Weary of receiving pennies for hours of labour on underappreciated articles

Medium Income Accelerator — Immediately Double Your Freelance Writing Income

This simple technique will instantly increase your Medium revenue

Don Pablo
Published in
23 min readMay 12, 2022


You start by doing research for your piece, developing an enticing title, and then getting carried away when diving into the juicy sections. Time seems to fly by, and before you know it, you’ve finished the most incredible in-depth, engaging, and great piece of writing you’ve ever done — but it’s 2 a.m., and you have work tomorrow morning. You make the decision to schedule the post, which has the added benefit of ensuring that it is published at the most appropriate time. You finished all that needed to be done and then went to bed to get some rest before heading to work in a couple of hours.

Photo by Evelyn Paris on Unsplash

When you get home from work after a long, tired, but productive day, the first thing you do is open the front door and go right to your computer. It’s time to check on your masterpiece, but Medium doesn’t seem to be refreshing, so you hit the refresh button a few times more forcefully than normal in case there’s an issue with your laptop, as the feeling of failure creeps up your spine and over your head. Medium is not broken; the article just isn’t doing well. — This has an unpleasant aftertaste.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Well, these things happen, and you decide to remove the post and resubmit it later. Unfortunately, although the post performs somewhat better than the previous time, it is still far from effective. Typically, we leave the article here and begin writing a fresh one. However, there is another technique to make money from less popular posts, converting every piece you publish into a successful one.

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The reality is that not all articles are created equal, nor are all content publishing platforms. Some articles will not be as popular on Medium as they will be on other platforms. The trick here is to think outside the Medium platform and distribute your content to the right marketplaces for it. In order to make this a little easier for you there is a list of 80 platforms, categorised with descriptions and potential revenue.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

This is a comprehensive and up-to-date updated list of publishing platforms, omitting websites with categories of items for sale priced at less than $50 per item and including new markets discovered during the previous six months. That is the very minimum required. To present you with the widest range of markets that pay, we have chosen those that have reported paying freelance writers in our network more than $50 each article.

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Are you willing to quit writing for pennies (or peanuts, or any other idiom of your choosing) and learn how to make real money online? Eliminating sites that do not accept submissions, resulted in a significant reduction in the number of writing-focused sites on our list. Excluding websites that pay less than $50 per article, rely on traffic or ad clicks, or both. This is a complete list of marketplaces with guaranteed rewards for writers! This collection also has a wide variety of topics, ranging from motherhood and knitting to business management and writing, so finding a match should be easy for everyone.

Business, Career and Finance

1 When it comes to business-related pieces, B. Michelle Pippin will pay between $50 and $150.

2 The Coaches Training Blog is looking for information that is associated with the fields of life coaching, career coaching, and business coaching. The value of a person’s salary is directly proportional to the kind of work that they do.

3 Copyhackers pays $325 for essays on themes like as copywriting, branding, and other areas of business operations. Before submitting a proposal, carefully review the submission guidelines.

4 If you have established prior arrangements with CEO Hangout about payment, and if you have submitted a proposal and negotiated payment with the editor before writing the item, CEO Hangout will pay you $50 for it. They are looking for articles that discuss the lives of CEOs, along with success stories, interviews, and other stuff that seems to be useful to business executives.

5 DailyWorth offers $150 for articles that address the financial concerns that women experience. They give an email address beginning with “blackhole editorial@,” but when I asked them on Twitter how to submit a proposal, they instructed me to contact the managing editor, Koa Beck.

6 You will get $50 for each personal finance article that you write for Doctor of Credit that is only focused on credit and the prudent administration of credit accounts.

7 Depending on the quality of their writing, authors of blogs on FreelanceMom who explain how to operate a company while still being a mother may earn between $75 and $100 for their time and effort.

8 You may earn up to $200 each article when you write for FreshBooks, the same platform we use to charge freelancers. Always be willing to haggle the price to get the best offer.

9 Acorns’ new online journal Grow Magazine pays at least $50 for millennial-focused personal finance pieces. Grow Magazine has just launched. Even though no submission requirements were published on their website, I was told to send my contribution to grow@acorns.com with the subject STORY. Even though we typically oppose sending generic emails, due to the pub’s young, it is possible that it is not yet a giant black hole.


10 Every post that an author writes on strategies for generating money online, such as search engine optimization (SEO), affiliate marketing, and traffic development, has the potential to earn the author anywhere from fifty to two hundred dollars.

11 The author will get $200 for a post that has between 1,000 and 2,000 words if Mirasee decides to pay for it. There are a few possible focuses for this role, including growth, productivity, and marketing.

12 According to our sources, you may anticipate earning around $150 for every article written for Modern Farmer.

13 The Penny Hoarder is a website that offers advice on how to cut costs and save money to become more frugal. You will need to be ready to negotiate remuneration with editors throughout the pitching process, and you will also need to be prepared to forsake a website link. Both of these preconditions have to be met before proceeding.

14 Priceonomics offers a reward of $1,000 for 2,000-word economics and statistics-focused articles. Why is there a limitation? Articles must correspond to the standards for submission. Periodically, they may request articles on a variety of subjects, which may get you closer to that hefty sum.

15 RankPay will provide a compensation of fifty dollars for any item that is relevant to search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, or social media.


16 The powerful women who run successful businesses are the focus of LiisBeth. By reading the site’s rules, archived articles, About page, and manifesto, you may get more information about the people who frequent the LiisBeth website. The amount of money paid out is contingent upon the task that is performed.


17 Aish is looking for first-person anecdotes that demonstrate how living according to Orthodox Jewish ideals may be useful in everyday life. In exchange, the author of each piece that is accepted for publication will receive a fee equal to $200. Please send an email to ebraverman@aish.edu for any more information. Spend some time during this interim period getting yourself acquainted with the frum way of life.

18 Writings on topics relating to higher education that are sent to Cosmopolitan.com are paid $100 each. They are also using the essay submission as a way to attract writers for open positions that they currently have inside the company.

19 It has been reported that Dame provides a prize of $200 for each item submitted. They do accept contributed pieces, both in the form of reported features and in other article categories; however, the payout rates for these other types of articles may vary.

20 The Establishment is willing to pay anything from $50 to $125 for articles and stories that have already been covered by the publication in the past.


21 Eureka Street is a website headquartered in Australia that offers a payment of $200 for comments and analyses on topics like politics, religion, popular culture, and current events occurring in Australia as well as other countries and regions across the world. In addition to this, they provide a stipend of fifty dollars for poetry, which is quite uncommon in today’s society (for a thorough guide to work opportunities for poets, check out our website).

22 When Guideposts publishes an essay that is founded on the Christian faith and accepts it, the author receives a reward of $250.

22 Authors who are blind or have some other kind of vision impairment are eligible to win a cash reward of one hundred dollars if they produce illuminating articles for LightHouse.

23 Narratively offers $200–$300 in payment for writings of 2,000–2,500 words on a certain subject. Check out their criteria for a list of the things they need right now.

24 It has been stated that the New York Times Contemporary Love section would pay as much as $300 for an article on any subject that may be categorized as having to do with modern love.

25 If you’re from San Francisco or have some other connection to the city, the Bold Italic font could be the best choice for you. The gig economy, internet dating, mental illness, and a variety of other themes have all been covered in previous essays. The fee for each essay is $50.

26 Buzzfeed has an estimated 168 million unique visits every month, and to keep those visitors engaged and educated, the company publishes content on a broad range of subjects. Pays between $0.13 and $0.27 for each word.

Family and Parenting

27 posts in Babble’s parenting, entertainment, pregnancy, beauty, style, food, and travel sections earn between $100 and $150 each piece.

28 The British website Just Parents is focused on pregnancy and parenting. For every article, you earn $60.

29 On the website Parent. co, you can read serious, non-sarcastic articles on parenting and other family-related topics. The current minimum wage is $50 per hour.

30 The website Fatherly is searching for hilarious stories and tips on raising children that come from the viewpoint of fathers. Pay is determined on the assignment.

31 Pregnancy and parenting of newborns and young children are among the themes addressed in the Stork Guide. They pay more than $50 for every post.


32 The parenting blog for the New York Times, “Well Family,” is holding a contest with a prize pool of one hundred dollars. Put up your argument to the editor. Parenting tips and personal anecdotes covering topics like love, friendship, family, and sexuality are included.


33 The Basis for Anxiety and Stress Anyone with relevant expertise who is willing to share it with us is always of interest. Provides a cash incentive of fifty dollars for mental health-related articles.

34 According to reports, the online health section of The Atlantic pays $200. Little more than selected recollections of Soviet-era military victory is all that the government has to give the Russian people.

35 The subject of PsychCentral is mental health. A reader who was on the list from the previous year said that they are a paying market, even though they do not disclose a pay rate on their website and did not answer my inquiry concerning pay.

Lifestyle and General Interest

36 The website of Bitch Magazine compensates contributors for their pop culture stories. Since pay is negotiable, you should do so to get the rate you wish.

37 BookBrowse compensates contributors for reviews of books. Those authors who are approved into their stable of reviewers will get $50 for each review that is 600 words long.

38 Adoptive Family is interested in hearing thoughts about any facets of the adoption process. Pay is determined on the assignment.

39 It has been stated that The Daily Beast pays $250 and above. Because their submission criteria include a “black hole” email address for editorial@, you will need to do some research to identify the appropriate person to pitch your idea to.

40 The term “backpacker” refers to somebody who travels by foot in natural environments. The assignment will decide the amount of pay.

41 It has been reported that getAbstract offers a payment of $300 for longer book summaries (between 2,000 and 4,000 words).

42 Gothamist is looking for well-researched essays about the city of New York and would pay between $50 and $150 for each one.

43 Backstage, the performers have access to a wide array of materials to help them with their performances. Get a pitch for $0.14 for each word. The position of Editor-in-Chief of LinkedIn is currently held by Briana Rodriguez.

44 Payment for posts is offered on the International Wine Accessories blog, with rates beginning at $50 and increasing from there.

45 Knitty has increased its prices for articles about knitting and knitting patterns to range from $120-$200. They also offer a companion website known as Knittyspin, which is geared at knitters who like to work with handspun yarn.

46 Articles that cover topics such as parenting, politics, theology, health, and pop culture may earn authors between $100 and $200 at Lifezette. Get in touch with the right editor and share your proposal with them.


47 Listverse is now offering a payout of one hundred dollars for extensive lists on a range of topics that are at least one thousand five hundred words in length.

48 Posts on politics and culture that are written for the “intelligent audience of metropolitan professionals” at the New York Observer are paid $100 each.

49 OZY does pay its freelancers, however, the rates vary depending on the project.

50 Paste is looking for submissions on a broad range of topics and will pay at least $50 for the best ones.

51 The books in the Pretty Designs series include issues related to fashion and beauty. You will need to negotiate the price per post that will be charged.

52 According to rumours, Refinery29 pays $75 or more for a range of slideshows, articles, and essays. In addition, column requirements are listed on their guidelines page.

53 Even really lengthy pieces and in-depth profiles with extensive reporting have the potential to earn $100 to $200 from Salon.

54 According to rumours, Smithsonian Magazine Online pays well-known freelancers up to $600 for each piece they report on.

55 The Tablet is willing to pay for pieces that discuss Jewish culture, philosophy, and news. Because of this, you should be ready to negotiate your pay. I read that an extensively reported piece that was more than 2,000 words would cost $1,000.

56 TwoPlusTwo Magazine offers a payment of $200 for poker-related original writings. They will publish articles for six months, at the end of which the author will regain ownership of the piece and will be able to sell reprint rights or post it on their site.

57 The compensation rate at Vice varies, so if you would want to write about issues related to cuisine, technology, music, fashion, and other lifestyle topics, you will need to negotiate pricing with Vice.

58 YourTango offers a payment of fifty dollars for articles that include topics such as love, sex, travel, mental health, and almost anything else that relates to your connections.


59 The topic of web design is covered in “A List Apart.” They shell out a grand amount of $200 for each article.

60 Compose will provide contributors of articles about databases the option of receiving either a $200 cash reward or a database credit in the same amount.

61 Discussions on Indeni about Check Point firewalls, F5 load balancers, or Palo Alto Networks firewalls are eligible for rewards ranging from $50 to $200 per post.

62 Articles written regarding Linux, Socket.io, NoSQL databases, gaming servers, Open Change, and Web RTC are eligible for a payment of $250 from Linode.

63 What exactly is it that makes designing websites so tricky? Articles on a variety of topics, including HTML, CSS, Ruby, and PHP, may earn authors between $100 and $150 through SitePoint.

64 SlickWP will pay $100 for articles that are connected to either WordPress or the Genesis Theme Framework.


65 Tuts+ accepts payments of up to one hundred dollars for courses on a range of technologies, including web design and Flash. Once upon a time, Tuts oversaw a network of sixteen unique blogs, one of which was titled Freelance Switch. Today, however, everything may be accessed on a single website covering a wide range of themes, including design, gaming, photography, and writing.

66 WordCandy pays between 6 and 10 cents per word for WordPress-related ghostwritten content. These articles will appear on some of the most prominent WordPress blogs, like wpmudev.

67 WPHub offers monetary compensation ranging from one hundred to two hundred dollars for articles on current website design trends, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related subjects.

Travel and Food

68 Gray Horse is an important publication in the state of Texas, writers are compensated between $125 and $200. Because writers must be physically present at the venue, preference is given to Texas residents.


69 The Desert Times will pay between $50 and $100 for stories on the people and culture of North American deserts. Priority is given to writers who provide additional images. Geronimo and Cochise used to live here. According to Ellen Morgan, The Painted Desert and the Four Corners connect the Grand Canyon and Oak Creek Canyon.

70 Expatics is a service that assists American expatriates. Before submitting an article to this website, you must first negotiate payment conditions with the administrator. Expatica Communications B.V. supports the expatriate community in the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, France, and Germany, as well as Luxembourg.

71Articles submitted to Fund Your Life Overseas with the potential to generate a sufficient income for American ex-pats are eligible for a $75 return. Imagine being paid to tour the globe; this is the desire of the majority of individuals.

72 Articles published on the International Wine Accessories blog are compensated beginning at $50 and upwards. We are ready to pay anything between $20 and $50 for blog posts that successfully instruct our audience on how to preserve wine and enjoy it at its finest.

73 If you are interested in contributing to Saveur’s “great food and travel articles,” the journal will pay you $150 for each article and host it on its website. Saveur is an international resource for cooking, entertaining, and culinary tourism.

74 The gourmet blog on NPR known as “The Salt” rewards over $200 for each article. The Salt is a blog created by the NPR Science Desk that analyzes the food we eat and the factors that influence our eating choices.


75 ClearVoice is a platform that connects bloggers with niche-specific marketers and commissions blog content for its own site. The pay varies from $250 to $400 (based on what we’ve observed so far). When applying, you choose the prices you’re ready to take; the site then notifies you through email when suitable possibilities emerge. It is not a bidding platform; fees are fixed. However, jobs are provided to numerous authors, and the customer then decides with whom to collaborate. Once your profile is created, there is thankfully no complicated application procedure; you just indicate your interest, and they will let you know if you get the employment.

76 Contently pays around 35 cents per word for pieces submitted to their freelancer-focused online magazine. Follow the supplied link to get their throwing instructions.


77 The database of magazines that pay writers might earn you a minimum of fifty bucks via Freedom with Writing. You have the option of submitting both lengthier and shorter ebooks since payment is offered for both kinds of material.


78 Earn a living with your writing. This website pays between $75 and $100 for guest blogging, based on the complexity of the topic and the amount of research required. While perusing our qualifications, pay special attention to the list of themes for which we are actively seeking guest articles at this moment. Use one of these to significantly improve your chances of success!

80 WOW! Women on Writing gives its contributors pay ranging from $50 to $150 each week.

81 You may be eligible to get compensation for some of the pieces you post on The Write Life; however, the amount of money you will receive will need to be negotiated.

Advice for making more successful pitches

Before submitting your work to any of these websites, you should get familiar with their submission guidelines and prior published works. Ensure that you have something new to offer or a fresh viewpoint on a topic that has previously been covered.

Free platforms are often less competitive than their commercial counterparts. The more low-quality contributions a website receives, the more likely it is to cease the practice of accepting guest articles entirely, much alone pay for them. (Believe me, this does occur, and the reason we no longer accept bids for some previously specified areas is because of this.)

Do you need further information on the process for suggesting a guest post? Check out these two other posts while you’re here. Check out our suggestions for effective freelance invoicing to improve your chances of being paid for your work.

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Don Pablo

Follow me, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes — believe whatever you want to believe