Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved

Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light — Do not go gentle into that good night

Though wise men at their end know dark is right

Don Pablo
Published in
23 min readMay 16, 2022


If we succeed in eradicating our species from the face of the Earth tomorrow. As members of the human race, we should have a sense of pride and accomplishment for what we have managed to achieve as a species here on Earth in a relatively short period of time. We have accomplished the impossible on our little rock in the far reaches of space, and while I doubt that on a cosmic scale we have secured first place as the greatest civilizations in the universe, I have no doubt that we have made it onto a Greatest Civilizations Top Ten List somewhere, perhaps created by a future earthling, else maybe some alien species out there who discovers our planet and excavates the remains of our once-great civilisation.

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The human race’s triumph over insurmountable challenges to touching greatness will be forever known and remembered throughout the universe as nothing short of a miracle. Our infamy will be legendary, falling just short of interstellar, there will come a day somewhere out there in the universe, a parent will be telling our story to their young before bed, one of those epic historic stories your mother or father used to read to you when you were a child, the kind that sent shivers up your spine. Near the end of the book, their child will look up at them, with wide-open eyes and a concerned look on their face. The child will ask them in the faintest whisper, if they are 100% sure that the humans are not still alive, only to let out a giant sigh of relief as their parent finally competes for the story.

“Without the confidence factor, many believe a paper money system is liable to collapse eventually.” — Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Gold, p. 10
$: > follow? rp: bp
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An appeal to inspire individuals to oppose a common enemy, join an existing organization or group of people and align their goals, attend a particular event, or make a donation towards a cause

Inspired by the well-known rallying cry, a poem written by the renowned poet Dylan Thomas. “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light”. The goal of this article is to achieve something considerably more difficult than simply notifying the world of some groundbreaking new discovery.

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The goal article is to challenge your reality and the perspective that you have on the world around you. In order to provide you with a new perspective. Through the examination of a variety of connected themes and their ties to one another, we are able to highlight several concepts that are not yet well recognized or understood, but which provide a better vision of the uncertain future that lies ahead.

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right Because their words had forked no lightning they.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light” — by Dylan Thomas

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All around us, the new and innovative smart gadgets, renewable energy, and Web 3 commonly referred to as the “Internet of Value,” is the beginning of a new age in the digital technology ecosystem that is taking root all around us. This new ecosystem will give rise to the Third Industrial Revolution, the most momentous revolution in history, which is based on a new decentralized world built on top of this innovative ecosystem and crucial to the future of life on Earth. In order for us to make a massive technological step forwards and in doing so avoid a natural catastrophe of epic proportions it is critical for us to end our dependency on fossil fuels.

The great majority of individuals have grown oblivious to the threats presented by global warming, and they do not seem especially moved by the promises of a better future made by decentralization, Web3, and renewable energy. This is the case despite the availability of compelling data to support these beliefs and despite the best efforts of leaders in various industries to try to recultivate excitement and steer the globe toward a brighter future with renewable energy that is void of fossil fuel dependency. There appears to be a widespread occurrence of complacency, unlike anything we have ever seen before.

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Disinformation is a subcategory of propaganda and is defined as intentionally disseminated misleading information intended to fool individuals. It is commonly mistaken with unintentional misinformation, which is erroneous information.

While the majority of the human race is being lulled into an unwilling complacency by desensitizing blits of cataclysmic proportions. Overloading the Global Concionous the human race is rapidly progressing towards the demise of our own creation. We are in the middle of an extremely aggressive and volatile Global Revolution, the catalyst of the Revolution was the beginning of the sixth extinction event on Earth. The goal of the Revolution is simply to destroy our dependence on fossil fuels, which has been preventing us from making vital technological advancements to the detriment of the earth and all of its inhabitants.

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With over 13,000 nuclear weapons active World Wide, direct conflicts are being avoided and cold war technics are being utilised in order to achieve various objectives, with companies and countries alike fulling various channels with disinformation the modern-day blits was popularised by Donald Duck with the term “Fake News”.

Focusing on the people affected by this media blits, in an attempt to demystify readers and provide solace for those facing feeling fearful or uncertain about the future. Using the poetry of Dylan Thomas is a source of motivation and inspiration for many. The poem reminds us that nobody lives forever, and asks why so many of us are living an unfulfilled or meaningless life. Fully aware of our mortality why do so many of us spend the majority of each day in the same place and performing the same activity only to survive. Thomas’s poetry is not preoccupied with death, but rather with the mundane and the commonplace we all suffer from today.

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Similarly, when Steve Jobs the founder of Apple, discovered that he did not have long to live he was forced to reflect on his life and his own mortality, which prompted him to give a moving address at Stanford University, where he urged his audience not to waste their lives:

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

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In his third poem, Dylan Thomas imagines what someone with a longer lifespan may have done. Many elderly individuals today experience regret as they get older, this should not be the norm, we must oppose the “tomorrow” deadline prior to its arrival. Using this strategy of recognising our own mortality, challenging predictions of tomorrow and resisting the complacency of mundane existence, one can create a mixture of both optimism and scepticism that is powerful enough to motivate real change in our lives and in the world around us

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It is astounding how often we fail, but we do not give up, we continue exerting effort and eventually we manage to achieve our goals. In the poem, Thomas claims there are no more tomorrows to come, and this should cause us to feel regret. No matter how beautiful you are, you won’t be enjoying any beauty sleep knowing the World is coming to an end tomorrow. Our rage is then directed toward the diminishing light, which will deliver our fate! Reminding us that even the impossible becomes possible if we do not give up, stating that we should not go gently into the night, we should rage against the dying of the light.

The second poem by Thomas concerns the intelligent individuals who lament, that the biggest challenge we face if we are to succeed against the dying of the light, receiving knowledge can only carry you so far; we are the only ones that can liberate your mind. Despite being a writer and public speaker, I have a phobia of public speaking. My worry is that my words will have no effect, which terrifies me, but we must overcome this fear. Even if we do not get a standing ovation or millions of page views, in the face of impossible odds the knowledge we share is invaluable, and the truth is one of the rarest commodities; and although lost on most people today, it will be immensely valued tomorrow — Just as Real Recognize Real.

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Perfectness is the absence of flaws or the utmost quality. The term connotes numerous frequently interconnected concepts. These topics have been examined by math, science, physics, chemistry, aesthetics, ontology, and religion.

While we strive to eliminate imperfections, the long-term consequences of these weaknesses remain a mystery. Defects and flaws are the fuel that propels the advancement we want to achieve via their elimination. Despite our development, persons living in the most successful epicentres of progress have the greatest suicide rates in history; while we strive toward a better future, we might experience an increasing alienation from the manufactured and natural worlds.

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Having the wonderful fortune to meet a lot of very clever individuals, I have often found myself intrigued by intense debates that test even my most basic perceptions of reality. Unavoidably, exceptionally brilliant people exhibit traits that set them apart from the rest of the population. They are not usually the easiest individuals to get along with, one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met was my father. One of the things that set him apart from the others was his unique sense of humour, half French and half Italian he was an ANC activist during Aparteight, had a degree in Education, spoke 7 languages fluently, played first-team Rugby and had travelled around the world spending time in most of the cities in most of the countries I can name.

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My father had a profound impact on my life, he was exceptionally intelligent but equally eccentric, and the opposite of conventional. My father made every effort to share his understanding of the World with me, which resulted in numerous very heated arguments. With worldviews which resembled science fiction rather than the reality to which I was used, he struggled to relay much of what he was able to assimilate into my far smaller intellect.

A little more than 15 years passed before there were any indications that my father was not completely insane. As the Global pandemic took hold, it became painfully clear that his conclusion was not only reasonable but also frequently very accurate. Unfortunately, he suffered from a weak heart, and despite having laser heart by-pass surgery to strengthen it, he succumbed to the global epidemic and died long before the majority of his prediction materialised. I never got the opportunity to discuss any of this with him, which is regrettable and an all too common consequence of being overly intelligent in a less intelligent world.

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Nonetheless, what my father shared with me and the others in his life was priceless and the result of his unwillingness to give in to our unwillingness to listen. My father’s medium of choice was the arts, but regardless of your medium, we all poses the power to alter the world, To leave a lasting impression. Our anger must be directed at the fading light.

Someone or something is considered exceptional if it is much superior to the standard or if it needs more educational support owing to mental or physical difficulties.

Thomas praises “dazzling stoics” in the sixth verse and urges them to “illuminate the sky like a meteor” for those of us who are elderly, unwell, or otherwise inactive. Those who embrace their own mortality are likened to meteors for their intensity. Anyone of any age and facing any challenge may contribute to moulding the fate of the world. It is never too late to speak out or act; mediocrity should never be defended since stagnation is fatal.

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Exceptional circumstances demand extraordinary people, and we are all required to go deep within ourselves to bring to the forefront of our existence what resides at the core of ourselves. It is too late to be dumb; no one will care how someone stamped himself while attempting to rescue the world in retrospect. This does not indicate that our high objectives and effects will not materialize or that we are unable to anticipate the future. Because nothing in existence is flawless, we may aid others in exploiting possibilities and identifying weaknesses. Even something as difficult to avoid as the fading of the sun had a defect.

Leadership comprises the capacity of a person, group, or organization to “lead,” influence, or direct other people, teams, or whole organizations, both as a field of study and practical skill.

We have almost perfected the Industrial age, we established factories that produce everything we could possibly desire. Our Universities and Schools have nearly perfected the production of an ever-increasing, more ambitious, more skilled, more advanced workforce to lead the advancement of every area of life, except in one critical area, our future.

“No wind blows in favor of a ship without direction.” — Seneca the Younger

The World lacks leadership in all aspects of life, and as a whole. This is being exacerbated by the rate of advancement in all areas of society, resulting in the creation of the crisis we face today. We are excelling in every corner of society, except in the most critical area of leadership, which is responsible for determining our future. This has given rise to a rather perplexing phenomenon, we have hit a fork in the road to destiny, on the one side we have an amazingly bright future beyond anything we can possibly imagine and on the other side we have the complete annihilation of the human race.

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When I say “fork in the road,” what I really mean is a “T-junction,” so please don’t get confused. There is a wall at the end of the road and we have to turn either left or right in order to continue. The human race on the other hand has opted for a third option, giving it a little more gas and taking it up a gear we are attempting to plough right through the wall, in an endeavour to keep moving in the same direction we have grown a custom to moving.

Logically this is a terrible idea, and despite the fact, that there is not a human alive who is not aware of the foolishness of this plan, we lack the leadership required to adjust the course — Right now, this is what the revolution will change. To illustrate this point, let me give you a couple of examples; once you have a general idea, you should discover that this phenomenon is present all around us in every facet of our lives.

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In mathematics, a limit is a value that a function (or sequence) approaches when its input (or index) approaches some value. Limits are used to determine continuity, derivatives, and integrals in calculus and mathematical analysis.

The phenomenon of confronting a pervertible wall at the end of the road is postulated by Jeremy Rifkin in the documentary “The Third Industrial Revolution” in terms of the cap or hard limit of human capacities in the second industrial revolution. While on a fundament level the phenomena do present themselves in this documentary, the documentary is intentionally taking an Industrial and Economic viewpoint, since this is Jeremy’s area of expertise. This means that the phenomena demonstrated by Journeys in the documentary, it is exactly the same phenomena only from a different perspective, and the solutions posed by Jeremy are just as relevant from both perspectives.

Drawing from a variety of related sources of information I will attempt to illuminate you to the crisis we now face as the human race, once you fully grasp it you too will be able to see the evidence all around us. In this video, Jeremy explains why our knowledge of economics is flawed because it is heavily affected by Newton’s Laws of Inertia, Mass, Acceleration, and Motion, which were current at the time the first economics papers were written.

Global recession Natural resource depletion, declining productivity, sluggish growth, rising unemployment, and extreme inequality need rethinking economic theory. A documentary by Jeremy Rifkin discusses a new economic framework. Ultra-fast 5G connection, renewable energy, and autonomous mobility connected to the Internet of Things ignite a Third Industrial Revolution. The sharing economy is altering how we manage, control, and move economic life in the 21st century. Climate change requires speed. This requires political resolve and intellectual change.

If the human race were managed by Fararri or Subaru, we would have industry leaders or navigators who would assist with making informed decisions with teams of advisors, then foreseeing the “wall” in our future, steps would then have been taken in order to avoid our date with the end of the road avoiding the potential inhalation of the entire race and as well as the head-on coalition with an inanimate object on our way down that road.

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Firstly, the “wall” should not be confused with Donald Duck’s proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico. This is not a fictitious “wall” it is a meteoric “wall” think of the Paris Agreement of 2015, at COP 21 in Paris. After 80 years of deliberation, global leaders reached an agreement, but Donald Duck, the newly elected president of the US, refused to sign the deal, despite the advice of his country’s experts and the international scientific community.

The duck did not have the mental capacity to comprehend a children’s graphical pop-out version of the harmful effects of global warming never mind the largest study on climate change ever conducted. The Duck’s inability to comprehend the seriousness of the issue and the disproportionately detrimental impact the solution would have on one of the main contributors to the problem outweighed the extermination of all life on Earth according to the quack.

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016.

Four years later, the duck’s inclination to dismiss the scientific community advising him on related issues cost the US 82,4 million lives, and the quack was ultimately sacked.

Causality (also known as causation or cause and effect) is the influence by which one event, process, state, or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object (an effect) in which the cause is partially accountable for the effect and the effect is partially dependent on the cause.

Based on the belief that mankind is at the forefront of social development and is accomplishing accomplishments that were previously impossible. Which is a good example of the cause and effect dilemma we face.

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Consider, for instance, what would occur if the greatest used car dealer existed right now. As the expression goes, salespeople can sell ice to an Eskimo, but on a worldwide scale. This guy would likely operate a firm similar to Amazon. Similar to Elon Musk, the most competent industrial engineer would undoubtedly control a company like Unilever if they were living today. The most talented programmer would undoubtedly own Google or Facebook.

You get the picture, so far there this doesn't appear to be an issue until we consider the driving factors behind the following:

1 The Global Opioid Ciris “The Crime of the Century” — Big Pharma and the political operatives

2 The Global Financial Criss “The heist of the Century” — Greatest Digital Currency Heist in History

3 The Global Environmental CrisisEarth’s sixth mass extinction event underway, scientists warn

4 The Global Fossil Fuel Criss “Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

Although I have nothing against these individuals or businesses on an individual basis, taken together they are to fault for the upheaval that we are presently experiencing, and so there should be less of the best of everything in the world.

The Greatest Ever Everything

How often do you hear “the biggest anything in history”? The premise of this statement is that people in every aspect of society are improving throughout time. If we compare this scenario to the arms race, we can see that the weapons race came to a halt not when the nuclear bomb was constructed, but when it was used. The fact that we must compete with the greatest bankers, best lawyers, best real estate agents, and best doctors who are both good and bad is mostly to blame for the bulk of the mayhem we see in the world today.

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The Silo Effect

If you’ve ever worked in a setting comparable to a business, you’re probably aware of silo issues, which are issues that make staff management more difficult. This is the circumstance in which a group of employees band together to create a silo that does not collaborate with the rest of the workforce, so creating a dam of knowledge that only exists inside the silo. This is only one example of the leadership dilemma that has arisen as a direct consequence of advancements in a number of sectors, which are now more powerful than the institutions that were built to manage them as a direct result of these silos.

Lack of Respect

The combination of media blits, the world’s worst problem happening all at once, and a lack of regard by global leaders for the scientific community has left the majority of the globe perplexed. The third aspect that leads to instability is respect, and it is this combination that has perplexed the majority of the globe.

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The answer often refers to any answer to a query, counterstatement, or defence in a judicial proceeding.

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t trust anybody or anything; the world is a terrible place where I’m not sure what’s real and what’s not. I am not the ideal person to discuss complex global issues affecting the lives of everyone on the planet, and I do not trust anyone's government. The UN’s stance of favouring certain countries over others is problematic. Only those in sports seem to get it right; even hosting North Korea was no issue for these logistical, organizational, and planning masters.

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From mounting climate change, pandemic outbreaks, and growing inequality to enormous digital vulnerabilities and nuclear proliferation, the globe is confronted with linked and complicated global concerns. In response to these and other difficulties, the United Nations is attempting to revitalize multilateralism through the recently released report “Our Common Agenda” from the Secretary-General. The paper proposes a major paradigm change to accelerate international collaboration.

This may seem difficult, but we have long perfected it in the realm of sport; effective international corroboration currently governs sporting competitions throughout the world, and it is so commonplace that we no longer even consider it. As with everything else, though, it was necessary to lay the foundation and establish agreements.

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While globalisation or a single world government is worrying and puts the world in danger of being ruled by an awful tyrant, global collaboration offers numerous advantages and has fewer hazards. The goal of the collaboration is to address crucial challenges confronting the globe as a whole, concerns that we are unable to address in the present political context. No, the world would not last much longer if presidents continued to do whatever they could to benefit their own countries at the expense of the rest of the world because believe it or not, we all live on the same freaking rock in space, so Global or International includes your special country as well as the rest of the world’s country — I’m not sure if more clarification is required on this point.

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Until the world adopts a truly global currency based on anything other than the judgment of a few private bankers on how much money to produce today, such as a cryptocurrency. The loss of the global financial sector is one of the most serious threats that must be addressed first. If a decentralized economy can be established, the groundwork will be laid for a decentralized and regulated government, which will be remembered as the first truly independent and transparent governance in history — That is a solution that I believe the world would get behind.

A proposal is a written offer that is often necessary when a customer considers factors other than price while making a purchase. A proposal is made when one informs another person of what he wants to do or not do to get acceptance. A proposal describes how the seller’s goods and services may meet the demands of the customer.

The ideas described in the paper dated 10 September 2021 were not formed in a vacuum. UN Member States thought leaders, students, members of the general public, and UN system employees participated. The Igarapé Institute and thirty civil society partners from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia administered a portion of the consultation process. More than 1,750 individuals from 147 countries participated in an online platform that solicited public feedback.

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One of the objectives of our Common Agenda is to reposition the United Nations in order to encourage collective action on global goods concerns where it would be most useful. In “In Larger Freedom,” former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan foresaw the United Nations concurrently leading on several fronts. António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, has articulated a vision that is both aspirational and realistic on the areas in which the United Nations can and should intervene: socioeconomic difficulties, essential global commons, and peace and security.

According to the Secretary-General, the United Nations is responsible for coordinating global economic governance. To achieve this purpose, he suggests a biennial global economic discussion and a World Social Summit in 2025. In addition to the recommendations of the Stiglitz Commission (2011), former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-for Ghali’s Development (1994), and Guterres’ own ideas, he advocated for an Economic Security Council as President of the Socialist International to ensure better coordination between international financial institutions and United Nations agencies (1999–2005).

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We anticipate the United Nations to be a significant platform for tackling complex problems concerning the global commons.” This corresponds with the 75-year-old purpose of the organization. According to the United Nations Charter, “saving future generations from the scourge of war” necessitates a worldwide effort to preserve and care for the commons (the oceans and atmosphere; Antarctica; outer space; and the internet) and the provision of public goods (e.g., global health, information, science, and peace).

Guterres believes that if young people and society as a whole are reinforced in terms of their sense of solidarity, trust, and compassion, only then can meaningfully progress be realized. In addition, he proposes the creation of a “Special Envoy for Future Generations,” a United Nations General Assembly Declaration on Future Generations, and a high-level advisory council to examine whether global public goods need stronger global governance structures.

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UN Member States need a long-term intergovernmental structure to implement the recommendations of the study, including repurposing the Trusteeship Council to administer global commons. The proposal suggests convening a Future Summit to safeguard key global commons. In the past, the 2005 World Summit and similar gatherings of global and local leaders have served as catalysts for positive change.

In addition, to protect the global commonwealth against mega threats, new methods are necessary. Decarbonization and nonproliferation measures must be adopted to maintain the well-being of future generations. It establishes a framework for the Secretary-General to establish a multi-stakeholder platform to promptly gather relevant groups, such as civil society and the business sector, in the event of a global catastrophe.

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In addition, he plans to develop a New Agenda for Peace that will help in reducing strategic instability, increase predictive and preventive capacity, and tackle a wider range of security vulnerabilities. Concerning the preservation of peace and security, the study provides suggestions that are appropriate and applicable to the United Nations. Member States of the United Nations are ultimately responsible for making progress on more difficult matters, such as the reform of the Security Council and the expansion of the Peacebuilding Commission.

Many of these efforts will be deemed futile if climate action is not significantly increased. The Secretary-General has been a vocal proponent of mitigation and adaptation activities, and the report might have taken a stronger position in this regard. A goal of zero net emissions by 2050 has been suggested, but further study is required. These programs are essentially the responsibility of state governments (including the private sector), not the United Nations (or civil society).

It finishes with a vision of an inclusive global system that also considers the needs of future generations. It kicks off a process to revive multilateralism by making the United Nations the hub for global economic governance and global commons challenges.

We will only be able to expedite effective and real global collaboration if we change our mindset. All states must agree for this to be possible.

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The authors of this essay are Giovanna Kuele and Ilona Szabo. In addition to her work at the Igarapé Institute, Giovanna Kuele is a political scientist in Brazil. The Igarapé Institute’s president is Ilona Szabo de Carvalho.

To access the report of Igarapé’s consultations, go to: http://igarape.org.br/our-common-agenda

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Don Pablo

Follow me, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes — believe whatever you want to believe