Comments that really matter in config files!

Maheshwar Ligade
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2020


Why we should keep comments in our code and configuration simple and minimal.

As a developer, I have been practicing to write down the comments in code wherever it is applicable but this article I am writing here because one of my senior teammates appreciated me because of the comments which I have written in configuration files. That single line of comment helps me to take good sleep and help my teammate to have things ready within minutes.

We are working in teams and if the team is distributed across different timezone then it's a bit hard to have daily communication and as a development paradigm shifts and we started developing more distributed, serverless microservices. For one single person to memorize each and everything about the application it's a critical one, even though we can create beautiful documentation that will not help when we need to trace out in the code. Distributed team working on different modules and daily that code get merge to one single trunk.

Writing comments may take time but it is saving yours and others time.

Why Comments?

Why comments are necessary even we follow the common naming culture and even we use standard design pattern while doing development and all of us aware of programming language syntax and semantics, still we…



Maheshwar Ligade

Learner, Full Stack Developer, blogger, amateur #ML,#DL,#AI dev in the quantum moment. I run to post all my articles.