Beyond the Code: A Tech Lead’s First Year

Navigating the Transition and Building High-Performing Teams

Ankit Wadhwana
11 min readAug 12, 2024


Introduction: A New Chapter Begins

Imagine this: One day, you’re deep in the trenches, your fingers dancing across the keyboard, every keystroke bringing your ideas to life. The next day, you’re handed the captain’s hat, expected to steer the ship, chart the course, and keep the crew motivated — all while still keeping your coding skills sharp. It’s like going from being the star player to the coach overnight. This is my story — my first year as a tech lead, where I learned that leading a team isn’t just about writing the perfect line of code but crafting the blueprint for success.

From Code to Compass: The Leadership Shift

Stepping into a tech lead role meant a dramatic shift from individual contributor to team captain. Navigating the intricacies of people management, while still maintaining technical depth, was a steep learning curve.

  • Building Trust: The Foundation of Leadership
    Trust isn’t built in a day — it’s more like constructing a bridge, one careful plank at a time. My first step? Leaving the door wide open — literally and figuratively. I made it a point to be available, listen, and lead by example. There were days when I had to admit I didn’t have all the answers, but by showing vulnerability, I created a space where my team felt comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. It wasn’t just about being a boss; it was about being a guide, a mentor, and sometimes, a sounding board.
  • Delegation: The Art of Letting Go
    In the early days, I was like a kid with a new toy — I wanted to do it all. But soon, I realized that trying to juggle every task was like holding sand in my hand; the more I grabbed, the more it slipped away. The solution? Smart & Effective delegation. I learned to trust my team, set clear expectations, and let them take the reins. It wasn’t just about handing off tasks; it was about empowering them to take ownership. And you know what? They soared.
  • Conflict Resolution: The Peacekeeper’s Role
    Conflicts are inevitable, like thunderstorms on a summer day. But instead of letting them brew, I faced them head-on. I learned that the key to resolving conflicts was to address them promptly and fairly. Sometimes, it was a simple conversation that cleared the air; other times, it meant playing the mediator. I approached the situation intending to find common ground. After all, a storm doesn’t last forever, and the sun always shines brighter afterward.
  • Celebrating Wins: Fueling the Team’s Fire
    There’s something magical about recognition — it’s like the wind beneath your wings. Whether it was a shout-out in a team meeting or a public acknowledgment in our group channel, I made it a point to celebrate every win, big or small. Highlighting individual contributions in stakeholder meetings wasn’t just about praise; it was about building confidence and showing that every effort counted.
  • Shielding the Team: The Unsung Hero’s Duty
    One of the most valuable lessons I learned from my previous lead was the importance of shielding the team. It’s like being an umbrella in a storm — you take the hit so they can stay dry. By acting as a buffer between the team and external pressures, I ensured that they could focus on what they did best: delivering high-quality work. I translated stakeholder requirements into clear, actionable tasks and provided the context needed so that they didn’t feel overwhelmed. It was about protecting them, so they could thrive.

Enhancing Soft Skills: The Hidden Toolbox

Transitioning from a primarily technical role to one involving significant people interaction demanded a substantial overhaul of my skill set.

  • Time Management: Mastering the Clock
    Balancing coding, team management, and strategic planning felt like trying to juggle while riding a unicycle. To avoid burnout, I adopted time-blocking techniques and prioritized tasks like a pro. But the real game-changer? Encouraging the team to be mindful of meeting overload. We created a “meeting culture” where efficiency was king, and team members could decline invites if their presence wasn’t essential. It wasn’t just about managing time; it was about reclaiming it.
  • Proactive Approach: Steering the Ship Before the Storm
    At first, I was more of a firefighter, reacting to problems as they flared up. However, I quickly realized that anticipating challenges was the key to smooth sailing. By diving deep into the project domain, I could foresee potential roadblocks and plan accordingly. It wasn’t about avoiding the storm; it was about being ready for it. This proactive mindset kept the team focused and on course, delivering value consistently.
  • Collaboration: Building a Team, Not Just a Group
    A successful team isn’t just a collection of individuals; it’s a well-oiled machine where every part works in harmony. I fostered a collaborative environment by encouraging open communication and promoting knowledge sharing through pair programming and code reviews. Cross-functional collaboration wasn’t just encouraged; it was celebrated. By building trust among team members, we created a synergy that made the sum greater than its parts.
  • Stakeholder Communication: Bridging the Gap
    Translating technical jargon into plain English was a skill I honed through practice. It was like learning a new language, one that non-technical stakeholders could understand. I tailored my communication style to my audience, using visuals, analogies, and simple language to convey complex concepts. And just as important as talking was listening — listening — to ensure that we were all on the same page.
  • Requirement Gathering: Crafting a Shared Vision
    Communication is the glue that holds a project together, and getting it right from the start is crucial. We streamlined our stakeholder engagement process by keeping meetings lean and leveraging asynchronous communication. This wasn’t just about productivity; it was about respecting everyone’s time and ensuring that our global team could collaborate seamlessly. By involving the team in crafting user stories and wireframes, we created a shared vision that evolved with the project.

Technical Leadership: Balancing the Scales

While technical expertise might not be the sole focus of a tech lead, it’s undoubtedly a cornerstone.

  • Code Review Skills: Bite-Sized Brilliance
    Imagine opening a pull request and seeing changes in 172 files — it’s enough to make your screen sweat. I learned quickly that breaking down large features into smaller, manageable chunks was the way to go. It’s like eating an elephant — one bite at a time. Smaller code chunks meant faster reviews and fewer bottlenecks, keeping the momentum going.
  • Architecture Design: The Living Blueprint
    Architecture isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s a living, breathing entity that evolves with the project. Perfection is a myth — what matters is finding solutions that work in the moment. I’ve made architectural decisions that I’m proud of and others that I’ve learned from. The key is to strike a balance between the long-term vision and the short-term needs, adapting as we go.
  • Pipeline Development: The Road to Efficiency
    I was fortunate to collaborate with an exceptional DevOps team that helped optimize our CI-CD pipelines. Together, we tackled tasks like Docker image optimization and cache utilization, cutting down build times and improving overall performance. Adopting infrastructure as code(IaC), primarily using Terraform, further streamlined our processes. This collaborative effort didn’t just speed up our time-to-market; it allowed the development team to focus on what mattered: delivering value.

Empowering the Team: Nurturing Growth

A key role of a tech lead is to nurture and grow the team. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and challenged.

  • Fostering Growth and Ownership: The Seeds of Success
    Empowerment isn’t just a buzzword — it’s the key to unlocking potential. By delegating strategically and focusing on continuous learning, I created an environment where everyone felt challenged and supported. Whether it was tackling new features or honing existing skills, the team took ownership of their work and delivered exceptional results. It wasn’t just about doing the job; it was about growing in it.
  • Leveraging Diverse Strengths: The Perfect Blend
    My team is a melting pot of talents — some are UI virtuosos, others are backend wizards, and a few are all-rounders. By identifying and harnessing these unique strengths, we became a powerhouse capable of tackling complex challenges from every angle. It’s like conducting an orchestra — each instrument has its role, and together, they create something extraordinary.
  • Building a High-Performance Culture: The Engine of Success
    Creating a team that can handle any challenge requires more than just technical skills; it demands a culture of growth, ownership, and mutual respect. I invested in their development by providing access to training, mentorship, and opportunities for skill-building. Regular one-on-one meetings weren’t just about checking in; they were about crafting personalized growth plans that aligned with each team member’s career goals. This wasn’t just a job; it was a journey.
  • Facilitating Knowledge Sharing: The Gift of Collaboration
    Knowledge sharing is the lifeblood of any successful team. We made it a priority through tech talks, brown bag sessions, and pair programming. By creating a platform for open discussion and collaboration, we broke down silos and improved our collective problem-solving abilities. It wasn’t just about sharing knowledge; it was about creating a culture where learning was continuous and collaborative.

Collaborative Decision-Making: From Solo to Symphony

Shifting from a solo contributor mindset to considering the broader picture was undoubtedly the trickiest part of my transition. It felt like trying to juggle chainsaws while blindfolded. I’ve made my fair share of blunders, but hey, that’s how we learn, right?

  • Inclusive Decision-Making: The Power of the Collective
    Shifting from solo decision-making to team collaboration felt like moving from a one-man show to playing in an orchestra. At first, I hit a few sour notes — groupthink can throw off your groove — but I quickly learned that the richest harmonies come from working together. It’s like steering a ship; one person can’t see all the obstacles ahead. For every new service, we gather the team for a dev huddle, where we unpack past challenges and fine-tune our approach for the journey ahead.
  • Building Consensus: The Art of Agreement
    Reaching consensus in a team can feel like trying to herd cats — everyone has their take, and often, they’re all worth considering. I discovered that the real key to building consensus isn’t about pushing the loudest opinion, but about opening up dialogue, truly listening to each perspective, and finding that sweet spot of common ground. It’s not about winning the debate; it’s about crafting a solution that works for everyone, even if it’s not perfect. Sometimes, the best compromise is the one where no one gets everything they want, but everyone walks away feeling like they can move forward.
  • Delegating Decision-Making: Empowering the Experts
    Not every decision needs a full team huddle. I learned that I could foster a sense of autonomy and accountability by trusting team members to make calls in their areas of expertise. It’s about giving people the freedom to own their decisions while ensuring they have clear guidelines and support to keep everything aligned with our bigger goals. Empowering others not only speeds up the process but also helps the team grow stronger and more confident in their roles.

Positive Work Environment: Building a Team that Thrives

One of the best parts of my role is leading a team that feels more like a group of friends than just colleagues. We’re on a first-name basis, share plenty of laughs, and often find ourselves chatting about life beyond work. This laid-back atmosphere has built a strong sense of camaraderie and trust, which has been key to creating a positive work environment.

  • Open Communication: Building Trust Through Transparency Establishing open and honest communication channels is fundamental to a healthy work environment. I encouraged regular team outings, one-on-one conversations, and informal interactions to foster a sense of transparency and trust.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Celebrating Success
    Motivation soars when achievements are celebrated. I set up a system for frequent feedback — both formal and informal — to shine a spotlight on team members’ contributions and offer constructive guidance. Celebrating our wins together not only boosted morale but also strengthened our team spirit.
  • Promoting Work-Life Balance: Finding the Sweet Spot
    Navigating work-life balance in a hybrid environment can be a real juggling act. I used to be the poster child for overwork, but I quickly learned that burning the candle at both ends only leads to burnout. These days, I champion the importance of taking breaks, setting clear boundaries, and prioritizing personal well-being. It’s all about finding a balance that works for everyone. To support this, I’ve even introduced a policy allowing my team to work from home twice a week, giving them the flexibility to manage their work and personal lives more effectively.

Challenges and Growth: A Continuous Journey

Transitioning to a tech lead has been like riding a rollercoaster — full of ups, downs, and unexpected twists. I’ve stumbled more times than I can count, but each challenge has been a learning opportunity. The journey is far from over, and I’m continually reflecting on how to sharpen my leadership skills and grow from my experiences.

  • Balancing Act: Mastering the Juggle Between Tech and Team
    Balancing technical responsibilities with people management feels like walking a tightrope. Striking the right balance between coding, mentoring, and strategic planning has been a constant juggling act. I’ve learned to prioritize effectively and delegate tasks to keep things running smoothly and avoid burnout.
  • Performance Management: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
    Handling performance issues can be one of the toughest parts of leadership. It demands empathy, clear communication, and a focus on improvement. I’ve discovered that open, honest conversations paired with solid support and guidance can turn even the most challenging situations around.
  • Continuous Learning: Show but steady
    The tech world is like a high-speed train that never stops. Staying on top of the latest developments is exhausting but crucial. I’m always on the hunt for new knowledge, knowing there’s always more to learn. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and keeping up requires dedication and a thirst for continuous growth.

Lessons Learned and Future Outlook

Reflecting on my first year as a tech lead, I’ve gained invaluable insights. While there’s still room for improvement, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.

  • The Importance of Empathy: Understanding the perspectives of my team members has been crucial. By putting myself in their shoes, I’ve been able to build stronger relationships and foster a supportive environment.
  • Delegation as a Superpower: I’ve learned to trust my team’s abilities and delegate tasks effectively. This has not only freed up my time but also empowered my team members to grow.
  • Continuous Learning is Key: The tech industry is in a constant state of flux. Staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential for maintaining relevance and inspiring the team.
  • Building a Strong Team Culture: Fostering a positive and collaborative team culture has been a priority. By emphasizing open communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision, I’ve created a foundation for long-term success.

As I look back on my first year as a tech lead, I’m filled with gratitude for the lessons I learned and the growth experienced. It wasn’t just about managing a team; it was about building a community, fostering a culture of collaboration, and creating a space where everyone could thrive. The road ahead is full of challenges, but with the lessons I’ve learned and the incredible team by my side, I’m confident we’ll continue to achieve great things together. Here’s to the journey ahead — may it be as rewarding as the one behind.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on my journey to tech leadership. Share your experiences, challenges, or questions in the comments below. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other.

