Spring Boot Liquibase to manage database versioning.

Maheshwar Ligade
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2020


As per the 12-factor app, the methodology to develop the modern, scalable, maintainable software-as-a-service apps, the recommendation is that we should manage the database versioning.

credit liquibase.org


In this article, we will demonstrate to you how we can use liquibase with spring boot to manage the database schema versioning.

Liquibase Community is an open source project that helps millions of developers rapidly track, version, and deploy database schema changes.

Manging database versioning is a really crucial part and the team has to manage those. In the Java community, there are two tools available flyway and liquibase. Database schema migration performed on a database whenever it is required like want to revert the change rollback to some nth version. Liquibase supports most of the major databases and different types of format for schema change files like XML, SQL, YAML, JSON. It is database vendor-independent means it does not depend on any DB specific syntax. It can generate database change documentation.

Spring Boot with Liquibase:-

We can use liquibase with spring boot, you just need to add the dependency into the pom.xml file.




Maheshwar Ligade

Learner, Full Stack Developer, blogger, amateur #ML,#DL,#AI dev in the quantum moment. I run https://techwasti.com/ to post all my articles.