Best resources to learn Go-lang programming language!!

Maheshwar Ligade
Published in
4 min readFeb 3, 2020

Golang aka go programming language is the fastest-growing programming most loved programming language.

If you think you are not used " go " directly or indirectly then I think you are wrong. Have you heard about Docker containerization technology then you are indirectly using Go language in your day to day basis.

Docker is written in the Google Go programming language.

What is GoLang?

Go-Lang is an open-source language officially released by the Google production team in 2009. It was developed by Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson and Rob Pike. It is a multi-purpose programming language specially designed to build faster and scalable applications. It provides features like fast compilation, garbage collection, dynamic types, concurrency, standard libraries, and packages.

Let us take a tour to understand what are the best resources available to get started this programming language.

1. Go Tour:-

This is my favorite site to get started and make our hands dirty. This is the official Go Tour website: The best things about this site are that the tour is available offline just by running go tool tour in your command line if you have already installed Go-lang locally. This is providing an interactive tutorial where you can run your code snippet and it gives you an overview of Go-Lang. The tour is classified into different sets of modules.

2. Go By Example:-

Another effective to start go-lang learning is going by example. Go by Example is an interactive online course tutorial for learning Go. Once you know the basic then go ahead and hit the Go by example ( Start hacking by taking examples and get moderate knowledge about go-lang.

3. Effective Go:-

This is another official resource to learn go-lang. This is also available for free. This is a very interesting website to explore more about the go-lang. I found it very useful especially because is not just a syntax reference document but a more complete description of all the Go features and constructs and how to use them effectively. This is where you will get some level of expertise.


Golang Bootcamp is a mini book to start learning go-lang. How to get started on Go? Hit this URL to explore this book. This book will open a window for you to start learning effectively go-lang. The best thing about this mini-book is, it has a list of basic constructs and concepts and all those attached with go-lang playground.

5. Go-Playground:-

Now you know basic of go-lang language and you know how to construct the things. you no need to install go-lang locally on your system to start. We have online go-lang playground to test your knowledge and constructs.

6. Go-Lang FAQ:-

Go-lang FAQ is really golden gate for you to understand the core concept and clarify your Bigbang doubts. This is also an official website

7. Go-lang Bot:-

Golangbot is a fun and easy way to follow and learn Golang consistently and regularly. This can help you in improving your coding, solving practical issues, basics of Golang to advanced tutorials. This is inclusive of all learning materials of Golang. here you will get a different experience of learning.

Hit this URL to go and start with hello world to a complex program and Quizs too.

8. Tutorials Point:-

The tutorials point is also one of the best resources to get familiar with go-lang. if you are an avid reader and learner you should know tutorials point.

9. Go-Lang Tutorials:-

GoLang tutorials is the best free online classes to learn go-lang. These classes best suited for professionals as well as beginners. It has a cover of the basic concept, control flow, looping, interfaces, memory management, etc. Tutorials are classifieds into sections and all sections having examples.

10. Reference Books:-

  1. Introducing Go by O'Reilly.
  2. Go in Action.
  3. Learning Functional Programming in Go.


These are my findings. Please let us know your resources to learn go-lang. How you started and what are the other resources do you think are better to start learning go-lang.

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Maheshwar Ligade

Learner, Full Stack Developer, blogger, amateur #ML,#DL,#AI dev in the quantum moment. I run to post all my articles.