Unveiling the Power of Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Hrushikesh Pardeshi
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2024


In a digital era where milliseconds dictate success, Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) emerges as the ultimate ally for businesses. It’s not just a tool; it’s a superpower, offering real-time insights that decode user behavior and elevate web performance to an art form.

What is Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM)?

Provide a concise definition of RUM and its significance in web performance monitoring.

  • Resolve frontend performance issues that are impacting users
  • Analyze product usage
  • User Session Tracking

Dive into Datadog RUM and APM Integration with React

You can find this code on — https://github.com/hrushya07/datadog-rum

1. A Start with Vite Magic

npm create vite@latest

2. Enchanting Your React App with @datadog/browser-rum

npm i @datadog/browser-rum

3. Creating Datadog RUM Configurations for Exceptional Performance

Set Up Your Datadog RUM Application

Before you proceed with integrating Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) into your application, you’ll need to create a dedicated RUM application in Datadog. Follow these simple steps:

Navigate to the Datadog RUM Application Creation Page.

Once there, you’ll be prompted to fill in essential details about your application. This includes information like the application name, URL, and any additional attributes that will help Datadog tailor its monitoring to your specific use case.

Setting up your application

After providing the necessary details, proceed to create your RUM application.

Obtain Your Integration Code

Upgrade Your App’s Spell-book: Place this Code in the Entry Point

After making your Datadog RUM application, quickly copy the integration code — think of it as your digital helper. Now, sneakily insert it into your application’s source, like a coding ninja. Ready? 🥷 Hooray, it’s done! Your application is now equipped with Datadog RUM, all set to discover what users are up to. 🏄‍♂️✨

Advantage -

Insight into User Experience:

Unified monitoring solutions go beyond technical metrics; they provide valuable insights into user experiences. By tracking user journeys, identifying bottlenecks, and understanding how users interact with your applications, you gain actionable data to enhance user satisfaction. This knowledge empowers your team to proactively address issues, optimize workflows, and ultimately improve the overall user experience.

Journey into UX Monitoring:

Traverse the pages until you find the UX Monitoring section. This is the gateway to understanding and optimizing the experience your users have on your digital domains.

Use Cases

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Assessment:

Evaluate the effectiveness of your CDN by tracking user interactions across different geographical locations. Optimize content delivery strategies to reduce latency and improve the global user experience.

Form and Workflow Optimization:

Analyze user interactions with forms and workflows. Identify form fields causing friction, track the completion rates of multi-step processes, and optimize user interfaces to enhance overall usability.

Marketing Campaign Effectiveness:

Assess the impact of marketing campaigns on user engagement and conversion rates. Track user interactions originating from specific campaigns to measure the success and ROI of marketing efforts.

Alternatives to Datadog RUM

  1. https://sematext.com/
  2. https://www.dynatrace.com/platform/real-user-monitoring/


In simple terms, Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you a clear view of how real people experience your website or app. It cleverly connects real user interactions with various technical data, like tests, backend metrics, traces, logs, and network performance. This means you can easily find and fix problems that make users unhappy, getting a full picture of what’s happening in your system. In essence, Datadog RUM is your go-to solution for creating a smooth and trouble-free user experience

Enchant and soar! 🚀

