found on the surface of Mars. These gullies are probable proof that liquid water previously flowed over Mars’s surface. Similar photographs obtained in 2006 revealed that water may sometimes flow across Mars’s surface. These images were captured by Mars Global Surveyor. The photos revealed alterations in the steep crater walls and sediment layers, offering the most compelling evidence to date that water had flowed through them just a few years ago.

Since the scientific community cannot agree on whether or not the recent gully streaks were produced by liquid water, there is much disagreement around this topic. Some folks believe the floods were nothing more than dry sand flows. Others have hypothesized that the water near the top is liquid brine, although the precise origin of the water and the process driving its motion remain unknown.

In July of 2018, it was reported that a subglacial lake has been found on Mars. The lake was around 20 kilometres wide and 1.5 kilometres below the southern polar ice sheet (12 miles). This lake is the world’s oldest stable water reservoir. The profiles were collected between May 2012 and December 2015 using the MARSIS radar aboard the Mars Express probe, which discovered the lake. The lake’s centre is located at 193 degrees east longitude and 81 degrees south latitude. This region is flat and devoid of major topographical features; nonetheless, it is surrounded by higher terrain, except on its eastern side, which has a depression.

Spirit Rover Damaged Tire Leads to Silica Discovery

In May of 2007, a damaged tire on the Spirit rover produced a disturbance in the ground, which led to the finding of a region that contained 90% silica. The Mars Exploration Rover Mission contributed to this finding. This discovery was made possible as a result of the area’s transformation. This quality makes one ponder the impact of bringing steam or water from a hot spring into touch with volcanic rocks and studying the results. According to them, the interaction of soil with acidic gases created by volcanic activity in the presence of water might be one of the possible sources of silica. This may have happened if water was present. Scientists concluded this based on evidence of a previous environment that may have supported the existence of bacteria. In addition, specialists believe there is evidence of a favourable environment for bacterial existence in the past.

They have a great potential for storing both organic and inorganic biosignatures, which makes them a particularly attractive alternative. There is a significant possibility that both organic and inorganic biosignatures will be maintained if the hydrothermal systems on Mars are equivalent to those on Earth. As a result, hydrothermal deposits are considered one of the most promising chances in the quest for fossil evidence of ancient life on Mars.

Geyserite was discovered in the Pilbara Craton

In May of 2017, geyserite was discovered in the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia, along with a large number of other minerals with similar chemical compositions. In May, this finding was made. These findings represent the conclusion of an investigation conducted in May. The age of these deposits, which are often found in close vicinity to geysers and hot springs, has been determined to be 3.48 billion years, according to the data.

There is a high probability that these sediments include traces of the very earliest land-based life known to have existed anywhere on Earth. Perhaps this has occurred everywhere. This claim may be stated with the utmost confidence. This is a possibility anywhere on Earth. Because these data indicate viable areas and make recommendations for possible hotspots on the planet, they may be useful in determining where on Mars to search for early evidence of life, as they identify viable regions and provide suggestions for potential hotspots on the planet.

Methane cannot exist in Mars’ atmosphere

Theoretically, methane (CH4) cannot exist in Mars’ atmosphere due to the rate at which it may be oxidized. Therefore, methane is not present on Mars. Due to the sun’s UV rays and chemical interactions with the other gases in the atmosphere, it would disintegrate swiftly. Therefore, the fact that methane has lasted in the atmosphere for such a long period may be interpreted as proof of the presence of a source that can renew the gas’s supply continually. This is the result of methane’s ability to persist in the atmosphere for so long.
In 2003, scientists from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center made history by detecting and announcing the existence of minute amounts of methane in Mars’ atmosphere for the first time. This discovery provided the first proof that Mars had a methane atmosphere.

The results of the tests indicated the existence of several parts per billion of methane (ppb). Significant fluctuations in the abundances were observed between 2003 and 2006, showing that the methane was regionally confined and may be seasonal. This was shown by the substantial fluctuations in abundance. Between 2003 and 2006, these modifications occurred. These results give some support for the concept that methane was abundant in the environment. A statistically significant difference between the two groups offered further support for the study’s conclusions. NASA revealed on June 7 the discovery of seasonal variations in the amount of methane on Mars. This finding was made possible by the discovery made by NASA. The findings were detailed in a paper published in the journal Science. These alterations are associated with the seasonal transition.

The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), which was launched in March 2016, started its mapping mission on April 21, 2018, to map the concentration and sources of methane in the atmosphere, as well as its breakdown products, such as formaldehyde and methanol. This mission aims to map the breakdown product composition of methane. This mission’s objective is to map the chemical makeup of chemicals resulting from the decomposition of methane. The objective of this research is to generate a map illustrating the chemical composition of methane breakdown byproducts. Trace Gas Orbiter collected data in May 2019 indicating that atmospheric methane levels are below the detection threshold. This was something discovered by the spacecraft. The findings confirmed this idea ( 0.05 ppbv). The Curiosity rover was able to assess the magnitude of the seasonal and cyclical variation in atmospheric methane levels.

The three processes most likely to lead to methane synthesis on Mars are the chemical interactions between water and rocks, the radiolysis of water, and the formation of pyrite. In no way, shape, or form do these actions involve live beings. The culmination of these reactions is the production of hydrogen. The Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, which produces methane and a variety of other hydrocarbons, may be supplemented with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. Methane production requires water, carbon dioxide, and olivine, which is believed to be plentiful on Mars. This process is referred to as the “water-carbon dioxide-olivine” method.

This technique has been found to result in the production of methane. Furthermore, historical data confirms this method’s effectiveness. Although geologic processes such as serpentinization are theoretically capable of producing methane, the absence of active volcanism, hydrothermal activity, and hotspots inhibits the generation of geologic methane. In other words, the circumstances for geological methane generation are unfavourable. In other words, circumstances are now adverse for geologic methane extraction. Despite this, geologic processes have the potential to result in methane production.

Living bacteria, such as methanogens, provide an alternate explanation for the presence of methane on Mars; but, as of June 2019, no traces of such creatures have been identified on the red planet. It was the Curiosity rover that detected methane; it made the first discovery. Because methanogens do not need oxygen or other organic resources to thrive, do not participate in photosynthetic activities, and utilize hydrogen as their energy source and carbon dioxide (CO2) as their carbon source, they may exist in the subsurface habitats of Mars.

Hydrogen is the energy source for methanogens, while carbon dioxide is their carbon source (CO2). Methanogens have been identified on Phobos, one of Mars's moons. If there is microscopic life on Mars, it likely produces methane and lives deep below the planet’s surface, where temperatures are still warm enough to support liquid water. If life exists on Mars, it is very improbable that it has developed into multicellular organisms. If sentient life exists on Mars, it is very unlikely that it has evolved into a multicellular organism. If life exists on Mars, it is very unlikely that we will ever discover proof of it. If there is life on Mars, our situation is dire.

Since it was discovered in 2003 that methane was present in the atmosphere of Mars, several scientists have created models and conducted in vitro studies to estimate the likelihood that methanogenic bacteria may thrive in replicas of Mars’s soil. This initiative has been undertaken since 2003. Despite the presence of perchlorate salt at a concentration of 1 per cent by weight, all four tested methanogen strains were able to create large volumes of methane, according to the results. This was the conclusion drawn from the investigation’s findings. Even though perchlorate salt was present, this conclusion was reached.

According to the results of Levin’s team’s study, an ecosystem of methane-producing bacteria and methane-consuming microorganisms may be responsible for both the generation and breakdown of methane.

The atmosphere of Mars

According to research released in June 2015 by the University of Arkansas, certain methanogens may be able to exist on Mars despite the planet’s low air pressure. Rebecca Mickol discovered that her lab could support the growth of four distinct species of methanogens under low-pressure conditions comparable to the deep liquid aquifer on Mars. The scientific community was stunned and surprised by this news. She evaluated Methanothermobacter wolfeii, Methanosarcina barkeii, Methanobacterium formicicum, and Methanococcus maripaludis specimens. Researchers suggested in June 2012 that by studying the ratio of hydrogen to methane in Mars’ atmosphere, they would be able to determine whether or not the planet supports life. “Low H2/CH4 ratios” (less than 40), according to the researchers, “suggest that life is likely present and active.” Given that the ratios found in Mars’ lower atmosphere were “roughly 10 times” higher, biological activity is unlikely to be the source of the reported CH4 levels.

This is due to the ratios identified in the lower atmosphere of Mars, which led to their discovery. The researchers suggested that measuring the movement of hydrogen and carbon monoxide over Mars’ surface may provide a more precise estimate. Other researchers have recently announced detection techniques for hydrogen and methane in extraterrestrial planet atmospheres.
Even if rover missions are successful in demonstrating the presence of microscopic life on Mars, the creatures are likely to be located at depths inaccessible to the rover. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. This is because methane is produced by bacteria.

European Space Agency’s Mars Express Orbiter detected formaldehyde in the Martian atmosphere

In February 2005, the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the European Space Agency’s Mars Express Orbiter detected formaldehyde in the Martian atmosphere. Because formaldehyde is a proven carcinogen, this conclusion was easy to make. Formaldehyde, which was previously identified as a carcinogen, contributed significantly to the outcome of this experiment. Due to the presence of the necessary chemical aboard the spaceship where the examination was conducted, it was able to finish this study.

Formaldehyde may have developed from the oxidation of methane, according to Vittorio Formisano, director of the PFS. The source of this information is Vittorio Formisano. This theory is provided as a possible explanation for the current circumstance. If so, Mars is either very geologically active or has microbial colonies. The existence of craters on Mars supports both of these ideas. If this were the case, both of these initiatives would get support. It is rather remarkable that the evidence seems to support both of these theories. NASA specialists have declared that they do not believe there is life on the planet, even though they believe the preliminary findings need more analysis and that they do not believe there is life on the planet.

Viking lander biological experiments

As part of the Viking expedition, two identical landers were dispatched to the surface of Mars in the 1970s to seek biosignatures that may indicate the existence of microbial life. The mission was successful in finding biosignatures that indicate the presence of life. The goal of finding biosignatures compatible with life was accomplished. The goal of this mission was to find biosignatures consistent with the existence of life. Each Viking lander underwent four metabolic tests, but only one yielded organic chemicals; the other three failed. These experiments were carried out on Mars. The tests were designed to find indications of metabolic activity. Throughout its execution, this experiment was referred to as the “Labeled Release” (LR) experiment.

The LR experiment, according to the researchers, was designed especially to test a well-defined component of the Mars-life hypothesis; hence, the findings were inconclusive. The LR experiment was designed to look at a particularly critical component of the Mars-life hypothesis. The LR experiment was designed to test a key component of a hypothesis concerning the possibility of life on Mars. Life Recorder, which stood for “Life Recorder Experiment,” was the name of the experiment. Mars landing missions have never uncovered significant biomolecule or biosignature evidence. This is because Mars is devoid of life.

The Viking LR studies, according to Gilbert Levin, Joseph D. Miller, Navarro, and Giuseppe Bianciardi, uncovered traces of living microbes on Mars. This information is widely accessible to the general population. Patricia Ann Straat, another researcher, came to the same result. The data acquired by the Viking rovers supports the theory that active life exists on Mars right now. This data was acquired in the 1970s. This data gathering serves as the basis for developing the hypothesis. This idea may be traced back to Viking explorers’ knowledge, which served as its basis. These discoveries are now being reviewed to see if they give adequate evidence for the existence of life.

Rafael Navarro and Gonzales reported in December 2010 that organic molecules “may have been present” in the soil examined by the Viking 1 and Viking 2 probes. Both Gonzales and Rafael Navarro carried out a study. Both investigations were made public during the same month. The perchlorate found by the Phoenix lander in 2008 is capable of destroying organic compounds and creating chloromethane and dichloromethane when heated, according to the study.

The heat resistance of perchlorate enabled this finding. Because perchlorate may degrade organic substances, this study has the potential to become a reality. The same set of tests carried out by both Viking landers used to examine the terrain of Mars resulted in the discovery of chlorine compounds. These substances were detected during the testing. Perchlorate would have destroyed any organic molecules discovered on Mars by the Viking probe. The Viking spacecraft, on the other hand, may have discovered organic molecules. However, it is plausible that Vikings discovered organic molecules on Mars. This isn’t entirely improbable. This contributes no new information, comprehension, or clarity to the topic. The overwhelming majority of people first ignored Labeled Release data, and the vast majority of scientists still do.

Meteorites believed to originate from Mars

As of 2018, 224 meteorites believed to originate from Mars have been identified and catalogued (some of which were found in several fragments). Because no other real samples of Mars can be collected by scientists on Earth, they are the only ones of their sort and hence of enormous value. This explains why there are no more genuine Mars samples. The conclusion that the tiny morphological characteristics revealed in ALH84001 are biomorphs has sparked significant debate, and the vast majority of scientists working on this subject disagree. On the other hand, other researchers agree that this position is correct.

Seven conditions must be met before it is possible to evaluate whether or not geologic materials collected from the earth contain signs of a former life. These requirements are as follows:

  1. Is the sample’s geological setting consistent with previous life?
  2. Is the probability of survival proportional to the sample’s age and stratigraphic placement?
  3. Does the sample include indications of cellular morphology or colonies?
  4. Existe-t-il des indices de déséquilibre chimique or minéral chez les biominerals?
  5. Exists research demonstrating physiologically unique stable isotope patterns?
  6. Exist organic biomarker presence indicators?
  7. Are these characteristics exclusive to this subset of the population?

To secure widespread acceptance of the existence of past life in a geologic sample, the majority, if not all, of these requirements must be met. This recognition is only possible if all of the requirements are met. [Here is a nice illustration:] Only if all conditions are met and everything falls into place may the recipient of this award be acknowledged. There is not a single sample coming back from Mars that satisfies all seven conditions at the current moment.

ALH84001 is a Martian meteorite

An inspection of a meteorite shard using an electron microscope indicates the presence of living creatures, such as bacteria. ALH84001 is a Martian meteorite that is far older than the vast majority of Martian meteorites identified to date. Because the ALH84001 was found on Mars, this is accurate. NASA scientists led by David S. McKay discovered microscopic characteristics and geochemical abnormalities in 1996 that they believed were best explained by the granite’s previous support of Martian microorganisms. These findings were published in Science. The journal Science released a paper detailing these results.

As a consequence, the Martian meteorite drew considerable attention. They were far smaller than any other known living form, and their attributes were startlingly similar to those of terrestrial bacteria. In addition to being significantly smaller than any other known forms of life, they were also much less numerous. In the end, it was decided that all of the data provided by McKay’s team as proof of life could be explained by non-biological mechanisms.

This decision was reached after much debate and after it was found that all of the evidence for life presented was bogus. In the ongoing debate on the existence of life, this may be considered an important development. Even though the scientific community as a whole has rejected the notion that ALH 84001 contains evidence of ancient Martian life, the discussion around ALH 84001 is now recognized as a defining milestone in the development of exobiology. Even though the scientific community as a whole discredits the assumption that it has such proof, this is accurate.

Nakhla crashed into the earth in Alexandria, Egypt

The meteorite known as the Nakhla meteorite crashed on Earth on June 28, 1911, in the Nakhla neighbourhood of Alexandria, Egypt.

On June 28, 1911, a meteorite now known as the Nakhla meteorite fell to Earth in the Nakhla area of Alexandria, Egypt. This event is known as the Nakhla meteorite impact.

Abbreviated as GC-MS, were used by NASA researchers in the year 2000

In the year 1998, a group of researchers working at NASA’s Johnson Space Center took a small sample to conduct an inquiry. The researchers found evidence of preterrestrial aqueous alteration phases as well as objects that had a size and shape akin to fossilized nanobacteria seen on Earth. In addition, the researchers found preterrestrial aqueous alteration phases.

Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, abbreviated as GC-MS, were used by NASA researchers in the year 2000 to investigate the high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that were discovered in Nakhla. As much as seventy-five per cent of the organic chemicals that were discovered there “may not represent recent terrestrial pollution,” the researchers reasoned as a result of their results and arrived at this conclusion.

Because of this, there was a rise in the amount of interest in this meteorite, and in 2006, NASA was able to successfully acquire a new and larger sample of the meteorite from the London Natural History Museum. It was discovered that this second sample included a large quantity of dendritic carbon. [Citation needed] After the discoveries and the data supporting them were made public in 2006, a few researchers working separately declared that the carbon deposits came from biological processes. This was done after the findings and the data supporting them were made public. It was pointed out that although though carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the cosmos, finding it in odd patterns does not indicate or suggest the presence of a biological source. In fact, carbon is the fourth most prevalent element in the universe.

Shergotty Martian meteorite fell on Earth in Shergotty, India

The Shergotty meteorite was a Martian meteorite that weighed 4 kilograms (8.8 lb) that fell to Earth on August 25, 1865, in Shergotty, India. It was collected by witnesses practically immediately after it fell to the ground. It is hypothesized that pyroxene, which makes up the majority of its composition, underwent preterrestrial aqueous modification during a period of many millennia. It seems that there are still some traces of a biofilm and the microbial populations that were connected with it within the structure.

Yamato 000593 is the second largest meteorite

The Yamato 000593 meteorite was discovered on Earth and is the second biggest Martian meteorite ever found. According to recent research, the Martian meteorite likely originated from a lava flow on Mars some 1.3 billion years ago.

The meteorite was sent into orbit after an impact that took place on Mars around 12 million years ago and expelled it from the surface of the planet. Approximately 50,000 years ago, a meteorite crashed on Earth somewhere in Antarctica. It has been determined that the meteorite has a mass of 13.7 kilograms (about 30 pounds) and that it contains traces of water that was present in the past. In the meteorite, on a microscopic scale, there exist spheres that are abundant in carbon in comparison to the regions around them, which are devoid of such spheres. NASA researchers believe that biotic activity may have been responsible for the formation of carbon-rich spheres.

Ichnofossil-like structures

Interactions between organisms and their substrates, as well as the results of such interactions, are considered to be essential biosignatures on Earth because they provide direct proof of biological behaviour. It was the recovery of fossilized products of life-substrate interactions (ichnofossils) that revealed biological activity in the early history of life on Earth, such as burrows from the Proterozoic period, microborings from the Archean period, and stromatolites from the Archean period. There have been reports of two prominent ichnofossil-like structures on Mars. These include the stick-like structures that were found in the Vera Rubin Ridge and the microtunnels that were found in Martian meteorites.

Millimeter-scale, elongate formations have been found preserved in sedimentary rocks inside Gale Crater that were produced in fluvio-lacustrine settings, according to observations made at Vera Rubin Ridge by the Curiosity rover from the Mars Space Laboratory. Ichnofossils are among the closest morphological counterparts to the stick-like structures that are found among the Martian geological features. Morphometric and topologic data indicate that these stick-like structures are unique among the Martian geological features. Despite this, the facts that are now accessible are unable to completely exclude two key abiotic theories. These hypotheses include sedimentary cracking and evaporitic crystal development as genetic mechanisms for the formations.

Meteorites from Mars have been studied for their potential to include micro tunnels. They are made up of micro tunnels that may be straight or curved, and they may include places with higher concentrations of carbon.

Micro tunnels have been described from Martian meteorites. They consist of straight to curved micro tunnels that may contain areas of enhanced carbon abundance. The morphology of the curved microchannels is consistent with biogenic traces on Earth, including microbioerosion traces observed in basaltic glasses. Further studies are needed to confirm biogenicity.


The shape of the curving microtunnels is in line with the biogenic traces that have been found on Earth, such as the microbioerosion traces that have been found in basaltic glasses. To verify the biogenicity of the substance, more research is required.

The freezing and thawing that occurs seasonally on the southern ice cap lead to the production of spider-like radial grooves, which are cut by sunlight through ice that is one meter thick. The pressure inside of them then increases, causing geyser-like eruptions of cold fluids that are often combined with black basaltic sand or mud. This is caused by the sublimation of CO2 and, most likely, water. This process is very fast and has been seen to take place in the span of only a few days, weeks, or months. This kind of development rate is rather unique in geology, particularly for Mars.

Dark dune spots and spider channels are two of the most noticeable characteristics of geysers on Mars. According to a team of Hungarian scientists, these characteristics may be colonies of photosynthetic Martian microorganisms that overwinter beneath the ice cap. When the sun returns to the pole in early spring, light penetrates the ice, and the microorganisms photosynthesize, heating their immediate surroundings. The layer of ice that lies above them has caused a pocket of liquid water to form around them.

This water would typically evaporate rapidly in the thin atmosphere of Mars, but the ice has prevented this from happening. As this layer of ice melts, the microorganisms below become visible and take on a grey colour. After the layer has been entirely melted, the microorganisms quickly dry out and become black, and they are encircled by a grey aureole. Even a complicated sublimation process, in the opinion of the Hungarian experts, is not enough to adequately explain the origin and development of the black dune areas throughout distance and time. Since the time of their discovery, science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke has advocated that these formations need to be investigated from an astrobiological point of view.

An international group of researchers from Europe hypothesizes that certain microscopic life forms might have been able to retreat and adapt while being shielded from the effects of solar radiation if liquid water is present in the channels of spiders during the annual defrost cycle. This hypothesis is based on the assumption that the spiders’ channels contain liquid water. A group of researchers from the United Kingdom is looking into the possibilities of organic materials, bacteria, or even basic plants co-existing with these inorganic structures. This is particularly likely if the process involves liquid water and a geothermal energy source. They also note that the bulk of geological formations may be explained without invoking any biological “life on Mars” concept, which is another observation that they make. It has been suggested that the Mars Geyser Hopper lander be developed to do in-depth research on the geysers.

The goal of efforts to safeguard Mars against biological contamination is to ensure that the planet remains sterile. The prevention of human-caused microbial introductions, also known as forwarding contamination, is a primary objective to preserve the historical record of natural processes throughout the world. There is a wealth of information that demonstrates the potential for adverse outcomes to occur when creatures from different geographical places on Earth that have been kept apart from one another for prolonged periods are then exposed to the environments of one another. Species that are unable to survive in one habitat may do so very well in another environment, frequently to the point where they are out of control, much to the detriment of the native species that were originally there. If life forms from one planet were brought into the completely foreign biosphere of another globe, this situation may become much more complicated.

The inadequate sterilization of certain tenacious terrestrial microorganisms (extremophiles) onboard spacecraft is the primary source of worry when it comes to the potential for hardware to introduce contamination to Mars. Landers, probes that have crashed, hardware that is being discarded after a mission, and the landing of entry, descent, and landing systems in a hard landing are all examples of hardware.

This has led to studies being conducted on the likelihood of survival for radiation-resistant bacteria, such as the species Deinococcus radiodurans and the genera Brevundimonas, Rhodococcus, and Pseudomonas, in circumstances that replicate those on Mars. In one of these experimental irradiation experiments, the results showed that Brevundimonas sp.

MV.7 could survive the cosmic radiation for up to 100,000 years before suffering 106 population reduction if it was only buried 30 centimetres deep in Martian dust. This information was combined with the results of previous radiation modelling. The daily variations in temperature and relative humidity that were similar to those seen on Mars had a very negative impact on the viability of Deinococcus radiodurans cells. In other computer simulations, the growth of Deinococcus radiodurans was inhibited by conditions including low air pressure, temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius, and the lack of oxygen.

Survival under simulated Martian conditions

Since the 1950s, scientists have been trying to discover whether or not Mars is capable of supporting a diverse range of lifeforms by using containers that recreate the climatic conditions found on Mars. These containers, also known as “Mars jars” or “Mars simulation chambers,” were first described and used in research conducted by the United States Air Force in the 1950s. Hubertus Strughold was the individual responsible for this. Joshua Lederberg and Carl Sagan popularized the use of these containers in civilian research.

Within the simulation time of 34 days under Martian conditions in the Mars Simulation Laboratory (MSL), which is maintained by the German Aerospace Center, scientists reported on April 26, 2012, that an extremophile lichen survived and showed remarkable results on the adaptation capacity of photosynthetic activity. This was done in the Mars Simulation Laboratory (MSL), which was maintained by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It is not the same thing to be able to survive in an environment as it is to be able to flourish, reproduce, and develop in the same environment; hence, more research is required.

Although many studies point to resistance to some of Mars’ conditions, they do so in isolation, and none of them has considered the full range of Martian surface conditions at the same time and in combination. These conditions include temperature, pressure, atmospheric composition, radiation, humidity, oxidizing regolith, and others. Simulations conducted in laboratories have shown that the likelihood of survival is significantly reduced anytime more than one factor contributing to death is present at the same time.

Water salinity and temperature

NASA is providing financial support to astrobiologists who are doing studies on the potential limits of microbial survival in environments with high salt concentrations and cold temperatures.

Anybody of liquid water that is expected to be found under the polar ice caps or deep underground is also likely to be subjected to a substantial amount of hydrostatic pressure and contain a significant amount of salt. They are aware that the landing site of the Phoenix lander was discovered to be regolith cemented with water ice and salts, and they believe that the soil samples likely contained magnesium sulfate, magnesium perchlorate, and sodium perchlorate, potassium perchlorate, sodium chloride, and calcium carbonate.

The ability of bacteria from Earth to grow and reproduce in the presence of highly salted solutions is referred to as halophile, which is short for “salt-lover.” These bacteria were tested for their ability to survive using salts that are commonly found on Mars and at temperatures that were decreasing. The following species were put through their paces: Halomonas, Marinococcus, Nesterenkonia, and Virgibacillus. However, halophile bacteria were grown in a laboratory in water solutions containing more than 25 per cent of salts common on Mars, and beginning in 2019, the experiments will incorporate exposure to low temperature, salts, and high pressure. Laboratory simulations show that whenever multiple Martian environmental factors are combined, the survival rates quickly drop.


Mars-1 was the first spacecraft to be sent to Mars, and it was launched in 1962. However, contact with the spacecraft was lost when it was in transit to Mars. In the years 1971 and 1972, the Mars-2 and Mars-3 rovers sent back information on the composition of the rocks that make up the surface, as well as altitude profiles of the surface density of the soil, its thermal conductivity, and any thermal anomalies that were found on the surface of Mars. The program discovered that the temperature of its northern polar cap is lower than 110 °C (166 °F) and that the amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere of Mars is five thousand times lower than it is on Earth. There were no traces of life that could be found.

Mariner 4

The Mariner 4 spacecraft captured this image of Mariner Crater in 1965. Images similar to this one showed that life could not exist on Mars because the planet is too dry.

The Viking orbiter’s observations of Mars’ streamlined islands provided evidence that the planet formerly experienced significant flooding. The picture may be seen in the quadrangle known as Lunae Palus.
In 1965, the Mariner 4 probe became the first spacecraft to complete a flyby of the planet Mars and send back images of the red planet’s surface. The photos revealed a desolate planet Mars devoid of rivers, seas, or other indications of past or present life. In the addition, it was discovered that the surface was covered in craters (at least in the areas that were shot by it), which suggests that there has been no plate tectonic activity or weathering of any type for the last 4 billion years.

The rover also discovered that Mars does not possess a worldwide magnetic field, which is necessary for a planet to have to shield its inhabitants from potentially lethal cosmic radiation. The probe was able to determine that the air pressure on the planet was around 0.6 kPa, which, in comparison to the 101.3 kPa that exists on Earth, indicates that liquid water could not possibly exist on the surface of the planet. [22] The hunt for life on Mars after Mariner 4 shifted its focus from looking for multicellular creatures to looking for bacteria-like living things since it was obvious that the climate on Mars was too severe for multicellular species.

Viking orbiters

Because known life and metabolism cannot function without liquid water, the presence or absence of water on Mars may have been a determining factor in whether or not the planet ever hosted life. The Viking orbiters discovered evidence of probable river basins in several different locations, as well as erosion and branching streams in the southern hemisphere.

Viking biological experiments

Because the conditions on Mars are no longer favourable for the evolution of multicellular organisms, the primary mission of the Viking probes that were launched in the middle of the 1970s was to carry out experiments designed to detect microorganisms in the soil of Mars. This is because the conditions that were favourable for the evolution of multicellular organisms on Mars ended approximately four billion years ago. The experiments were designed to search for microbial life that was comparable to that which is present on Earth. The only one of the four experiments that gave a positive result was the Labeled Release (LR) experiment, which showed enhanced 14CO2 generation on the initial exposure of soil to water and nutrients.

There are two findings from the Viking missions that are universally accepted by the scientific community. First, the radiolabeled 14CO2 was produced in the Labeled Release experiment, and second, the GCMS did not detect any organic molecules. The implications of those results can be interpreted in a variety of very different ways: According to a textbook on astrobiology published in 2011, the GCMS was the determining factor due to which “The majority of the Viking scientists concluded that the Viking missions were unsuccessful in detecting any signs of life in the soil of Mars.”

From 1965 until 1976, Norman Horowitz served as the head of the bioscience section at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which was responsible for the Mariner and Viking missions. Horowitz concluded that due to the remarkable versatility of the carbon atom, it is the element most likely to provide solutions, even unusual solutions, to the challenges of the continued existence of life on other planets. On the other hand, he thought that the conditions that could be found on Mars were not conducive to the existence of life-based on carbon.

Gilbert Levin, who was responsible for the design of the Labeled Release experiment, thinks that his findings constitute a conclusive test for the existence of life on Mars. A significant number of researchers disagree with Levin’s view. According to a textbook on astrobiology published in 2006, “However, if the Terrestrial samples were not properly sterilized, the addition of additional nutrients after the initial incubation would result in the production of even more radioactive gas as the dormant bacteria became active and began consuming the new amount of food.

The opposite was true for the soil on Mars; the second and third nutrition injections did not result in any additional release of labeled gas on that planet.” Others in the scientific community believe that the impact may have been caused by superoxides in the soil even in the absence of living organisms. Because the gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer, which were intended to identify natural organic materials, could not find organic molecules, practically everyone concluded that the results from the Labeled Release experiment could not be used as proof of life. Powder drilled from one of the rocks known as “Cumberland” and studied by the Curiosity rover revealed significant quantities of organic compounds, including chlorobenzene. This discovery was made more recently. The overall expert community has concluded that the conclusions of the Viking expedition concerning life are inconclusive.

Gilbert Levin’s investigation was evaluated once more in 2007 while it was being presented at a Seminar held at the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Levin is certain that his first findings were accurate, citing the fact that the positive and negative control trials were carried out appropriately. In addition, on April 12, 2012, the group led by Levin reported statistical speculation that may suggest evidence of “extant microbial life on Mars.” This speculation was based on old data from the Labeled Release experiments, which had been reinterpreted mathematically through cluster analysis. It would be premature to draw any conclusions at this point, according to the critics, because the method has not yet been demonstrated to be effective at distinguishing between biological and non-biological processes that occur on Earth.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico research team, led by Rafael Navarro-González, concluded that the GCMS equipment (TV-GC-MS) was used by the Viking program to search for organic molecules may not be sensitive enough to detect low levels of organics. This conclusion was reached by the team after Rafael Navarro-González oversaw the research. A reply was written by Klaus Biemann, who was the lead investigator of the GCMS experiment aboard the Viking spacecraft. TV–GC–MS is still considered the standard method for organic detection on future Mars missions because of how easy it is to handle samples. Because of this, Navarro-González suggests that the design of future organic instruments for Mars should include other methods of detection to compete with the standard.

After the Phoenix lander made the finding of perchlorates on Mars, nearly the same team of Navarro-González released a study alleging that the Viking GCMS results were damaged by the presence of perchlorates. This publication was published after the discovery was made. According to a chapter from an astrobiology textbook published in 2011, “while perchlorate is too poor an oxidizer to reproduce the LR results (under the conditions of that experiment perchlorate does not oxidize organics), it does oxidize, and thus destroy, organics at the higher temperatures used in the Viking GCMS experiment.” [T]hese higher temperatures were necessary for the Viking GCMS experiment. Biemann has also written a commentary that is critical of this Navarro-González study. The latter authors have responded to Biemann’s comments, and the discussion was published in December 2011.

Phoenix lander, 2008

The Phoenix project landed a robotic spacecraft in the polar region of Mars on May 25, 2008, and it worked until November 10, 2008. The other primary objective of the mission was to research the geological history of water on Mars. One of the two primary goals of the mission was to search for a “habitable zone” in the Martian regolith where microbial life could exist. The lander is equipped with a robotic arm that is 2.5 meters long and can dig shallow trenches in the regolith. An electrochemistry experiment was conducted, the purpose of which was to examine the ions in the regolith as well as the quantity and kind of antioxidants on Mars. Data from the Viking program suggest that the levels of oxidants on Mars may change depending on the planet’s latitude. It should be noted that Viking 2 saw lower levels of oxidants than Viking 1, which was located farther to the north.

Phoenix touched down even further to the north. The early findings from the Phoenix mission showed that the soil of Mars contained perchlorate, suggesting that the planet may not be as conducive to life as was previously believed. From a biological point of view, the pH and salinity levels were not considered to be harmful in any way. In addition, the analyzers revealed the existence of bound water and carbon dioxide. In a recent investigation of the Martian meteorite EETA79001, the presence of 0.6 ppm ClO4, 1.4 ppm ClO3, and 16 ppm NO3 indicated that the meteorite originated most likely from Mars.

The existence of ClO3 indicates the possible presence of additional highly oxidizing oxychlorines, such as ClO2 or ClO, which are formed both by the UV oxidation of Cl and the X-ray radiolysis of ClO4. Therefore, the only organics that have a chance of surviving are those that are very refractory and/or well-protected (below the surface). In addition, a recent study of the Phoenix WCL revealed that the Ca(ClO4)2 in the soil of Phoenix has not interacted with liquid water in any form and that this state of affairs has persisted for at least 600 Myr. If it had, the very soluble Ca(ClO4)2 would have produced just CaSO4 when it was brought into contact with liquid water. This points to a very dry environment, one that has little to no contact with liquid water at all.

Mars Science Laboratory

Laboratory for Mars Exploration

The Mars Science Laboratory mission is a NASA project that began on November 26, 2011, with the launch of the Curiosity rover. The Curiosity rover is a nuclear-powered robotic vehicle that is equipped with instruments that are designed to evaluate the habitability conditions that existed on Mars in the past and the present. On August 6, 2012, the Curiosity rover successfully landed on Mars in the Gale Crater region of Aeolis Palus, which is located close to Aeolis Mons, also known as Mount Sharp.

On December 16, 2014, NASA announced that the Curiosity rover has discovered a “tenfold surge” in the quantity of methane present in the atmosphere of Mars. This increase was most likely localized. Methane concentrations in the atmosphere were found to have increased by an average of “7 parts of methane per billion in the atmosphere” after sample measurements were collected “a dozen times over 20 months.” The measurements before and after the event averaged at around one-hundredth of that level. In addition, the Curiosity rover discovered trace amounts of chlorobenzene (C6H5Cl) in powder drilled from one of the rocks referred to as “Cumberland.” This compound was found in the sample.

Mars 2020

NASA’s planetary rover mission to Mars, known as the Mars 2020 rover, is scheduled to take off on July 30, 2020. Its purpose is to investigate an ancient environment on Mars that is relevant to astrobiology, as well as the geological processes and history of its surface. This will include an evaluation of the planet’s habitability in the past and the possibility that biosignatures will be preserved in geological materials that are easily accessible.
Missions of the future dedicated to astrobiology

Future astrobiology missions

  • ExoMars is a multi-spacecraft program that is currently being developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Federal Space Agency for launch between the years 2016 and 2020. The program is led by Europe.
  • The primary objective of this spacecraft’s scientific mission will be to investigate the possibility of past or present life on Mars. A rover equipped with a core drill measuring 2 meters (6.6 feet) in length will be used to collect samples from a variety of depths below the surface, including those at which it is possible to find liquid water and those at which microorganisms or organic biosignatures may be able to withstand cosmic radiation.

Human colonization of Mars

Economic interests, long-term scientific research that can be conducted more effectively by people as opposed to robotic probes, and simple human curiosity are some of the primary drivers behind the movement to colonize Mars.

Mars’s surface characteristics, coupled with the fact that it has water on its surface, give it the potential to be the most habitable planet in the Solar System, second only to Earth.

Artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, 3-D printing and additive manufacturing, and autonomous vehicles are all examples of applicable frontier technologies.

In situ resource utilization (ISRU) would be necessary for the successful colonization of Mars by humans, according to a report from NASA “Robotics

These technologies, when combined with Mars’ vast natural resources, should make it possible for ISRU to significantly improve the reliability and safety of human colonization of Mars while simultaneously lowering costs associated with the endeavor.”

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